
Chasing Infinity


"Cupid's Guide"

Most people think cupid's sit around, wait for two people to meet, shoot that arrow to their , and they fall in love. If only it was that easy my life would be much much easier. I could only wish.

The real story to this myth is that cupid's do exist though our way of life is completely different from what people usually think. We come in different ages, mostly from ages 16-20. The ages most people find the love of their lives, the ages where we all are most childish, the ages where we do things before we even think, the ages where I made the best and worst decision in my life, but thats another story to tell.

Being this creature, I didn't chose to be like this, he did it, the master in this whole sanctuary. One true fact about the cupid's myth is that we do in fact bring two people together and make them fall in love. If only that whole 'arrow shooting' part were true, it'd make all of our lives easier. 

The first time I was brought up into this world, I only remember waking up and was directed to the master. He told me all this , I didn't want to believe but of course in the end I was forced to believe it and accept it. All cupid's have a back story to all of us, all of us had someone we loved to death that we left behind our world before we became like this.  

There is a way out though, all cupids are assigned to two people and our job is to bring them together and make them fall in love until death till they part. So basically, they have to be together until they die and if they don't we cupids have to search the galaxies to find them again. Mind you there are an infinite amount of galaxies, an infinite amount of universes, an infinite amount of planets, an infinite amount of possibilities. Sometimes one would be in a different galaxy than the other and we'd have to wait a century till they die and is born again in a different world, hopefully with the other person we are assigned to. We are forced to stick with the couple we are assigned to, even if it takes forever. You can get a guy and a girl, or a guy and a guy, or a girl and a girl. The easiest couple to get is a guy and a girl, why? Because you don't have to go through denial in a guy or a girl that they "cant" be attracted to the same gender or the frustration they go through and are forced to love the opposite gender to get the fact that they are, indeed straight. If you do complete your task, you are free.


I told you that we all had a love we left behind before we became like this right? All of us cupids have been like this for thousands of years only because the limited amount of chances our couplets are born in the same world. We wait and search, and we all fail many times. So therefore, our loves that we'd left had already died, but is in fact somewhere in the infinite amount of galaxies, universes, and planets. And it's our choice if we want to find them and make them fall in love with us again. Oh, and even if we did find our love, they are immune to falling in love with us if we still havent completed our task. Such a ing unfair world.

We do have supernatural powers, but they are barely helpful to help make our couplet fall in love. We can be invisible and take shape in our human form but thats only it, the rest we use our minds.

There is an upside to this, well for me at least.

You start to fall in love with your couplet, watching the way they first meet, their first hug, their first kiss, their first....everything. You also cry when you fail, when one falls in love with the wrong person, when one hugs the wrong person, when one kisses the wrong person, when one marries the wrong person. Sooner or later you're not only doing this to become free, you start doing this because you are so in love with your couplet, like how I fell in love with mines, and you want nothing more than to make them fall in love with each other. 

It hurts, it hurts so bad, I've failed bringing them together, or I was already late because one has already fell in love with someone else, and you wait until they are born again. Sometimes I was really close, sometimes I wasn't close at all.

The first time you enter the cupid's world, you are immediately directed to the place where you are forever assigned to a couplet.

I remember the first time I got mines. There was a big clear ball in the middle of the room, the lady directed me to it and told me to spin it. There were trillions of envelopes in it and we were suppose to take two.

"Congratulations, you are assigned to Kim Jonghyun and Kim Kibum, good luck."



This is a story about how Kim Jonghyun and Kim Kibum meet many times in different lifetimes.


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haruyang #1
Chapter 1: omg this looks interesting! Looking forward to it! ^^
Chapter 1: this seems very interesting to me. please update soon.^^