First and Last

[ONESHOT] My Jiyong



                                                            My Jiyong


I should’ve known his intentions. No wonder he’s so good, so generous, so sweet and so damned handsome. Ha! I should’ve listened to Emily when she said.

“He’s not the one for you Dara! He’s way too good to be true.”

“And how do you know that?” I retorted.” Are you a god or something? Because frankly, I like him and nobody can stop me from seeing him. Not even you!” I spat at her. Stupid me! And now my best ever fried won’t talk to me nor look at me. Damnation!

            Amazing how three months can change your entire life. Ha! I can still remember that day.

            “Hey, I’m Jiyong. I just transferred here. My house is that blue fenced one over there. I really like this new neighborhood and I wanted to make new friends. What’s your name?”

I was walking our dog Brandon when he approached me. And as usual, I was mesmerized by handsome looking guys and he’s one! So I replied.

            “Hi! My name is Sandara but you can call me Dara. Nice to meet you Jiyong!

Welcome to the neighborhood!” I smiled and shook his soft, silky hands.

            I toured him all over the subdivision and shared some funny stories about the people living in the house. You can say we sort of connected and after that “amazing” afternoon, we strolled around the neighborhood every afternoon.

 However, I noticed some weird things about him. Like how he would hold my hand and sniff it.  It’s not weird when a guy would do that but the thing is, after he sniffs, he always and I mean always close his eyes like he just smelled the most delicious thing or food. When I ask him that, he would just say.

            “I like the smell of you perfume.”

Funny, I’m not that fan of perfumes and I definitely do not put it in my hands or wrist but in my neck. I just ignored those actions and thought he’s just sweet to me and even got this notion that he likes me.

            Another thing, he has never invited me to his place. Not even once. He just keeps on saying that they’re not finished with unpacking yet and blah blah blah. For three months? Now that’s weird!

            We became official boyfriend and girlfriend just last week and I felt like I was in heaven when he asked me to be his girl! We went to town that week and saw the sights our little town could offer. It was the happiest day of my entire life and because he was so handsome that night, with his black short hair swept back and he wore this grey t-shirt that complimented his brown hazel eyes and jeans. He was perfect. What did I wear? He bought me this white and red stripped dress and a baseball cap of his favorite team, I love it and we looked perfect!

            Yesterday, he went to my house and told me he is going to introduce me to his parents. I was thrilled and excited. Finally, I am going to meet his parents and see his place. And so I changed quickly with the best pair of jeans I have and white v-neck shirt. I did not bother to wear sandals but wore my black Chuck’s. Luckily, my parents are not in the house so no problem! Yes!

            I was so nervous as we walked towards his home. It’s not everyday that you’ll be able to meet your boyfriend’s parents and I was nervous as hell! But being sweet as he is, he assured me that it’s going to be alright. I smiled and convinced my self, what could go wrong?

            Boy I was wrong. It happened so quickly, Jiyong picked me up and brought me to this dark room. I thought ”Is he planning to make out with me? And the meet-with-my-parents is just an alibi?” I giggled.

But when I saw the lighted room, I froze. There are no windows in that room, just a small door and a single black couch which he placed me. The brown walls are bear except for a red dress. In each corner and the sides, there are boxes which are marked with girls names. This isn’t weird anymore, it’s scary.

I looked to him.” What are we doing here?” I asked nervously.

“You are going to be the highlight of my party. Just sit here and wait till I come back.” He started to turn towards the door but looked back to me. “Ah, before I forget, can you wear that red dress over there? Please?” he smiled to sweetly and that’s when I saw it. His once perfect, straight, even teeth were now replaced with fangs.


That was yesterday, I’ve been locked in this room with no lights and  waited nervously. The red dress hanged, ignored in the corner.


            What’s happening here? Ah, I’m going to be the cake. What a stupid way to die, me a cake for a vampire party. Hahahahahaha……

            The door opened and there stood my handsome Jiyong, still looking so damned handsome with his more damned handsome friends…


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Malditahselosa #1
Chapter 1: Woow plx make a squel plx wat will hapend to her.
Chapter 1: gooooooooooooood story!
joie23ss10 #3
Chapter 1: waahh..update plsss..
Chapter 1: And and and what happened???? Update pleaseeeee!!!!! I want more -.- hopefully he won't kill her .