Hello pre-teen~


We all know The variety show "Hello Baby" right?

And we've all seen different versions of it here. But  what would your reaction be when I create this what I call, 'Hello Pre-teen'?

5 boys, one pre-teen. What chaos did the producers think of when creating this? Pure craziness.

What would a ten-year-old girl do with 5 male idols in front of A camera?

What would the boys' reaction be?

Find out.


Well hello mah lovely readers!~

This is Kirsten in the house! Bringing you another slow update fanfic!

Weird plot right? Well this was a dream of mine.

Find it interesting? Subscribe to find out more!

Please do not plagiarize. This was purely and originally a product of what I think of and my dreams.

Tata!~ I must think of a Band that's perfect for this fanfic~

Please do comment and Sub if you want!~^^







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Chapter 2: I'm mad because I don't know who it is!!! GRRR!
Chapter 2: I'm mad because I don't know who it is!!! GRRR!
this seems interesting~ looking forward to it! :D