[UPDATE] Return of the Lazy @#c!g&rt;*

❝tone deaf❞ ▬ productions (closed*)

Yes, that's me... the lazy bastard designer.
aldkjerwervoirt guess it's bout time I came back eh?


As for the other requests that had been pending for quite a while now,
I... chose to discontinue working on them; Because I have a life /slapped for all eternity/
and i've been busy with being lazy and with preparations for college life.


Now if you would excuse me, Imma go lay on ma bed and think of what i'm gonna do for the next few hours.


paipai~ o w o/



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Chapter 2: This poster is so pretty *_*
i stalked u and holy your graphics <3333333333333
Chapter 5: this is really cute i love it k ; ;
Chapter 5: Picked up!
Sorry about that!
I shouldve found pics myself....

Well.... I think it turned out great!
Chapter 4: ohmygod this is perfect, really <3 thank you so much! nah, it's okay because the wait was totally worth it c:
Chapter 4: another beautiful masterpeice ; u ; ♡
jamestkirk #7
imma going to request just to let you know XD
Chapter 3: Nope, i love it so much! It's okay, i feel you! i'm also pretty with college and some organization stuff. Huhuhu. College life is really tiring. -____-
universal #9
< 3
Chapter 2: Omg, I so sorry I didn't comment earlier - I expected you to finish in a week or two or something, so I kicked my feet up and didn't check on AFF all together! It's beautiful, I love it! And of course I don't mind the color, you're right it brings the life into it! I'm glad I asked this shop for my poster, I really am T_T I do have ONE complaint though: do you think you can make it so the title is a little more obvious? It doesn't have to scream, but it should more or less draw the eye. Because especially with that Japanese text, it gets completely lost...