Rehearsal Time

I'm in love with my sister's crush!

-Hyun Jae-

"Oppas!!! DOn't forget that we have to meet outside at the gate after school today because of the lOlLiPoP rehearsal!! Don't be late!! And don't forget YooGuen and Mi Young!! If you guys don't have them then we'll be worried sick!" I reminded everyone at lunch today.

"Araso!! Mi Young!! Eat for appa!" Tae Min-Oppa cooed. Omo!! He looks like he'll make a great dad one day.

-Tae Min-

Hyun Jae is starring at me lately.... Does she like me? Damn It!! I WANT TO KNOW!!!!!! *sigh* But i think she likes Hyung because she knows him a little better but hyung like Hyun Ae Noona!! Aish!! Love is confusing!!!!

"Noona? What are you in lOlLiPoPs? I know Hyun Jae is the maknae but what are you?" I asked.

"I write the lyrics and is the lead rapper. Hyun Jae is the lead dancer. Wae?" I shook my head.

-Hyun Ae-

*After school at the SM building*

"Yooguen!! Watch umma dance, araso? Good Boy!!" I joined the others in our dance. "1st Love" was based on how Hyun Jae and I met Onew and Taemin. Everyone loved it so we decided to practice that one 1st today. After we finished Yooguen and Mi Young were clapping and laughing. "AH!! Looks like Mi young and Yooguen like the dance and song."

"You did good! When's your debut concert? If we can, we'll come with Mi young and Yooguen to support you guys," Oppa suggested.
"KYA!!! Our Dongseangs both have boyfriends now! Aigoo, They look sooo much like a family!! Tae Min and Hyun Jae look like a really cute couple too! If you guys go out then you have to be careful of the media though," my unnies complimented. I blushed very red and so did oppa and Tae Min and Hyun Jae. 

"AYH!! UNNIES!!! I love you and all but really? We are all reall good friends with each other, if we liked someone we would have told them by now.... well at least one of us. STILL," Hyun Jae and I whinned.

"Agreed there. Plus Hyun Ae and Hyun Jae are completely out of our leagues now because they're almost idols," Oppa stated. Does he have someone he likes? 

- Yosun -

Should I tell them that I'm Onew's cousin? ehhh.... no, I really shouldn't because it'll make things awkward. Plus Onew doesn't even know thanks to our appas being twins and not liking each other. I decided to go and play with Mi young-Unnie and Mi Young and Yooguen. "Unnie! Hyun Jae has a kid named after you!! She must like you better then me," I joked while playing a hand game with YooGuen.

'YAH!! Don't make me tell Onew your secret." she threatened.

"ehh..... Jinjalo?" 

"Ne! I will do it," she smirked.

"UNNIES!!!! LET'S PRACTICE ONE MORE TIME FOR THIS SONG!!" The twins yelled. We walked over and began the music.

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Justa started reading this!!! IT'S AWESOOOOME!!! Update sooooon
update soon! :)