Just with you I want to be

Just with you I want to be

As you looked out the foggy window, snow was slowly drifting down, sparkling under the moonlight. Just by one glance, you could tell it was cold outside. 

You heard the fireplace crackle but its warmth embracing you, protecting you from the cold. You heard the slight bangs of the pots and pans comming from the kitchen.

*aigoo is that boy sure of what he's doing even?* You smiled to yourself and reach for the remote control.

 You cuddle up on one side of the couch and sipped your hot chocolate that Changjo has made for you to go keep you busy while watching your favorite drama "Rooftop Prince."

After a while, the sound of faint footsteps comming from the kitchen grew louder. *He's finally done* Once again smiling to yourself before you felt muscular arms embrace around you.

"What are you doing babe?" his raspy murmur sent shivers down your spine. *I love it when he does that* you secretly giggled inside.

"Watching a drama of course! You're done? Are they placed in the oven properly?" you bombarded him with questions. You letted him do the baking this holiday since he offered too.

Changjo smirked and move himself onto the couch next you. He arm s around your waist, pulling your tight against his fine built body.

"Of course I done everything properly sweetheart," he whispered into your ear "I can't afford to risk the life of my angel by setting this house on fire" and gave you a small peck on the cheek.

"Aww, how sweet~ Now pay attention to the TV!" The two of you laughed and focused on the drama.

The ending song began to play and the drama ended. Beside you was Changjo with his head against your shoulder and his arm still around you. *haha dramas always bore him to sleep doesn't it?* Before waking him up, you eyes began to wonder onto his fine body. *I'm such a lucky girl, aren't I*

"You are checking me out aren't you babe?" 

*I thought he was sleeping....?!??*

"N-N-Noo, course n-not!" Your face began to heat up and you mentally slap yourself from the embarassment.

"Aww you at you, so cute" Changjo sat up again.

"Oppa, isn't your arm tired yet?"

"Not when I am holding such a pretty girl like you" Giving his signature smirk

"Oppa may I ask you something?"

"Mhmmm, go ahead sweetheart"

"Do you love me?"

"Of course babe, my love for you is farther than the distance between earth and heaven" 

Your lips began to curl up into a smile. There was a warm fuzzy feeling in your heart again and wanted this moment to freeze in time so it would last.

"Oppa.. what If I was held hostage? Would you save me?" 

"I would do whatever if takes to get you back, even if it meant risking my own life to save yours" 

Your smile was now visible. Changjo saw it and smile with you while pulling you into a tighter hug.

"----, you know I will love you for enternity" Changjo leaned in closer to your face

Your heartbeat suddenly increased as you felt your cheeks heat up again.

"Changjo Oppa, you know I'll love you for enternity as well" 

Changjo naturally move foward, using his other hand and cupped your face, pulling it closer to his. The distance between the two of you was no more than 1 centimeter. 

"I love you" 

The night was then sealed with a kiss.


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Chapter 1: So fluffy eh eh
strawberrylumps #2
Chapter 1: kfhaskifhaknfaikon ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh :'''''>
Chapter 1: Omg this was so sweet <3
kuririn #4
!!! ;AA; <3fvf