we were in love


hiya there^^ this is my very first fanfic that i share here..

don't forget to gimme ur comment about this^^

if there is any weakness, please understand..

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Wu Yi Fan (A Fan/Kris)

22 years old

His English name is Kevin Wu

Your old friend also your first love

Son of the leader’s mafia in Hongkong




*this is you* Mei Yue Lin (A Lin/Xiao Yue)

Your English name is Alice Mei

20 years old

You are Kris’ old friend also his first love

Professional agent of CIA






Huang Zi Tao (Tao)

20 years old

His English name is Edison Huang

Your partner in CIA

Had a crush on you



Cha Jia (Jia)

20 years old

Your friend in Korea

Sehun’s cousin

She is an agent from CIA too who works in her hometown

She handle about technology secure and program system in Korean Department



Oh Sehun (Sehun)

20 years old

Your partner in CIA

His English name is James Oh (I made it myself :p)

Jia’s cousin



“A Fan, where were you? I’ve been looking for you for 14 years till now, still I couldn’t found you. I want you to described what had happened between us! Why did you leave me when my mother’s died?? I really needed you. You had promise me that you’ll be always with me, and took me to the altar with you. I still wear our necklace which you’ve given to me on the wedding.” You said.


“A Lin, where were you?? I waited for you at our favorite place, your favorite place. The place when I promised that I’ll take you to the altar with me, and be my pride. This necklace, was the sign that I still kept my promise to you.. but, why you didn’t come?? 7 July, did you still remember that day?? The day when I gave you one of the match necklace. I gave you the key while I’m keeping the lock. That means my heart belongs to you, because you were the only person who could open my heart with the key.” Kris said.


 You were a professional agent from CIA. And the people of CIA called you “Athena” because of your character and the way you work with your team. Wherever team you’ve positioned, your team always succeed. You decided to take a holiday for two weeks to go to your hometown in Guangzhou. In your holiday, you got a call to go back to USA. You got a mission from CIA to cacth Wu Shao Lung, the leader of Hongkong’s mafia, TRIAD. And then you met Kris, the son of the leader’s mafia. He is the target to got your goal, catch Wu Shao Lung. But what if you, the Athena of CIA had fallen to him?? What will you do if you know that Kris is your old friends who also your first love?? In one side, you wanna take a revenge on him because of his dad??


(you’ll know all the detail in the ff J so, enjoy it)



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kwonfany #1
update soon.:)
ahhyun_cha #2
impatient to read your story sist :)) hwaitinggg!!