Chapter 3

Which Jonghyun?

                “What in the world is this?!!!  A drama?!!!” asked Jonghyun, horrified out loud.

                Mrs. Kim didn’t say anything and glared at the young man.  “Kim Jonghyun, you are simply paired up with Sungmi because you two are practically raging World War III.” she said.  “Your girlfriend attacking her makes it even tenser within my class room and I do not appreciate that.  If you won’t go with this pairing, you can simply take a zero on it and fail my Literature IV class next spring.”

                Jonghyun glared the teacher.  “How much is this project worth again?” he asked.

                “200 points.” answered Mrs. Kim.  “It will count as for your first project for my Literature IV class in the spring.”

                Jonghyun’s jaw dropped.  “So, if I don’t do this…  My grade will suffer completely?” he asked.

                “Of course.” smiled Mrs. Kim.

                “Y-You made this project worth so many points so then no can drop out of it, isn’t that right?” asked Jonghyun, bitterly.

                Mrs. Kim nodded her head, meanwhile Jonghyun cursed in his head.  Everyone that has Mrs. Kim as their Literature teacher knows well that she doesn’t give many points for homework and assignments, but with projects, it’s a another story.  Thus, if the projects are not up to her expectations, that person will just fail.

                Jonghyun swallowed his ego with a huge gulp.  “Fine…  I’ll do this…” he said.

                Mrs. Kim gave him a pack of the papers that she had passed out during class.  “Give this to Sungmi when you go see her.” she said.  “Her address is on there along with her cell phone number and home phone.  It’s confidential, but I’m giving it to you because Mihye wouldn’t tell you where she lives any ways.  Why won’t you go visit her and tell her about the project?  Apologize to her while you’re at it.  Less tension will make accomplishing the activities much easier.  Also, be nice to her…  She’s your wife now.” 

                Jonghyun cringed.  He took the papers, without answering.  He looked down at the paper with her address and sighed.  This is going to be one interesting winter project.



                Mihye quickly bolted out of the room, after Number 1.  She wanted to yell out his real name, but she knew it was useless; he never responds when someone calls his name.  As Mihye breathlessly power walked, Number 1 was still too far ahead.  Then, one of his friends stopped him.  Mihye smiled, as she caught up with him.  Fortunately, his friend walked away from him, to leave them some privacy.  Mihye stepped in front of him.

                “Hey!” she said.

                “Oh, hey.” responded Number 1.

                Mihye’s mouth open to say something, but she was interrupted by some other.  “Mihye!!  My wife!!” said a familiar voice, a bit too excitedly.

                Mihye let out a long breath, as she looked over to her side.  It was Park Shin, her partner for the winter project.  She didn’t really like him for the fact that he took the project too seriously and he enjoys it too much.  She ignored him and looked up at Number 1.  He seemed like he was patiently waiting for her say something.



                “Hey, Mihye.” said Sungmi, answering her cell phone.  “What’s up?”

                “Sungmi…  Number 1 is transferring out.  He won’t coming back for the spring semester.” answered her friend.

                “Where is he going?” asked Sungmi.

                “He’s going to the DongHo Science High School.” answered Mihye.

                “Why is he transferring out now?  Geesh, Number 1.” said Sungmi.

                “Maybe it’s because it’s more prestigious than our school?  When I asked him, he didn’t say anything.” said Mihye.  “That …  I guess you’re going to have to confess to him at his apartment complex or something in that nature.”

                “I don’t know about that.” said Sungmi.  “I’ve only confessed those guys I liked at school…  I don’t know about doing it in public…”

                “Oh, I have to go!” said Mihye, all the sudden.  “I’ll call you tomorrow! Bye!”

                Before Sungmi could bid her farewell, Mihye hung up the phone.  I wonder what is going on, she thought, as she looked down at her phone.



                As Jonghyun approached the door, he let out a sigh.  He didn’t want to be there at all.  He didn’t want to see Sungmi.  Jonghyun didn’t want to see the damage that Aecha had done her.  He could see already.  Sungmi’s ugly face, brusied up with cuts from Aecha’s small, but powerful fists.  Jonghyun cringed.  He, then, thought about how Sungmi could have possibly looked like.  It was already 9 in the morning and it could be possible that she hasn’t even woke up it.  Jonghyun doesn’t usually wake up until 10 or 11 AM.

                Jonghyun ringed the door bell.  The door opened and Sungmi stood there wearing a confused face.  She was wearing a pair of flannel pants and a long sleeve thermal that hugged her upper body.  Her hair was in a loose braid.  The bruise on her left cheek was a dark blue hue that stood out against her skin and there was a cut on her bottom lip.

                Sungmi glared.  “What are you doing here?” she asked, angry.

                Jonghyun didn’t say anything.  His ego has been tainted by this girl and he’s going to make her pay.  Jonghyun didn’t say anything and just walked passed her into her home.  He could her let out an angry sigh behind his back.  He quickly took off his shoes and stepped into Sungmi’s living room.  He looked over his shoulder.

                “You should probably close the door.” suggested Jonghyun.  “I’m not going home yet.”

                Sungmi marched up to him, as he turned around to face her.  “What in the world are you doing here?!” she repeated.  “Get out of my house!!”  Before she could spit out anything insulting, Jonghyun pushed the pack of papers into her face.  She looked down at it. It was a message from Mrs. Kim.  She quickly scanned it and sighed.  Mrs. Kim simply wrote: Sungmi, I hope that you get better!!  I hope that you will enjoy this winter project with Jonghyun! Love, Mrs. Kim P.S. It is not possible for you two to switch partners.  The pairings are a done deal; live with it! <3  “What the heck?!!  I’m your partner!!  No way!!”

                “Well, the heck you are!!” said Jonghyun, angry.  “Do you really think that I would want to be stuck doing this project with you?!!  Heck no!!”

                “I’m not going to do this project then!” said Sungmi, looking up at Jonghyun.  “And, get out of my home!!”

                “You want to fail Literature IV next year?” he asked, surprised.

                “What?” asked Sungmi, confused?  “Why would I want to fail?!”

                “Well,” started Jonghyun, rolling his eyes.  “If you would have read the information on that piece of paper behind Mrs. Kim’s message, you would know that this project is worth 200 points!!”

                “What?!!  No way!!!” said Sungmi, appalled.  She quickly looked down at the page under the message.  “Our final projects are barely even 60 points…”  She had a sudden urge to want to cry when she saw the amount of what the project was worth, 200.

                “Didn’t Mihye talk to you about this?” asked Jonghyun.

                “What the heck?!!!!” asked Sungmi, not listening to him.  “We Got Married: Mrs. Kim’s 2A Homeroom Special?!!!  No way!!!  We’re supposed to be a “married couple”?!!!”

                Jonghyun scoffed at the girl’s mortified face.  “Exactly!!!  Apparently, this is the reality that Mrs. Kim wanted to see from her homeroom because we all don’t get along or something along those lines!!!”

                “I cannot believe this!!!  I’d much rather be with Number 1 than be stuck with you!!!” said Sungmi, as she went back to the door and closed it.

                “Who would want to be with someone as plain as you, huh?” asked Jonghyun, bitterly.  “All the girls at school would kill to play my pretend wife, you know!  Number 1 is a good looking guy; he would never want to be stuck with someone as ugly and plain as you as well!!!”  Sungmi didn’t say anything.  She just went back to the door and opened it, as a gesture for Jonghyun to get out.

                “As you wish, Ugly!” he said, angrily.  He placed on his shoes and walked out of the house.  As soon as Jonghyun was out of the door, Sungmi closed the door with a loud boom.



                Mihye finally called Sungmi again and explained to her about the winter project Mrs. Kim had given them.  Mihye was paired up Park Shin, who is a close friend of Jonghyun’s. 

                “I don’t like him at all, Sungmi!  Shin is too enthusiastic about this project!” she complained.  “He’s so into this project that he has even started calling my parents Mom and Dad when he sent me home last night…  Earlier, he texted me that he’s going to bring some of his mom’s best dishes for me to eat!!”

                “I’d much rather have him be my partner than Jonghyun.  And, stop complaining Mihye!” said Sungmi.  “At least Park Shin is not full of himself as Kim Jonghyun!!  You don’t have to deal with Mr. Conceited!!  Shin is a lot more thoughtful and more accepting than him!!  Lucky you!”

                “OK, OK…  I might not have been paired up with Mr. Dog Face AIDs Carrier, but Shin is kind of annoying.” said Mihye.  “Well, he isn’t as bad as Jonghyun now that I think about it.”

                “Exactly.” said Sungmi, with a big sigh.  “You’re the lucky one…”

                “Well, maybe you two will get a long…” suggested Mihye.

                “No way!!  Not after what he and that stupid girlfriend of his did to me.” said Sungmi, still angry.

                “Oh!!  Jonghyun and Aecha broke up!” said Mihye.

                “When?” asked Sungmi.

                “After you went home.” answered Mihye.

                “Why?” asked Sungmi.

                “I’m not too sure.  Shin said that it was because Aecha’s parents don’t like him, so he decided to break up with her.”

                “That’s it?” asked Sungmi, surprised.

                “That’s pretty much it.” answered Mihye.  “Then, her parents are going to transfer her out too.  She won’t be coming back for the Spring.”

                “What an !!  That Jonghyun!!  I’m not too disappointed that she transferred out.  I’m just glad I don’t get to see her face anymore.” said Sungmi.  “Why does Mr. Dog Face AIDs Carrier have to be my partner?!  I’d much rather take Shin any other day then him!!”

                “No way!!  Shin’s my partner!!  I don’t want to be stuck with Mr. Conceited!!” said Mihye.

                “For just one day!!  Please!!” begged Sungmi.

                “No!  Sorry, Sungmi!” said Mihye.



                Jonghyun got out of his apartment lobby when someone texted him.  He looked at it and rolled his eyes.  The text was from Mrs. Kim; it was the first activity that he had to accomplish with Sungmi.  The text was: Activity 1: Introduce your wife/husband to your family!!!  **Take pictures as proof that your lovely spouse has met your parents.  All parents have been informed of your participation within this unique project!! The due time for your pair is 9:12 PM.  Better hurry up, Jonghyun and Sungmi.  Have a lot of fun, Mrs. Kim.   Jonghyun scoffed.  It was already 7 PM.

                “You’ve got to be kidding me!” he said.  His phone rang without looking at the caller ID.  “Hello?” he answered.  It was Sungmi. 

                “Why don’t you come over to my place and I introduce you to my parents.  You take a picture with them and then we head over to your place.” suggested Sungmi.

                “I’m fine with that.” agreed Jonghyun.  He was planning to go karaoke with a few college friends, but now he had to do this activity.  Jonghyun was mad.  He didn’t enjoy this stupid winter project at all.  It was unpredictable and it was hurting his social life.

                “I’ll see you in a bit then.” said Sungmi.

                “OK.” said Jonghyun.  “Bye.”

                “Bye.” said Sungmi and then she hung up.



                “Father and mother, this is my husband, Kim Jonghyun.” said Sungmi, as she gestured towards the young man sitting near her.  “Jonghyun, these two are my parents.”

                “Hello, Jonghyun.” said Mr. Jung, as they both shook hands.  “Please take care of my daughter.”

                “I will, sir.” he said, as he nodded his head.

                Sungmi looked at her watch.  It was already 7:50.  It took Jonghyun forever to get to her house.

                “Father, mother…  Will you guys hurry up and take a picture with Jonghyun?” asked Sungmi, jumping straight to the picture taking.

                “But, we barely met him.” contemplated Mrs. Jung, who obviously likes Jonghyun.

                Sungmi rolled her eyes.  “Mother, trust me…  You’ll probably see him around here for at least 8 more weeks as much as I hate to admit to it.” she said.

                “Sweetie, don’t say things like that about your hubby.” said Mrs. Jung sweetly.

                “I’m sorry if I’m rude, Mother…  But, please hurry up and take the picture, we don’t have time!” said Sungmi, in a bossy manner.  “I still have to meet his family.”

                “Really?” asked Mr. Jung.

                “She’s right.” answered Jonghyun, for Sungmi.  “I took too long while on my way here.  We have to send pictures as proof that we have met each other’s parents and the pictures are due at 9:12.”

                With that Sungmi’s parents quickly took the pictures with Jonghyun.  “Jonghyun, why won’t you come over and eat dinner here on Sunday?” asked Mrs. Jung, a bit too excitedly after the photo was taken.

                The young man smiled.  “Alright then.” he said.

                “You two be safe, alright.” said Mr. Jung, as he placed a few won bills into Sungmi’s palm.  “It’s for the cab.”

                Sungmi stuff the money back into her father’s dress shirt pocket.  “It’s OK, Father.  Jonghyun can pay.” she said, with a huge grin.  Jonghyun flashed an annoyed look.  She turned to look at him and then stood up.  Jonghyun followed suit.  Before he realized, they were already out the door.

                “I’m not made of money, you know.” commented Jonghyun, when the elevator closed.

                “It’s too bad, we’re married.” said Sungmi.

                Jonghyun rolled his eyes.  “Your mom likes me enough though.” he said, with a smile.  “She probably would have never thought that you would bring home a handsome son-in-law, correct?  That must be exactly why she likes me so much.”

                Sungmi just shrugs.  “She just likes you because you’re your parents’ son.” she said.

                “What?” asked Jonghyun, as he scrunched up his face.  He turned to look down at the short girl.  She stood at 5 foot.  How short…

                “You heard me.” answered Sungmi, as the elevator door opened.  “Thank God for living on the fourth floor.”

                “What about it, huh?” asked Jonghyun, stepping out of the elevator.

                “I didn’t have to be in the elevator with you too long.” smiled Sungmi.

                “Well, that for you.” said Jonghyun, as he looked over his shoulder with a smile at the young woman.  “I live on the 12th floor at our complex.”



                “So, you have an older brother?” asked Sungmi, looking up.

                “Yeah, he’s three years older than me.” answered Jonghyun, as he looked straight at the door, waiting for someone to open the door.  He already told his mom that her daughter in law was coming over and for her to wait for them for dinner.  The door suddenly opened.  Kim Kyuhyun stood there in the door way with a huge goofy grin on.  He looked at Jonghyun and then at Sungmi.

                Kyuhyun’s expression changed all the sudden and pointed his finger down at Sungmi.  “You!!” he said, a bit too informally for meeting each other supposedly for the first time.

                “Kyuhyun?” asked Sungmi, confused.

                “You two know each other?” asked Jonghyun, clueless.

                “Yeah!!” answered Kyuhyun, looking at his brother.  “We go to the same church!”

                “Ever since when?” asked Jonghyun, with a blank mind.

                “Kids, why don’t you guys come in?” asked Mrs. Kim, softly.  “Kyuhyun, stop blocking the door way and let the two in.  It’s cold out there!”  Kyuhyun stepped aside, letting Jonghyun and Sungmi in.  He flashed her a grin, as he closed the door.

                “No, seriously!!  When did we ever started going to church with them?” asked Jonghyun, a bit mortified and surprised he couldn’t remember.  He took off his jacket.

                “Ever since Gramps and Grandmama started going there long before you were born.” snorted Kyuhyun, as he helped Sungmi take off her petticoat.  “You probably flirt too much with those pretty girls that you didn’t know that Sungmi went to our church.”

                Sungmi looked at the older brother and then the younger brother, trying to find a similarity between the two.  The older, Kyuhyun, was taller and has more meat than Jonghyun.  Kyuhyun looks nothing like his younger brother.  The two looks like a pair of friends.  That was it.  She would have never come the conclusion that they were brothers.  That’s why she wondered who Kyuhyun’s brother was when he talked about him at church.
                “Kyuhyun, the brother you were talking about was Jonghyun?” asked Sungmi, horrified.

                “Of course.” he smiled.  “He’s my only brother and sibling.  We don’t look alike, huh?”

                “What kind of things do you guys talk about?” asked Jonghyun, mortified.  “Hyung, what did you tell her?!!”

                The older brother laughed, as he went into the kitchen.  “It’s about time you brought my sister-in-law home, Jonghyun.” he said.  “I’m starving!!”

                “Jonghyun, why won’t you bring my daughter-in-law in the living room and introduce her to your father and I.” suggested Mrs. Kim.

                The young man glared down at Sungmi and sighed.  She just simply flashed him a smile and started walking towards the living room.  Jonghyun followed slowly behind.  Mrs. Kim beamed when she saw Sungmi.  She had always wanted a daughter, so this is her chance to have one.  Mr. Kim was happy knowing that his wife’s daughter has finally come to her.  After the pair had seated down, Jonghyun introduced his parents to Sungmi and Sungmi to them.

                “So, Sungmi, your mother said that you are very smart.  What is your class rank?” asked Mrs. Kim, excitedly.

                “I’m class rank 3 out of 637.” answered Sungmi.

                “Oh, wow…” said Mrs. Kim, completely absorbed into Sungmi.  “You’re too good for our Jonghyun.  He’s so lucky to get paired up with someone so amazing as you are.”

                Sungmi smiled.  “Thank you, Mrs. Kim.” she said.

                “Now, why won’t we go eat?” suggested Mr. Kim.  “I’m sure the kids are starving.” 

                “Let’s take the picture first.” suggested Jonghyun, looking at Sungmi.  She nodded her head.  They took the picture quickly and then headed to the dining room.  After everyone has been seated at the dinner table with Jonghyun and Sungmi sitting next to each other, they began to eat.

                “Sungmi, how has your father been these days?” asked Mr. Kim.

                Sungmi’s father has been sick and has not been able to go to church for two Sundays in a row.  “He has recovered now.  Thank you for asking.” smiled Sungmi.

                “Sungmi, since you’re way too good for Jonghyun.  Why won’t you consider Kyuhyun as a boyfriend?  He’s just as handsome as Jonghyun.” suggested Mrs. Kim, straightforwardly.

                “Mom!!” said Jonghyun, horrified.

                Kyuhyun looked at Sungmi and smiled.  She smiled back just as Kyuhyun winked at her.  Meanwhile, Jonghyun was glaring at the two.  “Stop fooling around.” he said, informally.

                “I’m sorry, Jonghyun.  Sweetie, I didn’t know that you were the jealous type.” said Mrs. Kim.

                “What?!!” asked Jonghyun, causing his brother and parents to laugh.

                “Sungmi, why don’t I send you home later we can have some alone time together?” asked Kyuhyun, mischeviously.

                Jonghyun rolled his eyes.  “Do whatever you want.” he said.

                Sungmi shrugged her shoulders.  “Since Jonghyun doesn’t seem to mind, sure.” she answered.


**NOTE: Hello, everyone!!  I hope that you are enjoying this!!  I know that it's a bit strange that I made Kim Jonghyun and Cho Kyuhyun brothers...  Even I find it strange myself and ask myself somehtimes why I did that.  Oh, well...  I like these two as brothers!!  I hope you enjoy my future chapters!!  And, please keep on commenting for feedback and motivation to write!!  ;)


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yhieremoah #1
I missed fangirling. Adult life . Just came by to say hi. Hope u still remember
teddiebears #2
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
bleuverry #3
Damn! I re-read this story again after I found Jonghyun's passing news. :(
This story reminds me of him and personally, it is one of the best fanfic that made me so attracted with him.
Thanks for writing this and I hope that you don't delete this story.
Shineelovingshawol #4
Chapter 18: What?!? I thought she would end up with kim jonghyun! Nooooooo :'( well I guess it's just a story after all but our Dino!!!!!
Chapter 18: GOD! I enjoyed this 18 chapters so muchhh. Good ending. I love love love it.
Aika0330 #6
I just finished!! ^o^ wow.. I'm so late hahah :P
anyways, I REALLY LIKED THIS STORY! Good job! :D
omg, this was so good! It gave me butterflies in my stomach just from reading it! Thanks for sharing!