Chapter 1

The Hyakuren Princess

Reina was reading a story book. She overheard her father’s voice discussing something about her outside her room but she can’t catch-up about the details. After a while, her father came in her room.

‘Reina, do you have some time for me? Asked Mr. Tanaka

‘Sure. Has something happen? You looked tired.

I’m fine. Reina, I’m sorry to tell you this but you need to move to another house immediately.

What? What about my school?

You have to transfer school, too. And another thing, starting this day, your name is Mikami Reina not Tanaka Reina, do you understand?

  Crystal clear, Father. But may I know the reasons why I need to do these things?”

Mr. Tanaka walked towards Reina and crouched in front of her. He put his palm to Reina’s cheek and sighed.


“Reina, you know how I hate to do this to you but this is unavoidable. Your aunt, uncle and my enemies try their best to take you from me and use you against me. I can’t bear to let that happen. Besides, you won’t be alone. Kyota, Komishi, and Mikato will accompany you as bodyguards and companions Is that okay?


Emm. I’ll be okay.” Reina smiled. “Don’t worry about me. I’m a big girl, after all.” She smiled.


Reina had been moving schools since the last 4 months. Reina was in the car that would bring her to her new home when she remembered her last conversation with her father.


“My Lady, we’ve arrived.”


Reina get out of the car and stood outside her new house with her parties. It was a two-story ordinary house.


“Home.” Reina said under her breath.


“My Lady, I’m sure that President had told you but I will tell you again. Starting from today onwards, you’ll be staying with us in this house. Komishi, Mikato and I, Kyota will accompany you to school. You’ll be pretending as a sibling to Komishi and you two are currently living with us, Mikato and me. We are your relatives from your father’s side and we’ve just moved here from Tokyo. Is there any questions?


“Yeah. What kind of school that I’m going enrolled into? And how Hihara-san and others gonna protect me during school time?


“That’s, My Lady, is a surprise for tomorrow.” Kyota winked.   


Reina went into her romm which was located at the second-floor. Her new room was completely different from her old one. She sighed. Looks like everything will change from today.

On the next day, Reina had her breakfast and went to school with Kyota, Mikato and Komishi. She had been wandering about her new school. Her uniform had been laid out on her bed on the day she arrived.

“Emm, Hihara-san, can I ask a question? Reina asked in the car during their journey to school.

“What is it?

“Why do only you don’t wear the school uniform?” It’s true because Kyota had his suit on today.

“That’s because –

“That’s because” Mikato cut him off. “Oni-chan will be pretending as a teacher. Isn’t that cool?”

“A teacher?

“Yes. Aniki will be as a counseling teacher while Komishi-senpai will enroll as third-year student. My Lady and I will enroll in the same class.” Mikato cheerfully said.

They’ve arrived at the school. It says Hyakuren Middle School. The students wore their uniform not by the book. When Reina stepped in to the school ground, every eyes fell on her and made Reina fell weird. On the roof top, a boy just watched Reina and her parties walked into the school with a smile.

During the homeroom time, Reina and Mikato were introduced to the class as cousins. Reina’s desk was behind of Mikato’s desk.

Lunch time had arrived. Reina and Mika (nickname for Mikato) was eating at the cafeteria. Reina felt like she was being watched. She told about it to Mika.

“Mika-kun, don’t you feel weird?

“Weird? About what?

“I felt like I was being watched from class.

“Being watched? But it’s not possible. President and Aniki had done a good reason to choose this school.

“maybe it just my imagination.

“Don’t worry. We’ll always be at your side to protect you. I’ll tell Aniki about this after school.

On the next day, a teacher has asked Reina to fetch a box of paper from the teacher’s room. On her way back to class, Reina was struggling to lift the box because it was heavier than she thought it would be. When she was climbing down the last set of stairs to her class, she lost her balanced and fell backwards. But just in time, a boy appeared, grabbed her arm and pulled her upwards. His other hand catches the box that slipped out of Reina’s hand.

“Are you okay?

“Y-Yes. I’m fine. Thank you.

“Really. Be careful. Don’t fall again because there’s maybe no one to save Reina-chan again.” He whispers to Reina’s ear while handing her the box and walk away. Reina could not saw his face clearly because the sun was behind him. She felt weird how does the mysterious boy know her name.

During the interval time between classes, Reina was acting weird because she was thinking about the mysterious boy and didn’t hear Mika was calling her.

“Reina-chan! Reina-chan!

“(startled) Oh. Mika-kun, what is it?

“I’ve been calling you but you did not hear me. Does something mattered?

“Sorry. I did not hear you. Why do you call me?

“Are you okay?

“I’m fine. Maybe I’m a little bit tired.

“Do you want to go home?

“No. I’m fine.”

Reina doesn’t ready to tell about the mysterious boy to them. Not yet.        

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