The Beauty

The Beauty of the Beast


Waking up, she starts her daily routine. Get dressed, wash up, make sure she has everything for school, and then off she goes to the Black Rose for her breakfast.


When she arrives, they’re all there waiting for her. Byunghun gives a polite bow, but a mischievous smile; Chanhee and Daniel sing their hellos, each boasting about what they’ve accomplished the previous day. Minsoo winks while continuing to make drinks for more frequent customers that frequent the café and Jonghyun waves with a small smile as he polishes tables. Finally, as she passes the counter, she greets Changhyun.


Changhyun was her favorite boy out of the ones that worked there. He was always nice, always smiling, and always…cute. He talked to her with such a bright smile that she couldn’t help but laugh and be happy.


On her table, at her seat was her breakfast. She knew nothing about who put it there, or how they knew what she liked, but only that whoever did so was her “prince”…or so he called himself. After breakfast, she bid quick farewells to the Black Rose staff and hurried off to the university.


Ever since she added the Black Rose into her morning routine, there had been less creepy men looking her way and trying to talk to her on her way to the university and back home. It was nice that she no longer had to worry, but it was also quite strange. She wasn’t one to boast, but Nayoon was quite the Beauty. Her colleagues at the university said so, and men constantly flirted with her, so it was strange that less would stare when she walked around.


The one thing that always made her uneasy was that when she walked from the café to the university and from the university back to her apartment, it felt like someone was following her. However, whenever she turned to see who it was, there was no one in sight. There was no stalker staring at her from afar, nor someone she knew trying to catch up with her. It was almost as if she had a guardian angel, watching over her every movement.


Upon arriving at the university, her day really starts. Between her psychiatric classes, studying in the library, and Doyang’s constant flirting; she managed to be the most liked girl on campus. Every professor she had loved her for her work ethic, and she was quite friendly. Doyang was the only thing that could possibly ruin her day. They’d known each other since middle school. What first started as the two smartest students helping each other turned into Doyang flirting with her constantly. She’s suspected him as being the “prince” but when questioned, he’d never even heard of the Black Rose.


After classes were finished, she walks home. Nothing different ever happened. She walked, lost in thought about the day’s happenings all with the feeling that someone was watching her.


As it turns out someone was watching her. No, following actually.




Good thing too, for Changhyun just happened to save her life one night.

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