Love is Blind


The day Minho met Taemin he knew they were going to be best friends for life. now that Taemin is 13 and Minho is 16 things are just getting more and more  complicated. Minho doesn't want to scare Taemin away, with his newfound romantic feelings not to mention what his family would think if they knew their son had a crush on the blind boy across the street.


Angst,fluff, later to come.


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Please update soon? I cant wait for the next chapters... I fell in love with story in somewhere like January :)
This sounds really great ^-^ can't wait to read more!!
Keep it up kkk ~
Chapter 1: hm... update soon please! XD
Ayanoyokai #4
Chapter 1: OMO!!
Just found your fanfic and its a great idea.
That Taemin is blind is a great idea.
(⌒▽⌒) Looking forward to your update!
Maylovesreading #5
Chapter 1: I am enjoying your writing. I like the inclusion of Taemin being blind.
Maritae #6
Update soon, neh? ^^