goodnight kiss?

A fan become a hater then a LOVER?

-after 30 minutes-(your POV)

_____: time to go..bye guys..

I look at eunhyuk.. he stood up..

Eunhyuk: bye..


While walking eunhyuk notice that im not comfortable.. its because of my high heels..

Eunhyuk: whats wrong with you?

I point my feet.. he stop walking.. i look at him then he walk back to me and kneel down.. his back is facing me.. oh no dont tell me!!!

Eunhyuk: come on..

_____: aniyo! Im wearing a dress..

Eunhyuk: gwenchana! Its already 1:30 am! No one is in the street anymore..come on..

I look around... he’s right .. i finally hop in.. we i meanhe continue to walk..

Eunhyuk: aish your heavy!

_____: ya!

Eunhyuk: im just what did you and donghae do?

_____: huh?

Eunhyuk: i just notice that when donghae disappear , later on you disappear too.. then both of you come back together.. so what happen?

_____: i just tell him that its better for him to move on.. and love jessica..

Eunhyuk: oh..

_____: so .. how are you and-

Eunhyuk: who?

_____: yoona..

He become quiet for a while..

Eunhyuk: were not talking since the incident..

_____: oh..

Then we reach my apartment..

_____: you can now put me don..

He gently put me down..

_____: you can now go home..

I smile at him.. he look at me for a while tha he lean closer.. i close my eyes tight than i feel his lips on my forehead *:P hehehe you think in the lips? hehehe*

Eunhyuk: good night..

Then he left.. i was like a fool standing there still cant believe what just happen.. even its just in the forehead there was something i cant explain..

(eunhyuk POV)

Oh my! Why did i do that? And why is my heart beating like crazy? This is weird!



well maybe alot of you were asking why there's no bonus pic lately..

welll im kinda lazy to put bonus pics..


so what do you think about this chaptie and the other one?

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Angel9 #1
I would choose donghae because his cute ^^
Chapter 46: :'( she should of went back with donghae !!! grrrrr >:(
I like it~
One word to describe this story........ DAEBAK!♥
You have an awesome story Ms.Author :">
I'm very thankful to you because you made this story! ^^
I cant stop reading it again & again :3
I promote this to my friend and she likes it too... ALOT! ^^
again, THANK YOU VERY MUUUUCH! muah! :* [kekekekekeXD]
Wah..!! What an happy ending!! Love it.. hehe..
A BET???!! My Gad!!
sonelforever09 #7
I finished it in 2 hours!!! XD You're stories are amaaaaaziiiing~~!!
LollipopChuleta #8
Such a cute history!! Aigooo~ I loved it! :3
saguilar #9
I think it's cute so far. Keke. Can't wait to finish it.
no problemo~
I love your story ^^