
Chen, The Noona Killer

"Aish, I hate having night classes sometimes!" Yuri complained after she dropped her books for the fourth time that night. She had just gotten out of her last class for the day and was walking home in the breezy autumn evening. 

She turned a corner into an alley that was a quick shortcut to her house. She knew it was dangerous for a young woman like her to be walking in dark alleys at night, especially with all the killings going on recently, but she just wanted to get home as quick as possible. As she was hurrying down the alleyway, she sensed the presence of someone else there. 

"H-hello? Is anyone there?" she called out nervously. Just then, she heard a dark chuckle that made the hairs on her neck stand up. 

"Well, hello there, beautiful." A man materialized from the shadows and started approaching her slowly. Yuri looked around and realized the exit of the alleyway was too far for her to make it with her schoolbag and books. She looked back at the man. There's no way I'd be able to outrun him, she thought, looking at his fit physique.

She slowly backed into a wall as he walked closer and closer to her. Her breathing grew erratic and she struggled to catch her breath. 

"Wh-who are you?" she stammered, trying to make out his facial features in the dark shadows. As he got closer, the streetlight on the other end of the alley illuminated his face, and she gasped out loud.

"Jongdae?" she asked. Kim Jongdae was a 2nd year university student that went after all the hottest noonas there. She was his latest target this past week, but she turned him down every time he asked her out on a date or to meet up at his house. 

He laughed. "Oh, tonight I'm not Jongdae. No, I'm someone completely different, someone who wants to exact revenge on the person who turned down the almighty Kim Jongdae!" 

"What are you talking about?" she breathed.

"All those times you turned me down, I looked like I took it well, right? Like it didn't bother me? Well, that's not true. I was just waiting for the perfect time to really approach you." He took a step closer with every word, until he was standing right in front of her, nose to nose. 

"Can you please move? I have to get home," Yuri tried to push him away and get around him, but he grabbed her wrist and pinned her to the wall again.. 

"You're not going anywhere, noona." He spit the last word out and reached for something in his back pocket. A few moments later, Yuri felt something cold and sharp digging into her ribcage. She glanced down and her heart jumped to when she saw the knife Jongdae was shoving holding against her side. She clenched her teeth, trying not to cry out at the pain radiating through her chest. 

"All those times you and your friends laughed at me, calling me pathetic, saying how I would never get with any of the noonas there. Well, now I'm getting revenge. This is for your ty ho friend Taeyeon," he stabbed her on the right side of her ribcage. "This is for little princess Seohyun." Another stab right in the middle of her chest. "This is for that ice Jessica," he growled, shoving the knife into right at the jugular vein. "And THIS is for rejecting me in front of the whole goddamn school!" he yelled, and plunged the knife into her heart, twisting it around and laughing like a maniac.

He pulled the knife out of her body and backed away, watching her slump to the ground, crying out and screaming in pain. She looked at him, pleading with her eyes to help her somehow. Jongdae laughed manically, revelling in her pain. These were the emotions he lived for. The pain, the helplessness, the sheer terror running through his victims' eyes as they stared at him and breathed their last. 

He slowly pulled out his gun and aimed directly at her forehead, cocking the gun and staring into her eyes. 

"Any last words, noona?" he asked sweetly. This was always the best part, them pleading with him, asking him to stop, to have mercy on them. He never obliged, of course. He just loved hearing their tortured voices at their last moments.

"W-why?" she rasped out, and cried in pain when she moved her neck even the slightest bit. 

"Why, you ask? That's really simple," he drawled out. "Because I'm Chen, the Noona Killer." He aimed carefully, and blew her brains out. 

Well.. that escalated quickly.....

Don't say anything, Mina! >,<

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Chapter 1: killer...
i didn't think something like that..but,...*can't say anything again*
raekyo #2
Chapter 1: noona killer....

i didn't think it would be this kind of killer...

KwonYuura #3
Chapter 1: I thought Noona killer meant Chen gets every noona but he kills noona… My Taeng, Yuri, Sica and Seo… *crys*
Chapter 1: i will say something.....

i have the most twisted best friend in the world...-_-"
ArianaMaddi #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
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dood, you actually seriously just posted this up...?
kekeke can't wait~! >,<