Bright Room

Illuminate Me


I just passed a whole day without even getting a glimpse of Jung Bo Ra. I was planning to pop the question today, despite only meeting her a few days ago. She was everything I hoped for; she laughed at my jokes and respected everyone. Most shocking though, her confidence in everything she did. The past few days, she took me skydiving and skateboarding. We got up early to watch the sunset together, stayed up the whole night walking though the whole of Seoul, ate 3 cartons of ice cream because we wanted to and signed up for the same course together next year. 

In short, we were already like a couple. It's just that no one popped the question yet. I'm gonna change that today. I am sure of my decision. She makes me feel like I'm actually living, instead of breathing in the empty shell of a body like I was before.

Him Chan and Yejin were too busy giggling to each other like infatuated lovebirds to notice my jealousy and depression.

“So, Yongguk. I have yet to take a guess at your uality.” Him Chan smirked at me with an arm around Yejin, proud she took a step to question their ‘unknown’, probably. I looked up from my book, and sighed dramatically. Did she really have to talk like this, in a library?

“Don’t worry, Yejin, I’m straight and Him Chan’s clearly not my type.” Him Chan spluttered while Ye Jin laughed. “Okay, okay. Let’s play a game of choosing girls.” “And what would I get out of that…” “Bo Ra’s whereabouts as of now.” Oh she’s pulled out the big cards. “Okay.” I put down my book and sat down lotus style in front of her on the brown rug.

“Lee Hyorin or Lee Chaerin?” Hmm. That singer girl in my Language class with the body, or that gangster looking woman in Him Chan’s Skills Education class… “Chaerin.” Yejin’s eyes sparkled with mirth. “Tae Yeon songsangnim or Chaerin?” Oh, the singing teacher. Wasn’t she in multiple affairs with the male teachers and punished Bo Ra for finding out…. “Chaerin.” “Oh? Alright, Ham Eunjung or Chaerin?” Ham Eunjung. Eunjung…Ah, Bo Ra’s chemistry partner! The one always pushed the work to Bo Ra… I frowned. “Chaerin.” “Oh, you know what game I’m playing at now do you? You’re pretty good at it, sir. Bo Ra or Chae…” “Bo Ra.” I answered without a pause.

They giggled. "You guys both like each other and are already sort of dating, so why don't you ask her out already?" Him Chan playfully punched me on the shoulder. "I'm going to now, I just need to know where she is." I said. staring pointedly at Yejin. She gasped and Him Chan chuckled.

“Swimming pool.” I thanked her and left quickly, signs of cardiac arrest popping up once again. "Good luck, Yongguk!" I waved half heartedly at them. Myskin was all clammy and I was already in cold sweat imagining her response.

"Stop it Yongguk, she knows who you are. Just ask and get it over with already." I gritted my teeth and broke into a sprint. All the lockers in the hall leading to the pool had the same shade of red, as her beautiful locks of hair.

Upon arriving at the empty pool, I saw a group of the school jerks laughing…at an angry Bo Ra. I found myself enraged to say the least, and was determined to get over there.

“Ah, Him Chan’s pet. Where’s your master? Hmm?” Baekho, the leader jeered at me. “Leave him alone, Baek.” Bo Ra spat. “Look girlie, all we want is a little fun… and besides, don’t you want your toy back?” “Give me my iPod!” His friends snickered along with him. He waved her iPod close to her face before throwing it into the pool. She wasted no time…and jumped in with it.

My face was choked with horror; I stood rigid on the spot, like a 3rd person was actually just watching, not Bang Yongguk. Bo Ra swam expertly and was back up in no time. “How was the water, Fishie?” Jae Hyun asked with a grin on his face. Baek Ho strutted confidently to her and tipped her chin with his finger. “Maybe next time you’ll think twice about rejecting an invite from me, darling.”

I still remember how her eyes burned with anger, like a volcano as she looked back at him. He was shocked by the look in her eyes and stumbled backwards. It was soon replaced by a y laugh as she handed a still frozen me her blazer and ed the top of her school blouse to reveal a hot pink bra. “You’ve been a bad boy, Baekho. A very, very bad boy.” She got even closer and put her hand on his chest.

He gulped in fear and admiration, but she wasn’t done yet. Pulling the collar of his shirt down, she whispered for all to hear, “I think I have to punish you.” Then she pulled his face closer to hers… And threw him across her shoulder into the swimming pool. His minions gasped and all fell over themselves when they recovered from their shock to help him out. Spluttering and still red in the face, he shouted, “YAH JUNG BO RA YOU !”

I was definitely in a state of shock by the time she started walking into the locker rooms. “Yongguk aren’t you coming?” She winked at me. I followed obediently, my mind still on her seductive look and that see through blouse…

I blushed; I’m being such a . “Hey!” I jogged to catch up with her and shook the thoughts out of my head. She looked at me, hair still dripping wet. “Do you…have any clothes to change? Do you need anything? Water?”

She laughed at me. “Had plenty of that.” I had to grin at the comment and just handed her blazer back. “Ah, would you mind getting me a towel from the basket and a plastic bag to put my wet stuff in? I’ll be in the shower, don’t worry no one’s here, just knock when you get back okay?” I nodded.

I took the stuff and stood outside. “You were amazing back there Bo Ra. I’m sorry I’m so useless…” I heard her laugh. “Don’t say that Yongguk, I could have handled it myself anyway.” I knocked and handed her arm the things. Wow it was so creamy looking…and soft….

She came out with a towel on her shoulders drying her hair. She was wearing boy shorts and a football jersey. Her legs looked a mile long and toned from all that swimming. It was amazing how gorgeous she managed to pull off such normal clothing.

“Well, I’m leaving now, Yongguk. See you tomorrow!” She almost left, but I grasped her wrist. “Wait, Bo Ra! I…I…”

Somehow I couldn’t get the words out of my mouth. I gestured helplessly to the confused goddess in front of me. Then, a flash of understanding crossed her face. “Oh… You want to ask me out don’t you?” I exhaled. “Yes.” “Sure, let’s go. But it’s your treat.” She gave me a mehrong. Oh no. I didn’t mean that!...

She was already skipping down the hall so I shouted, “Jung Bo Ra, will you be my girlfriend?!” She grinned like she had been expecting that all along, and made a beckoning motion with her finger. I ran all the way to the school doors. She looked at me and smiled. “I was waiting for you, after that kiss. I was afraid you’d never ask.”

I did it. I finally did it. I asked Jung Bo Ra to be my girlfriend, and she accepted. She was going to continue illuminating my dull life, and show me how to live. Already, she was burning a fire into my still heart, telling me what life was all about. I was this close to fist pumping in the air and sweeping her in my arms to kiss her, but instead I just grabbed her hand in mine.

Fingers intertwined just like after we first met, we strode out of the school and into the orange evening sky.

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