
Unlock Me


Because Woo Jiho is a loser and I hate him.

Written in first person.


The air was thick, and breathing was difficult. It was as if my chest shrank, and my lungs lacked space to fill themselves with oxygen. I tried to scream, but silence wouldn’t let me, as it crept into my throat and crushed my vocal cords to dust, just like it had done to my eardrums. Sight was not reliable, my vision was blurred and my eyes stung as desperate tears wringed themselves out. I reached out, groping aimlessly, until my hands brushed past something cold, slicing into my skin and a warm liquid travelled between my fingers, over my wrist down to my lower arm. But I felt no pain, I couldn’t feel anything.

No senses, no communication. I was trapped. Like a bird in a cage, locked inside my own body. The worst part was, I wasn’t sure if there was a key.

The track of time was lost long ago, but I must’ve stood in one spot for quite a while, until I had no strength left, and my legs gave out as I collapsed onto the floor. Tiny, sharp objects pierced through my skin, but it wasn’t painful.

Physical pain had no effect on me, I already was in too much mental pain.

I hadn’t heard the door being opened, hadn’t seen the figure crouching down to my  level. I only noticed another person’s presence when I felt my head being lifted. Slowly, my vision became clearer as he wiped the salty tears from my cheeks and eyes with his thumb. It felt soft, and soothing. Scanning his face, my heart swelled and my lungs once again had enough room to breathe.

It was him, he was here, and he was bringing my senses back. 

The suffocating silence seemed to shatter to pieces, as his soft, deep voice slammed through it.

“Hey. Yah, look at me.” He choked it out in a whisper, but it was enough. It was exactly what I needed to come back down to earth.

I glanced up at him, scanning the handsome features on his face. His ruffled hair which currently had a colour I couldn’t quite describe -something in between brown and grey, was my guess-, his strongly furrowed eyebrows, his mesmerizing brown eyes showing nothing but worry and confusion, his perfectly shaped nose and his full, plump, rosy lips. Literally everything about this man was undoubtedly perfect.

I wished to stare at him a little bit longer, but he suddenly pulled me close against his chest, which was a very fair alternative. I buried my face into his shirt, engulfing myself with him and his sweet scent. He craddled me like a baby, holding me tight into his safe, warm embrace. I closed my eyes and let the moment linger for a good while, until I felt a painful sting in my foot. Whincing, I opened my eyes and looked down to find the white-tiled floor stained with blood, and the shards of the bathroom mirror sprawled out at my feet.

“Oh my god, Jiho..”, you breathed, lifting your head from his chest in shock. He looked at you briefly before following your gaze that was still fixated on the damage you had created earlier.

“Don’t worry about that, I’ll clean it up after taking care of your hand.”

But this was not about the mirror and the blood. I didn’t care about how many pieces of glass I’d have to pull out of my feet later on, or how deep the cuts in my knuckles were. The fact that I could actually feel my fist painfully throbbing and the shards prying into the sole of my foot, left a much greater impact on my.

Because of him, I could hear and speak again, I could see again, and I could feel again. He freed me from my cage.

“No”, I said, louder this time, loving the feeling of being able to produce sound again. “Let’s stay like this for a while.”

I rested my head back on his chest, feeling remarkably good. I did find my key after all.

He was my key.




Ah I know it's not much.. sorry if it's disappointing OTL

I'll try my best to write more, promise! 

Thank you so much for reading! Comments are highly appreciated, let me know what you think!

Aaand until next time, I guess!





(gifs aren't mine)

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Park_HyeSun #1
Chapter 1: I like your descriptions. Not many AFF authors do this ^^

However... I think you meant 'wincing', not 'whincing'. ^^; Have a nice day.
Chapter 1: This is really good. You remind me of one of my favourite fanfic writer.. Your writing style is very similar. The author is kittensrambling. She is on hiatus for now.. You did reli good by the way. Desriptive skills is awesome. I like this type of writing, it amkes u imagine and rreally think about whats happening.. Thx for this entertainment! Do write more of this.. Ouh ya, Jiho is an extra credit for ur story. He is one of my bias after Teddy and TOP..
wait for your first chapter <3