Bigbang VS SHINee

No matter what happends, i still love you... ( Oneshot )

Your a really huge fan of BigBang and they’re having a concert tomorrow and that only 3,000 peoples can come. Your bestfriend Jolina bought 2 tickets already ( frontrow ) ! You’re so excited to go! But suddenly your phone rang. It was your SHINee bf;
Onew; Jakiya! We have a concert tomorrow! I already have your ticket and a backstage pass. Oh, and if your hungry after the concert you can just ask Manager hyung for food~ Like.. CHICKEN!! So, can you go?

Jonghyun; Hello yeobo! Have you eaten? Our group is having a concert tomorrow! Oh, and i got you a ticket already.. ” FRONT SEAT<3 ” kekekek~ Can you make it tomorrow?

Key; YEOBO! Your Almighty Key and SHINee is having a concert tomorrow! Your gonna be in the V.I.P. section. <3 Manager hyung will be with you. So, that you can be safe and enjoy staring at me close-up. While, im on stage shining~

Minho; Oh, hi my princess! I wanted to ask you if you can come to our concert tomorrow..? So, that when im on stage i can see your beautiful face in the front row.

Taemin; Hi! Umm, we’re having a concert tomorrow and i wanted you to come.. I wanna see you cheering for me in the front row and giving me strength. So, i can dance better! (;

You; Hi! Umm, tomorrow..? Uhh, errr.. Im going somewhere tomorrow with my bestfriend.. It’s a concert also.. SORRY! SORRY! I promise i’ll do anything you want after!

Him; Awww… Who’s concert is it..? She’s/He’s more important than me..? Sigh..

You felt guilty and didn’t wanna disapoint him.. But, this a special concert and plus, your going with your bestfriend! What more can you ask?

You; It’s Bigbang’s concert.. It’s a special one and only 3,000 people can come.. But, you know i love you more! It’s just that.. Jolina bought the tickets already and it’s really expensive. Plus, it’s front row.. SORRY! Forgive me..?

Onew; What your saying is you love Bigbang more than SHINee? Is it because T.O.P’s deep voice, that is making you love Bigbang..? Sigh, i forgive you but, ill drop by in your house to give the tickets. Incase, you change your mind.

Jonghyun; WHAAAA? Bigbang? Is it because of  Taeyang hyung’s abs? I HAVE ABS TOO! Uhh, well ITS ON PROCESS! Yeobo, im sad.. I really wanna see you pretty face smilling and cheering for me..

Key; YAH! Your gonna betray your Key? Is Bigbang your new lovers now? Sigh, im gonna give you the tickets later. IF, you change your mind.. ( I really want see you cheering for me on stage.. )

Minho; Omo, you should’ve told me earlier your a huge fan of Bigbang and i could’ve told them to change their concert for next week. So, you can come to our concert. But, don’t worry.. I’ll forgive you. Call me when you decide to come to our concert.

Taemin; -spechless-.. Yeobo, ill drop by to give you the tickets. Just incase, you change your mind.

After that without even saying goodbye, both of you closed your HPs..

You; I feel really bad.. But, i can’t say no to Jolina.. Sigh, ill just talk to him after the concert tomorrow..

The next day, early in the morning, Jolina called you to make sure your awake. You answered your HP.

You; ( Your half asleep ) Uhhh, huh… Oh, Jolina! What time is it? Huh, what we have to go now? Sure, sure ill meet you there.

You reached the place where the concert will be held. You and Jolina are the first ones to arrive. Since you guys got there super early. While, waiting, you can’t stop thinking about your SHINee bf..

You; ( Talking in your mind ) Sigh.. i hope he’s okay.. I made him really mad/sad.. Yeobo.. I’m sorry and i miss you..

Meanwhile, your SHINee bf is in the backstage rehearsing. Him too, he can’t stop thinking of you..

Him; Sorry for not saying goodbye yesterday.. I was just disappointed you can’t come.. But, since you choose to go to Bigbang’s concert. I’ll respect that, since you can see me everyday. But, i really wanna see you right now.. ( talking to himself )

5:30pm, it was time of the concert. You and Jolina is trying to find your seats in the front row. After, 15 minutes, the show started.. By looking at Bigbang on stage , your really happy! But, in some point you just can’t smile or cheer. Cause, in your mind your SHINee bf is stuck in your head..

After an hour, you can’t take it anymore. So, you told Jolina that your going to the restroom.. But she didn’t know that your actually sneaking out and gonna see your SHINee bf. So, you took a cab to go to the concert place.

When you arrived you showed your backtage pass to the security and they let you in. ( You bringed the ticket, cause maybe you we’re gonna change your mind.. and you did ) When you went in, you saw Manager hyung and you ask him;

You; Oppa! Umm, sorry for coming late.. But can you tell me where he is?

Manager hyung; Don’t worry! You came at the good moment! He’s resting there in the corner for a bit. Cause they’re cleaning the stage, too much confetti!

You; Wahhh, thank you!

So, after hearing the good news. You quickly rushed over to him. Upon, seeing him, you ran to him and hug him tightly without saying anything.

Onew; Huh, who are you? STALKER?! Oh, it’s just you.. Wait what! OMO, When did you came? I thought your at Bigbang’s concert to admire T.O.P hyung’s voice? Ahah, just joking. Im happy you came, even though it’s a bit late! -hugs you back-

Jonghyun; Yeobo! What are you doing here?! Im not your Taeyang oppa! ( your still not saying anything while hugging him ) Ohh, i know now.. You really missed me soo much, eh? Ahaha! Well, -whispers to you- I miss you more my love..

Key; Kyaaaa, a crazy fan is attacking me! HELP!! Wait a minute, i know that hairclip. I gave one to my gf the same thing.. Hmm.. ( He takes off some of the hair on your face and has a shock look on his face ) AIGOOOO, jakiya! Don’t scare me! Why aren’t you in Bigbang’s concert?

Minho; …. Heh? Princess, why are you here? I thought you went to Bigbang’s concert? Can’t stand being separated with me even for an hour? Ahahah, your so cute! -pinches your cheeks-

Taemin; …JAKIYA?! Uhh, why are you not at Bigbang’s concert? You really love them right?

After hearing his words. You loosen your hug and look at him straight in the eyes..

You; Jakiya, you know that i love you more than Bigbang.. You know that i told Jolina i went to restroom but the truth is i went all theway here to see you.. I’ll just explain it to her tomorrow. Can’t you see how much i love you for leaving Bigbang’s special concert just for you.. -looks down blushing-

After finishing what you wanted to say to him, he pokes you.

Onew; Waaaaah, stop being sad i forgived you long time! Are you hungy? There’s chicken in the backstage just ask Manager hyung to accompany you~ (:

Jonghyun; Aww, so you mean you like my abs better than Taeyang hyung’s? Yay! It’s cause i’m always going to the gym with Minho everyday! -hugs-

Key; YEOBO! Pfft, your makeup is all messed up from all your crying and don’t worry I know you love me more than Bigbang hyung’s~ -hands you a tissue- Now go ask our Stylist noona do fix it! ^^

Minho; Ahaha, you finally realize that you can’t stand my flaming charisma? You know what, -whispers- ILOVEYOUMORE!<3

Taemin; -cries with you- Gaaaaah, your making me cry too! No, no, no no more crying! -hugs-

Your SHINee bf told you to sit in the frontrow and wait for him to go out on stage for his solo.. After 5 minutes of waiting, he finally went on stage. You realise that you can’t get your eyes off him.. Because he was dazzling and shining with his white suit with glitters.

Onew/Jonghyun/Key/Minho/Taemin; Everyone! I’m dedicating this song to the one i love who is here in this stadium. I composed this song earlier when i was thinking of her.. Yeobo, you know who you are and I LOVE YOU!!

You were about to tear up but you held it in until the song finishes..

Onew/Jonghyun/Key/Minho/Taemin; Waah! Did everyone liked the song?


Onew/Jonghyun/Key/Minho/Taemin; That’s good! Now i would you to meet my one and only love ( Your name ) ! Camera mans please point your cameras to her! -points at you-

You; -shock face- ( You see your face on the big screen and cover your face )

Onew/Jonghyun/Key/Minho/Taemin; Aww, don’t be shy! Show your pretty face Jakiya!

 ( You take off your hands from your face and look down while blushing )

There was an akward silence in the crowd..

But suddenly everyone starts screaming ” UNNIE! YOUR SO PRETTY! YOU LOOK GOOD WITH Onew/Jonghyun/Key/Minho/Taemin ( Choose your favorite SHINee member ) OPPA! DONT WORRY WERE NOT MAD! WE’LL SUPPORT YOU!  NOW GET MARRIED! YOU’LL BE THE CUTEST COUPLE EVER! STAY STRONG!

Upon hearing that you can’t control your tears anymore.. Tears started falling down your cheeks..

Onew/Jonghyun/Key/Minho/Taemin; -he goes down the stage and goes to you to hug you-

After he hugged you he told the crowd “Thank you everyone for your blessings! Don’t  worry we’ll try to get married quickly -winks at you- . Eheheh, please continue supporting SHINee and us! Goodbye! “


After 4 years. you guys got married. It was the most memorable day of your lifes. Few months later, you guys had twins.. A baby girl and a baby boy, you named them ( Name here ) and ( Name here ). You guys we’re a warm, happy, loving family that anyone would wish for.



Hope you guys enjoyed it!


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2029 streak #1
Chapter 1: Haha :D such a cute story author-nim ^_^ The different kind of reactions from each SHINee members were really awesome.
Chapter 1: this is simple and cute story and I loves it ^^
I like Onew in this story *sorry Taem* xD
@SHINeeGirl3 Thank you! We're happy you love it! ^^
such a cute story!! i love it!!! haha <3 i love my SHINee oppas!!!! <3
OH your right! We didn't saw that! Ahaha, thank you! :D & we're glad you enjoyed and love our story! ^^ -CailaAndRoxanne
nAJOnHyun #6
Actually u made a mistake its oppa not hyung but i REALLY enjoy the story LOVE it
@aryan778 Waaah, thank you for being our very first commenter(?)! ^w^
#8 cute