
Oh My Shoes




Her friend woke up for the second time, shocked. He had a bitter expression plastered on his face, an unpleasing one. “Rolly pig, what do you want?!” Baekhyun shook his head in ache and rolled out of bed. He slipped on his panda slippers before Taeyeon could actually give him a whack.


“You bastard!” She roared and tried to slap his arm instead she slapped the silent air and fell onto the bed.


“BAEKHYUN!!!!” She shouted in frustration and chased him but Baekhyun shut the bathroom door right on her face.


“I’m going to kill you when you step out of this door.” Taeyeon heard the rambling of the cold water from the sink’s faucet. She even heard the idiot’s laugh. Taeyeon shook her head in disbelief and rubbed her weary eyes from the surprised sunlight that blinded her through the curtains.



“Okay, I’m wide awa- .”


A flying shoe came across his direction and hit his forehead. Baekhyun stumbled down and groaned in pain. Victory laugh escaped Taeyeon’s mouth as she watched her friend lost.


“What a loser.” She managed to speak even though her laughter was choking her down. Baekhyun stood up and stomped his feet on the ground while walking towards her.


“How dare you threw my expensive sho-- oh my gosh, it has a scratch!” He picked up the shoe Taeyeon had thrown and fakely sobbed, mumbling ‘my shoes, my shoes’ over and over again. Taeyeon smirked and mocked him by doing a sad face.


“I’m sorry for throwing that. Get the out of here and leave!” But it turned out pretty bad; her face had instantly switched to a mad one.


Baekhyun winced from the loud voice and immediately covered the mad woman’s mouth with his hand. Only hums and groans were the ones that can be heard inside the room. Taeyeon kept on pushing out his hand but it was no use.


“There you go. Shut the up.” Baekhyun said as he focused the scratch on his shoe other. He wanted to cry because he spent a hundred bucks just to buy his favourite branded shoes.


“You’re going to be a dead meat, Kim Taeyeon.” He removed his hand from Taeyeon’s mouth and immediately cringed from the loud rants.


“How dare you shut me up?! You little piece of . I cannot believe you—“ Taeyeon ranted and went around the room, she complained why she had woke up early even though it’s Saturday, why Baekhyun showed up and crashed her beauty sleep and for Baekhyun all he can hear was ‘asgasgflajgfkdagjkgsldgasl ajsglasdlkskkajsd’ he couldn’t comprehend what the actual she was saying. Of course, his mind was concentrated on his shoe and how would he do.


“—I don’t know why you are here pestering me around—“


What will I do with my shoes, he thought, the other one is okay but this, it has a scratch. He held up and his face sulked. (It was just a little scratch like a cat’s.) Baekhyun groaned inwardly, oblivious with Taeyeon’s word of wisdom to him. His shoes weren’t a high-class phone that had a warranty for a year or 6-months and can be fixed within those said dates if there was a problem. For his precious shoes, there wasn’t, if there was, the answer to his problem is buying a new one.


“—and now you are not listening to me. What an immo—“


“Pay up.” Baekhyun cut Taeyeon’s sentence with a deathly glare. “You need to pay up for my shoe.”


Taeyeon rushed and hovered over him, “What?” An incredulous look was seen across her face. “What the hell is wrong with that shoe? I just throwed it, so?”


“So?” Baekhyun raised an eyebrow; his eyes were twitching in anger, lips twisting to the side. And it scared Taeyeon down.


She gulped and nervously smiled, “I’m going to pay up like you said.” Taeyeon spun around and cursed under her breath while rummaging her wallet inside the bag. Baekhyun was about to break in tears but he was holding it too strong that his knuckles might break in gripping the shoe.


“90, 800 won, Taeyeon.” He said and tried the shoe if the inside was okay or not. Taeyeon winced by the price and started to stomp her feet on the ground.


She snorted and fished out a 100,000 won and hid it inside her pajama’s pocket. “But, I only have 50,000 won in my hand.” She said. Baekhyun glared at her and suddenly broke into tears. He fell on his knees that caused Taeyeon to stumble back in disbelief.


“Taeyeon, Baekhyun dear, wake up, time to eat.” Taeyeon’s mom knocked and shouted from the outside.


“Y-yeah, M-mom!” Taeyeon was startled and shouted that made Baekhyun to cry even more.


“T-Taeyeon, hic, I-I bought that with my own savings, hic, h-how could you j-just, j-just throw it like that to m-me.” Baekhyun sobbed hard, he kept on pounding the tiled floor with his hands like a miserable child.


He even rolled, hugging his knees while crying and Taeyeon just stood there, dumbfounded.


What the is wrong with this guy, she thought and picked up the shoe (the one she hit at Baekhyun’s forehead.) She delicately checked out the scratch, her dunce friend was saying, unluckily, there was but it was just a slight one.


And that almost killed Taeyeon’s heart.


“Uh, what is going in there, Tae?” Taeyeon’s mom called out and knocked. She had heard Baekhyun’s loud cries.


Taeyeon turned to the door and the shoe fell from her hand. Her heart just flipped twice in scared motion. “Uhm, w-we’re okay, mom. W-we are just playing arou—“


“—you even made a red mark on my forehead—ouch.” Baekhyun groaned in between sobs as he accidentally pressed his temple with his index finger. Taeyeon’s mom outside was already curious and was about to step in but of course, it was locked.


Taeyeon facepalmed at the rolling bacon on the floor and tiredly sighed, “Okay, okay. Here’s the money.” She held up his hand in defeat and Baekhyun instantly got up from the floor and dusted off his shirt.


“Come down and eat breakfast the both of you.” Her mom’s voice slowly trailed off as she went downstairs. Taeyeon was surprised at the sudden act and hissed, her eyebrows creased together as Baekhyun smiled at her direction.


“C’mon, hand it to me.” Baekhyun nudged her and wiped away his dried tears. Taeyeon just stared at him in bewilderment as she slowly handed the money to him. She rolled her eyes while Baekhyun jumped in victory.


And now, Taeyeon was the one hailed loser now. She made her way back to her wallet and gulped in sadness, only 10,000 won was left in it.


She shoved an ice wrapped with towel to Baekhyun for his red forehead as they went out of the room. Taeyeon looked at him and was greeted by a song synchronized with Britney Spears dance.


“Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more—“


“Seriously, Baekhyun, can you just get the out of yourself?”


Baekhyun shrugged and continued to dance as they went downstairs to eat.


“—gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more—“


A/N: I ship BaekYeon! A fail crack though. 


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Chapter 1: Awesome 'o'
Lol, it's enough. Stop singing ' gimme more ' Baekhyun ah.
What's the relationship between Taeyeon & Baekhyun btw ?
rockettoyou #2
Chapter 1: amazing! :D
luhanhoney #3
Chapter 1: taeyeon!! ^_^
shin_yoonjo12 #4
sound interesting !! please update soon ^^