Meeting the prince

Welcome to Sirius

„What are you doing here?“

I looked up and saw a boy with light brown hair and thick lips glaring at me. I’ve to admit he looked kinda handsome and guessing from his clothes he also had be some royal like Chunji or CAP.

“I asked you something!” He said rough as I didn’t answer him yet. But I didn’t know what to answer. So I still stared at him and still holding the little fairy in my hands.

“Come with me.” He hissed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me after him. I flinched as I stood on my injured leg.

“Wait! I can’t walk. My leg is injured.” I told him as I showed him my leg. He just rolled his eyes and lift me up bridal style.

“What are you doing?” I shrieked as he lifted me up and my heart pounded so fast in my chest.

“What does it look like? Be a bit thankful as I carry you.”

“I didn’t even ask for that.”

“But I don’t want to walk as slowly as a worm because you can’t walk properly.” Touché. That was a good contour.

“Fine.” I gave up arguing with him and slung my arms around him as he walked to the castle. The whole way we didn’t talk and I didn’t even look up at him. It was an awkward atmosphere.

“What’s your name?” I asked him to avoid the awkward atmosphere and the silence as I looked up at him.

“You don’t know me? Although I’m a member of the royal family, good-looking and handsome? Every girl should know me.” What the hell did he think of himself? He surely wasn’t that good-looking and handsome…ok, he was handsome and good-looking, but nevertheless he was really arrogant.

“I’m sorry that I’m not attracted to your handsomeness and beauty, oh your holy highness. And I just arrived here in your kingdom some hours ago. How should I know it?” I barked back and glared at him. It seems like a small smile appeared on his lips and gosh, he looked even more handsome with that small smile.

I noticed that the color red appeared on my face again and I turned my face away, so he couldn’t see me blushing. And I saw the guardians watching us and they whispered as we walked now in the castle to some room.

“Well, then I tell you who I am. I’m Niel. Prince of Sirius and the successor of the throne.” Oh great. Not that I ran off to the palace where I actually didn’t want to go and now the prince even found me. Why am I so unlucky today?

I just said oh as I nodded my head to the answer, still not looking at him.

“I bet you’re thinking now that you found a good man for the future, hm? He is rich, handsome and good-looking.” Seriously he slowly annoyed me to the max.

But somehow I also heard a little bit of sadness in his words.

“Well, I guess you didn’t hear me later. I told you, I’m not attracted to you.” I tried to sound confident as I told him my lie. Right, my lie. Actually, I was attracted to him, but he didn’t have to know that.

“What’s your name anyway, Miss I’m not interested.”

“Park Hana.”

“Park…Hana?” He asked, but more to himself and he stopped going for a while. I saw him frowning and then he shook his head. Why were all people acting strange when they heard my name?

Niel started to walk again. We didn’t talk till we reached a huge door, which he opened without problems while holding me and entered the huge hall. I was amazed by the huge hall as it was built with marble and silver around everywhere. The windows looked like beautiful glittering crystal stars and in the middle where 4 silver thrones. One was the biggest of all 4 and their sat man in royal clothes. The same as Niel wore just in green. I supposed he was the king. And right next to him sat a beautiful woman with long wavy brown hair and the same thick lips as Niel had them. I guess she was his mother as they really looked alike.

“Niel. How surprising. You’re carring a young girl bridal style?” His mother, the queen, said surprised. Niel ignored his mother and turned to his father. He slowly let me down, to not let me feel any pain. *So he also could be really caring* I thought as I tried to stand up, but I still had to hold me on him and seemed like it didn’t bother him.

“Father. She said she is Park Hana.” He asked in a concern voice staring at his father, who was frowning and the king looked to me. Suddenly his eyes rose opened up wide. As he opened up his mouth to say something, the door behind us opened again and I saw Chunji and the other guys running to us with a beautiful girl, with long wavy hair and small lips.

“My lord. We have some news! The granddaughter of Park Sora, Park Hana is…Oh my god! Hana, you’re already here?” Ricky looked at me surprised as he saw me standing next to Niel. The others looked at us too and Chunji came running to me and took my hands in his hands.

“Hana! How did you find the palace? How could you just run away and on top of that with your hurt leg? Do you know how worried I was?” Chunji said to me as he still held my hands and looked worried to me. Then I felt an arm sneaking around my hip and I got pulled back. Surprised I looked up and saw that Niel was holding me again as he glared to Chunji.

“You see, that she’s alright, so let go of her.” He hissed to him as he still glared at Chunji and Chunji glared back. It even seemed like they were sending thunders to each other.

“Well, if I knew she was with prince Niel, I would have worried even more.” Chunji contoured as he walked back to his comrades. I saw how Niels face turned red from anger. Somehow it was cute how he let Chunji provoked him and I noticed I got even more attracted to the prince.

Noticing this, a faint blush appeared on my face and shook my head really hard as to hide it. Niel and the rest looked strange at me. But then Niel remembered the fight with Chunji and as he wanted to say something the girl stopped him.

“Niel, my little brother. Stop fighting with Chunji now, okay? It’s not the time for it.” The girl, who was actually his sister, said calmly as she smiled. She really had a beautiful voice. Did all royals look that good here?

Niel just snort at her comment, but kept quiet. Then the king cleared his throat and everyone looked at him. He stood up and walked to me. His deep brown eyes observed me and I suddenly felt really small in front of him.

“Well, you look exactly like your grandma, doesn’t she honey?” He turned around to his wife as she also stood up and walked to us. She nodded and smiled at me and her smile was really beautiful.

*Is Niels smile also so beautiful as his mother’s?* I asked myself in my thoughts as I looked back to Niel, but he still had this cold stare on him.

“I’m happy that you’re here Hana. Do you know how long we waited for you? Since the birth of Niel and Juniel. Already 18 years and finally you came to save us.” The king sat down on his throne again and smiled proudly. I still didn’t know why I was in Sirius and why they knew my grandma and why I should save them. I mean, I’m a clumsy girl, who can’t even protect herself from any harm.

“Excuse me, but I don’t even know why all people keep saying that I can save them. I don’t even know how I got into this world. Can someone tell me what this all supposed to mean?” They all looked to me surprised as I spoke up. Maybe because it was the first thing I said since I entered the hall.

“You don’t know anything?” The king asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. He looked to his wife who nodded. She took one of my hair strain and put it behind my hair as she told me the story of my grandma and the world Sirius:


oh my.... sorry for this really really late update. I'm ashamed of myself .__. and on top of that the chapter is really short ><

I'm really really sorry *bows deeply*

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next chapter in process~ thx to my 3 subbies


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Chapter 3: Its okay don't worry you were probably busy. I totally understand. But at least you updated right? ^^ Don't give up okay! (^^)9
AptonKey #2
Chapter 2: Wow, I really like this
AikoChanLove123 #3
Chapter 2: Niel caught her right? Please update soon!! (^_^)9
Chapter 1: I like it! =D I hope you update soon!! =D