No other than, You.

No other than my second love :>


Yoona's POV head was in pain. I got out of the bed and looked around. 'Hey! This isn't my room!' And started shouting "Ahhhhh"
"Yah! Yah! What happened?!" Kyuhyun suddenly run towards me wearing an apron and holding a spoon, awww...he's just so adorable. 'Yah Yoona, what're you thinking? I then cover my body with cloth.
"Yah! Why am I here?!"
"Don't shout at this time! The neighbors could be awaken with your voice."
"What. Am. I. Doing. Here?!"
"Yah! I didn't do anything weird! And you should be sorry! It's not me to sleep on the floor! You should get ready, we're eating breakfast."
I fixed myself and went to the dining room.
"Have a sit." He pulled the chair out for me.
"Thank You." I replied with a smile. The silence still goes on until...
"You may not be my first love..but...I'll try to forget her. Let's just move on..." I'm totally shocked with his words.
"What are you talking about?'s not esy for me to move on. He's my first love."
"She also is. But because of you, it'll now be easier."
"Thanks for the meal. I'm going home."
"Yoona...At the fountain, everyday, I'll wait for you, until your heart change, ready to love and to be loved again."
I left him with a sigh and doubt written all over my face. I don't know, it's like I've regretted what I've done. To reject such a man like him. Did I make the right decision?
Kyuhyun's POV
I can't sleep, other than sleeping on this cold floor, I kept thinking about our kiss. 
I woke up early to prepare breakfast. I heard her shout and run quickly to check out what had happened. She must have misunderstood, seeing her wrapping herself with cloth. 
"Yah! Why am I here?!" She asked angrily. I tried to calm her down, but then I remembered, she's a tough one. 
She must have felt guilt when I told her that I slept on the floor, and nothing happened. 
We ate dinner together, and I planned to confess. But I guess...I've got rejected. I said I'll wait for her heart to change. 
Time passed by. I've already forgotten about my first love, and only thinks about Yoona.
Seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into hours, hours turn into days, days into weeks, and weeks into months. I kept on waiting for her, coming back and forth on that fountain. Hoping for a miracle to happen.
I guess my sacrifice will be over. After a month of waiting, I saw Yoona walking through my direction. I stood up and called out her name "Yoona..." And I smiled.
She went forward "I've forgotten about this. I haven't returned it. Here." And handed over a handkerchief. 
"Oh. But you don't have to.." But she turns her back. I hugged her tightly, I already knew what's going to happen, I'll be rejected again. "I said, I'll wait for you." And tighten my hug.
"I've made out my mind." She whispered. I took off my arms off her. "Take care of that handkerchief. resembles my heart."
"What do you mean?"
"I've decided..."
"What kind of decision have you made?"
"To move on, and have a new life with you." I couldn't say a thing for about a minute. And then...I carried her and turned around in circles. 
"Haha..Yoona!! If you only knew how happy I am!" 
"I'm happy too alright! Now put me down, before I change my mind." She joked.
"Oh..ok ok, so please don't change your mind." I then put her down and hugged her again tightly.
"And commemorate this special day...." And pouted her lips.
"What?" And pouted again. Keke. You really are something Yoona. 
"Yah! I'm the one who kissed you first that night! Return it back, then!" I pretended to not hear something and just walked away. And as I expected, she runs after me, locked her arms into mine and lay her head on my shoulder.
"Are you really happy, oppa?"
"Oppa? Keke. Of course."
"How happy you are?"
"I'm happy as a puppy who found his owner."
"So you're a puppy now huh?"
"Not one. But as cute as it is. Keke."
"And I'm your owner! You should listen to what I command you....including what have I told earlier..." I heard her whisper.
And while we're walking...I gave her what she always wanted.
"Yah! It's too short and sudden!"
"Wahh..You're such a picky owner."
"It should be like this..." For the second time, he pulled my shirt, and kissed my lips.
"You must be used in pulling my shirt huh?"
"Keke." And we returned to our position, were our arms are locked together, and her head is lying on my shoulder, and continued to walk.
Yoona'ss POV
"Oppa..I have something to confess..."
"What is it?"
"When we first met, and we run and you grabbed my hands, I told you that an innocent face doesn't suits you, right?"
"Uhm? Ah, yes, I remembered. Do you really mean it? And now you're telling me that I should always draw anger on my face?"
"No...No..That's not what I meant. I lied."
"Oh. Innocent face really suits you. And you're more handsome having that expression. You're cool oppa!" And I gave him a thumbs up.
"Ha. I knew it. And you fell in love with me at first...I mean, second sight?"
"Oh." I mumbled.
"Me too." And we both shared a smile.
"Oppa, one more thing...have you noticed that it's always the second time?" I utter while we're walking.
"What do you mean?"
"It's your second time to stop me and held my hands. And it's my second time also, to pull your shirt and kiss your lips."
"Oh. I didn't noticed that. Oh well, I love number 2."
"Me too...No other than my second love."
Here's the last chap. Hope you enjoyed. Please no SILENT READERS, ok? Keke. :3
Thank You for supporting all the way. KYUNA FIGHTING! =">
I've changed the picture..I'm sorry. But I guess it's MUCH MORE BETTER than the other.. :D 
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Chapter 5: Aaaq i want the sequel
please share more
Heiyuun #3
_YaNix_ #4
KyuNa!!! Hwaiting!!! i love this!
badieminca #5
love the photos...
Kris-C25 #6
sweet and cute. i love this
woah~!!!! really, i love this xD
iamnotSsanti #8
kyuna's such a sweet talker yieee haha good job! :-bd
@kyeopta: thank you for reading. glad u like it. :)
awwww this kyuna's fic was sweet and cute ;w;