Chapter One

Shawol Lounge



The Shawol Lounge was packed. Actually, it was packed every night. The high class restaurant was a bit of a hot spot; reservations had to be made weeks in advance and only the most successful and wealthy people Seoul could ever be seen there. Since the clientele was so refined, the employees had to be top notch. All employees must be proficient in their position, and most importantly, they must always look good. All the waiters and waitresses had to be polished, pretty, and charming, light on their feet, and outgoing. The bartenders must be polished, pretty, good with their hands, and sociable. Most importantly, the entertainment had to be stunning. Talent was important too, of course, but only the iest, most desirable, and enviable singers could be seen performing. They had to give the prestigious guests something beautiful to look at as they dined on their countless courses of miniscule, overpriced meals cooked by only the finest, most sought after chefs.

The most frequent performer at Shawol Lounge was Kim Jonghyun. Week after week one could see him performing the same classic songs on the stage. Securing his impressive position by seducing all female (and a few male) guests in the 10-55 year age demographic, Jonghyun became a large part of the restaurant's appeal, and women of all ages flocked to the Shawol Lounge, dragging their fathers and husbands with them and their wallets.

Kim Kibum absent mindedly dried the same shot glass he'd been drying for the past half an hour on his little stool behind the bar. Tonight the lounge was hosting some fancy dinner party for some charity that sends missionaries to Africa to "spread the light of jesus" or some and so all the guests were like, the worst kind of religious. And none of them were heavy drinkers. This left Kibum bored as hell, tempted to dip into the supply behind the counter himself just to make the rest of the night more bearable. Usually, Kibum was busy entertaining customers in his own way by flamboyantly shaking martinis and pouring drinks, but tonight the only thing worthwhile he could find to do was sit back and watch Jonghyun perform in disgust.

Jonghyun made sure to make eye contact with as many customers as possible, letting his smoldering gaze open the floodgates to countless girls hormones. Occasionally, he would point out an individual girl during an especially romantic line in a song, or send flirty winks during upbeat choruses. Kibum snorted as Jonghyun made eyes at a slightly overweight guest near the stage, causing her to squeal and receive disapproving glances from her parents.

God, he is disgusting. Kibum set the over-polished glass on the counter with an air of finality and reached to grab another.

"Hey hyung," a lanky waitor leaned over the bar to wave a well groomed hand in front of the bartender's face.

"God, Taemin, shouldn't you be out and about, waiting on people or something?" Kibum halfheartedly batted Taemin's hand away from his face.

"It's slow, so I'm on break." Taemin grinned, taking off his black apron for the time being and stashing it behind the bar.

Taemin's eyes followed kibum's gaze to Jonghyun, and back to Kibum. He narrowed his eyes slightly at his friend.

"I thought you hated Jonghyun." he said coolly

Kibum shifted his attention to the young waiter but his cat like eyes still flickered over to the singer every few moments.

"I do. Still. Obviously," Kibum stated, "he's so greasy, it's sickening. Plus, he doesn't even, like, sing his own songs, just songs everyone already knows. It's so boring and cliché."

Taemin turned around, leaning his back on the bar to watch Jonghyun perform with Kibum. The singer was just about finished with his set for the night, so he was really amping up the performance. His arms were wrapped around the mic stand, cradling it as close as possible. You could hear every single breath he took in and expelled during the slow song, his lips occasionally brushing against the mic as he swayed back and forth to the sensual jazzy rhythm.

"Yeah, but he's so hot though" Taemin offered.

"Psh, yeah. You and every other teenage girl in this joint can agree whole heartedly on that." Kibum snorted

"I'm not a girl."

"Yeah I know."

"And he is really hot"


The song came to an end and Jonghyun straightened the mic stand and thanked the audience before excusing himself off stage. People began to collect their things to leave since the event had technically been over for twenty minutes, but almost all had stayed for extra desserts and/or to watch the rest of Jonghyun's performance. Taemin stood up straight and stretched before snatching his apron from behind the bar. He wrapped the apron around his thin frame and secured the strings with his slender fingers, tying it into a tidy bow.

"Well, I gotta go help clear tables now that the guests are filing out, save me a drink?" Taemin asked meekly

"Not til you're legal!" Kibum scolded, smacking the younger with his dishtowel

Taemin's pleading face melted, and he turned away to go clear tables, his posh pony swishing ever so slightly with each step.

Key sighed and began wiping down the already pristine counter top, having nothing better to do until closing.

The room was abuzz with chattering as the guests got their coats and purses and used the restroom and talked to friends and blah blah blah blah blah and Kibum just really wanted everyone to leave so he could finish up and go home. Maybe he could get him and Taemin some of the chicken they were serving tonight if there were any leftovers. Working at a prestigious place like this got all the bills paid and everything but there's nothing wrong with getting some free gourmet food where you can. Kibum had the misfortune to be born with the most expensive taste, which was a burden when he didn't have the budget to indulge in it.

Kibum looked up from his bar just in time to notice Jonghyun making his way towards him.

Well, . There goes my quick and easy closing time

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