Study~ Study~ Home~

I would have never thought...

Chapter 2




I climbed up the large stone steps of the old library opening the big wooden doors walking in, bowing occasionally while passing a familiar face or two. People that have come to know me and Alexander well because we would spend so much time there. I smiled as I saw a familiar patch of hair sitting by the Mystery books. My heart skipped a beat as I walked closer seeing he said his glasses on and was looking rather concentrated reading an Edgar Allan Poe book, “Annabel Lee”. I ran over and hugged him.



“Aigoo… Soojeong you scared me.” He said chuckling a bit. I giggled and smiled at his reaction pleased with it.




“Sorry Alexander! I couldn’t help myself!” I said as the librarian ‘shushed’ us. But, not in the ugly way more in a kind old lady way. She knows that Alexander and I were in love and sometimes we become a bit rowdy. I bowed a bit apologizing for my loud foreigner voice. Alexander chuckled at this; I punched him lightly as we started to walk over to an empty desk that they had available in the study section of the library.



“How was your day Soojeong?” He said with a smiled that really melted my heart. I cocked my head to the side as I placed my pointed finger to my lips as if thinking of an answer. I smiled after a while of thinking.




“It’s been great!” I said a little bit too loudly. He flinched as if waiting for the librarian to scold us again. I looked over and say that she was helping out someone that needed help finding a book. I giggled a bit as he patted my head.




“Are girls being nice to you? Are they bulling you?” I sighed I wanted to lie but my mother always said little lies can lead to big bad things.




“Yeah… but don’t worry about it! I’m perfectly fine! It’s just name calling!” He nodded looking a bit sad.




“Okay… but if anything happens… Call me and I’ll come over as soon as I can!” I nodded. I placed my head on his shoulder and sighed. Alexander was such a good and warm hearted person he really is the most perfect person in the world! I smiled and giggled silently to myself. Alexander started chuckling as well. “Why are you laughing all of a sudden?” He asked through chuckles. I shook my head smiling.




“Nothing~” I said looking away. Alexander grabbed my hands to make me look at him.




“Now you have to tell me~” I started giggling madly.




“Aniyo~!” I laughed as I remembered what I had in my bag. “Alexander! Alexander! I have something for you~~” I said as I smiled. He looked at me and laughed. 



“What is it?” He asked me. I reached for my cute “emoticon” school bag and looked through it looking for the chocolate lollipops that I had bought him. When I found them in my bag I told alexander to close his eyes and extend his hands. He was hesitant but he complied and closed his eyes and extended his hands. I took out the candies and placed them on his hands. He opened up his eyes and looked down at his hands and smiled noticing what they were. I smiled noticing he was happy as well. He put the chocolate lollipops on the table and took my face in his hands and started to lean in. I blushed immensely as my heart rate sped up and my breath hitched. I’m scared… Even though I love Alexander a lot we still have not kissed each other on the lips. It has always been cuddles and hugs but now…  I sighed relived once he kisses me on the nose. I gave out another heavy sigh. Alexander laughed at my reaction.




“Yah…” I said through a deep blush. “You know I’m scared…” I said small tears forming in my eyes. Alexander bit his lip and hugged me.




“I know Soo… I’m Sorry…” He said. I hugged him back tightly as a small tear escaped my eye. He pulled away and removed the tear from my eye. He placed his forehead on mine and sighed. “My innocent princess… I’m sorry… Please forgive me?” I looked down and nodded. Alexander smiled and placed a small kiss on my cheek. They reason why I’m so scared is because I have never kissed someone… I do not know what I would do in that situation… I am scared of the unknown. I’m scared that I might push Alexander away… I don’t want to hurt him… I love him that is why I am scared. Alexander picked up the lollipops and smiled. “These are so you Soo!” I looked up and laughed.




“Waeyo?” I giggled sniffling the last bit of tears away. Alexander smiled.




“They are cute and affectionate~” I blushed. Oh how he made my heart race! I can’t take all the complements that he throws at me! “You really are too cute Soo!” He said bringing me out of my trance. I smiled.




“Yah~ lets practice Korean, half an hour already passed!” I said with a pout.




“Arrasso Arrasso~! Let’s start then!” I smiled as I took out my Korean homework and started on it. When ever I made a mistake Alexander would hit my head softly and say “Babo~ You do it like this…” I would get surprised but paid attention to everything he said. I felt like I couldn’t waste the little time that we had together because he was a college student and his time was limited and I couldn’t waste so much time chit chatting away. Although I would gladly do that instead. I sighed a bit at the thought. He understood seven different languages and he was kind! What more could I ask for in a boyfriend! After some time of studying Alexander’s phone rang. He picked it up and noticed it was a text message. He smiled after reading it.




“Kay Soojeong~ Time to go~ Kris is waiting for us!” I smiled and put all my stuff away. Walking hand in hand out of the library we quickly saw Kris waiting there for us.




“KRIS! HI~~!” I said in English. He smiled removing the so called “ face” that he always seemed to carry for some odd reason.




“Soo~ How was your study session with Alexander?” I smiled.




“It was great! I had fun!” Kris smiled as we started to walk to the bus stop.




“How was your supplementary lesson with your professor?” Alexander asked him. Kris sighed.




“Aish that man! He really gets to me! He says to stop making a face and he will stop giving me supplementary lessons! AISH! I DO NOT MAKE FACES! THAT MOTHERFU-“ Alexander quickly covered Kris’ mouth as he looked at me seeing if I had caught any of that. I looked at Alexander with a “really?” face and shook my head.




“You know I was from the ghetto right? I have heard worse!” I said laughing not believing that Alexander would think of me as that innocent! Alexander shook his head remembering, Kris laughed.



“So I can curse out my teacher right?” I laughed.




“Go ahead~” I said with an innocent laugh. After a few minutes of non stop cursing Kris was finally done as we got off of our bus.




“See you Tomorrow Kris~” Alexander said as me and him walked the different direction toward my house. After a moment of silence Alexander started to speak.




“OH! Soojeong! I can’t be at the library tomorrow! I need to take an important test for my college class. I’m sorry…” I shook my head.



“Aniyo! I want you to do good on your test!” He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.




“You’re the best Soo~” There goes my heart again… Alexander laughed as we continued walking. For some reason I started to remember how me and Alexander first meet. It was warm day in the middle of summer vacation as I went to pick out some Korean books from the library to help me understand more because I was starting classes that year.  I was carrying a three to four text books at the time and they were fairly big. I was taking them over to the table to read them a bit to see if I had good ones.



“Do you need any help?” I heard someone say in English.




“Please? I would like it…” Strong hands quickly lifted them Korean texts books and place them on the table. Then I noticed something… The person that talked to me talked in English… Well I was I Korean it is few the people that know English. I finally took a chance to look at the person that nicely helped me. He was an Asian boy or man? He seemed very young but I knew he was a bit older for his appearance. He smiled at me and I felt my heart pound in my chest.




“T-thank you…” I said softly.




“Your very welcome!” She said in a smiley way.




“A-Ah! How did you know I spoke English?” He laughed.




“Well first of all you were about to read books on grade level three Korean. Secondly you don’t look Korean. Heck you’re not Asian!” For some reason I felt a bit insulted.




“W-Well sorry for not being Asian! But you’re right! I’m not! I’m a proud Hispanic!” He looked at me and laughed again enjoying my rage. I started to fume. How dare he make fun of me! Then all of a sudden he started to pat my head.




“Your cute! Are you a high school student?” I was surprised by his sudden question. Why would he ask that in the first place?




“Neh… I’m a high school student. This semester I will be a second year.”  He smiled.




“Wha~ I remember my second year~ I’m a college student ill be entering my second your of college this semester. What’s your name and how old are you?” A college student? He didn’t look it… Wait a second! What is this? 20 questions? I hesitated before answering but he looked like he really wanted to know my answer.




“Saem Soojeong and I’m 16 years old…” He smiled and shook my hand.




“Alexander Eusebio, 22 year old.” He extended out his hand and smiled. WOW! 22? He’s so young looking! I shook his hand and smiled.




‘”It’s nice to meet you~” He chuckled.




“Its nice to meet you as well~”




After that day everything just happened. Alexander came by the library more often and he would catch me studying there. Eventually he started to tutor me as well. Later he told me he had started to grow feeling for me and I also expressed my feelings for him. He became my first boyfriend after 2 months of knowing each other. It seems like it was too fast but really we went along perfectly together. There was never a time that we had a real argument it was always a peaceful relationship.




“SOO~” Alexander said bringing me out of my trance. I looked up and smiled.




“I’m sorry what were you saying?” I asked. He laughed.




“Were you paying attention to any I just said?” he said not believing that I had zoned out. I laughed and apologized. He chuckled. “I was just saying how I’m going to miss you tomorrow~” I giggled.




“I’m going to miss you too Alexander~” I said with a small blush creeping up to my cheeks. After a while of walking in the general direction of my house we made it there. I sighed a bit sadly. “I don’t want to leave but it’s already late…” I took out my phone and checked the time. Sure enough it was late. Yep it was 5:00pm and I needed to finish the rest of my homework.




“I do not want to leave you either but at least I know you are safely at home.” He said as he pecked my forehead. I giggled softly as we stayed there a bit not walking to leave each other.




“How will I know you are safely home?” I asked him looking up at him our eye in close proximity.




“You don’t need to worry so much about me Soo~ but to make you feel better ill text you.” I smiled and nodded. We moved away from each other as I started toward my house door. I turned around to look at Alexander when I got to my door.



“Alexander~ Saranghaeyo~<3” I said loud enough for him to hear. I blushed a bit and smiled.




“Saranghae Soojeong~” I smiled as I quickly opened the door and went inside. Waving bye as I closed the door. I smiled once the door was closed. I was really giddy he was everything a girl wanted!”




“Mi hija!” (My daughter!) I turned around to the sound of the noise and screamed back.




“Ya estoy aqui mama~!” (I’m already here mom~)




“Esta bien! Te tengo comida lista! Venga comer~” (Okay! I have food here for you! Come eat!)




“Si mama! Ya voy! Me voy para el cuarto primero~” (Okay Mom! I’ll be right there! I’m going to my room first!) I said walking up the stairs walking into my room. I fell down on the bed and smiled to myself.




“Today was a great day!” I said softly but loudly. I got up and removed my school uniform and got into comfortable clothing. I walked down the stairs and smiled to mom as we sat down at the table and began eating dinner. Father was working late so he was not going to be there until later. After dinner I thanked my mother and went upstairs. By this time it was already 6:00pm. I got my books out and worked on my homework. It didn’t take long, just an hour and a half. When it was 7:30 I went to the bathroom for a shower.  For some odd reason I was very tired once I came out of there. So I decided that it was enough for today that I was going to bed. I opened the door and screamed to my mother that I was going to bed soon. She screamed back a yes and I locked my door. Then I heard my cute text tone on my phone. I grabbed it and lay on my bed looking it over. It was Alexander.




From: Alexander




Soojeong~ I’m home~ I’m in bed ready to sleep~”




I giggled. And quickly wrote him back




From: Soojeong




Neh~ me too~ I’m sleepy~




I said truthfully. Not long after he answered back.




From: Alexander




Oh~ Go to sleep my princess~ I’ll text you tomorrow too! <3




Aish this man makes my heart go wild! I laughed. I texted him back and placed my phone on the night stand as a got comfortable on my bed falling asleep quickly. The text that I sent him…




From: Soojeong




Good night~ I love you a lot Alexander <3! I’ll miss you! Sweet dreams <3




Before long I heard my phone ring but I left it there not because I was sleepy but because I know exactly

What he would say.




A/N: Second chapter complete! Remember guy I really love comments: 3






PS. The Pictures are not mine~



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Ah~ Updated~ 4/11/2013


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Chapter 6: are you still gonna continue this? ;A;
Tardisbabe #2
Chapter 3: YAY! Tao! Love it! :) I didn't think the chapter was boring, just a little short. But you updated so it's awesome.
Tardisbabe #3
Chapter 2: Aw! I loved the back story! :-) lol Kris is such a potty mouth.
Tardisbabe #4
Chapter 1: Great start! I can't wait to read more! :)