Love potion

Beauty and the Beast


                “I would like some black coffee, please.” Daesung asked, ordering with a young girl waiter.

                “Alright!” She sweetly said, jotting down the order on the notepad. “And you, young sir?”

                “Ah, orange juice please.” Jiyong politely ordered, smiling warmly at the pretty waiter. She blushed as she nodded, continuing to jot down orders.

                “Oh, I’d like some orange juice as well, please.” Chae Lin said, setting down her menu.

                “Just water for me.” Taeyang smiled.

                “What’s the hardest liquor ya got here?” Seunghyun asked absentmindedly, flipping through the menu.

                “Seunghyun!” Daesung scolded, his voice low to a mere whisper. “In front of Jiyong?”

                “B-But it’s my birthday!” Seunghyun whined, crossing his arms. “And I haven’t gotten any alcohol in my system since Kwanghee’s party.”

                Oh… alcohol at Kwanghee’s party… and that incident with Jiyong… could that be the reason why he acted that way with the boy? Daesung thought to himself, biting his lower lip. Seunghyun looked at him with big, puppy eyes (which were the effect of the brown contact lens.)

                “It’s okay, Daesung! After all, we ARE celebrating his birthday.” Jiyong laughed, waving his hand. “Besides, I’m 18. Not a big deal!”

                Daesung glared at a gloating Seunghyun, zapping invisible lasers into the prince’s skull. You’re lucky, Seunghyun. If it weren’t for Ji, I wouldn’t have let you drink. And, I didn’t want to draw attention to ourselves… I’m worried that our disguise for you would slip off.

                The girl politely bowed as she wrapped up their order, leaving swiftly to process the drinks.

                Black coffee for Daesung, 2 orange juices for Jiyong and Chae Lin, water for the mowhawked guy, and hard liquor for the beast. Tablo thought to himself, nodding. The orange juices will be a hard obstacle… Challenge accepted.

                And with that said, he blended in with the other buzzing waiters, offering to fill out the orders. There were a couple of confused faces but they shrugged it off, going on with their busy orders.

                But I DO have two doses of this love potion… why not mess with Jiyong AND Chae Lin?


                Chae Lin wrinkled her nose as she felt a discomforting feeling around her. It sent chills down her spine, and she didn’t like it.

                Daesung. Do you feel that? She asked, nudging Daesung’s shoulder.

                Yeah… I’ve noticed it for quite some time now… He replied, continuing the conversation between him, Taeyang, and Jiyong. What do you think it is?

                I don’t know, but I don’t like it. She said, furrowing her eyebrows.

                It’s something that’s not from this world, that’s for sure.

                I know. It feels like, ice and darkness. It’s not the kind of coldness that’s of this world. She said standing up as she excused herself to go to the ladies room. I’ll go scope out the area.

                That’s a good idea.

                CL got up and grabbed her purse, trying hard to remain indifferent as she felt panic build up inside of her. This is NOT GOOD. Not good at all.

                This was obviously something that came from her world, and it is not pretty, from the aura it gives off.

                She casually strutted around, scanning the multiple diner tables for warning signs. The cold feeling was becoming stronger and stronger as she neared the bar, where a bunch of waiters were scattering around to organize orders.

                She gasped as she saw her worst nightmare standing right in front of her, pouring the drinks nonchalantly- Tablo.


                This couldn’t happen.


                He was a bad apple.

                Always stirring up evil everywhere he went.

                She remained frozen as she saw him slip some liquid from a vial into the two orange juice drinks. What… are you trying to do, Tablo?

                As soon as he finished mixing the drinks, he disappeared into the crowd without a trace.

                This can’t happen.

                “What are you doing, Chae Lin?” Jiyong asked, guiding her back to their dinner table. “The food came out already! Why are you just standing there?”

                “I-I…” she started, but couldn’t say anything. All she COULD do was obey Jiyong and sit back down. She didn’t want to induce panic in everyone.

                The drinks were delivered by the same girl, smiling happily with her hospitality as she distributed the drinks. Of course, Seunghyun happily took his and swigged it, letting out a satisfied ‘ahh’ and earning a stepping on the foot by Daesung. He felt a weird feeling in his stomach moments later and he furrowed his eyebrows. It’s probably because it’s been a while since I’ve had alcohol. Probably.

                But everyone else happily took their drinks, including Jiyong. He his lips excitedly as he brought the drink up to his lips.

                Without another word, Chae Lin snatched the drink from the boy’s hands and downed it all in one go. She felt the cold liquid go down , almost earning herself a brain-freeze. Everyone was in shock of her actions, from her sudden snatching of the drink to her rather aggressive drinking.

                “Oh, alright… I’ll just get this one.” Jiyong said softly, reaching for the other glass of juice.

                “NO!” she shrieked, mustering all of her might to stop the boy from drinking the drink. She shot everyone a deadly look, causing everyone to shrink back, even Taeyang. He could feel it just radiating from her. She felt an easy feeling in her stomach as well, but snatched the remaining juice from the table and chugged it down as well.

                “What the hell are you doing!?” Daesung demanded, holding a tipsy Chae Lin by the shoulders. “Go order another juice for Jiyong, Seunghyun.”

                “He’s a bit tipsy as well, Daesung.” The boy said with a worried expression, holding onto Seunghyun.

                What the… he only had one drink. And I told the waiter to give him the lightest alcohol there is. Daesung thought, knitting his eyebrows. He gasped when he felt Chae Lin lose her balance and fall backwards. Lucky for her, he had strong arms and supported her, trying to hold her still.

                “I’m sorry… Daesung.” She said weakly, beginning to lose consciousness.

                “C-Chae Lin.” He said, panic lacing his voice. “W-What’s going on? Chae Lin! Yah, Chae Lin!” he cried as she out, falling limp in his arms.

                “We should head back.” Taeyang said darkly. “I feel everyone’s eyes on us.”

                Indeed, he was right. Everyone was watching them with mouths agape, curious to see what would happen next. Daesung gasped and saw that Seunghyun also passed out in Jiyong’s arms. Poor boy was wide eyed, also freaking out because Seunghyun was also limp in his arms.

                “Let’s go, guys. It’s not safe here.”


                This isn’t good…Se7en said, looking up at a worried Daesung. He had come home with Minzy, finding Daesung sitting beside his bed, holding Chae Lin’s hand as he listened to her soft breathing. Daesung was in such a worried state that he didn’t even question Minzy’s presence, but rather remained focused on Chae Lin.

                “I wonder what happened… how could this happen to her?” Daesung whispered, holding her hand close to him.

                Se7en neared Daesung and sniffed Chae Lin’s hand, trying to see the cause of her state.

                “What are you doing?” Daesung asked, brushing Se7en’s nose away. “She’s sleeping.”

                “I’m trying to find the cause of why she’s like this.” He said, continuing to sniff her hand.

                Daesung nodded slowly, bringing his hand up to her face and her blonde hair. “I’ve been trying as well, Se7en. But I can’t put my finger around it.”

                “I can. I’m a dog.” Se7en said proudly. “I can sniff out diseases sometimes. You know, abnormities of the human body, that kind of stuff. Take Seunghyun for example. I sniffed him and realized that he only passed out because of the alcohol.”

                “But… it was light alcohol.” Daesung said, frowning.

                “Any amount of alcohol in his beast body will cause him to lose control of himself. Hence causing him to black out. I remember doing some research on that. So make sure to lock him up in like, his room or something. And keep the boy far away from him.”


                 “Good. But anyway, I know you guys can tell if things are the works of a spell… but this isn’t the work of a spell, Dae.” Se7en said, his voice dark.

                “T-Then what is it?”

                “It’s the work of a love potion.”


                “And to top it off, she downed two doses of it, judging by the immense smell of it.”

                “The two orange juice glasses…” Daesung breathed, clutching her hand tightly. “T-Two doses…”

                “…can be deadly.”



Wahh, sorry for such a short update! It’s such an intense chapter so I feel like it needs to have its own place in the story. Waddya think though?? WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN!?!???!?!!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME! EVEN I DON’T KNOW WILL HAPPEN!! (mainly because I’ve been making up the story as I go… so everything basically happens at the spur of the moment LOL. No plan, no nothing!) BUT SIT TIGHT, MY LOVELIES. I shall think of something. Mehehe. I do have some things in mind.

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I updated twice in a day! Make sure you read both "goodbye... For now" and "crotchshot" both!


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Chapter 56: you broke the 4th wall!
Chapter 17: Oh no evil seungri no. Ji is not ur new found toy
I want gtop gtop gtop
yolanee #3
Chapter 53: Tablo? Evil? Can't see it. xD
Chapter 28: LMFAO!!!! Top is such an idiot he is too much haha
Chapter 72: This story was amazing filled with mixed emotions! I'm going to read the sequel now, keep it up! ^^
Vip_Elf #6
Chapter 73: I loved this story!
Vip_Elf #7
Chapter 67: Omg these past two or three chapters have me crying so hard I'm just glad they're all alive
Elizabeth_081906 #8
Chapter 74: Lmfao I'm dying! I am not ! Just curious...(;
mzjonghyun #9
Chapter 72: such a great story I love it