
A Guide to Writing Fan Fics

Once again, I’m here to bring you another chapter talking about “characters”. Every story needs to have a character, human or not. Without a character, there isn’t a story. I am not teaching you how to make one, I am just giving you examples of characters I tend to see.

 A protagonist is the main character who can not necessarily always be a good person but also a bad guy as well. The antagonist is the character which makes the protagonist goes through difficulties. Writing up a character isn't easy, but it's worth a shot.



Mary Sues’

You’ve probably heard of this a lot. What is a ‘Mary Sue ‘exactly? This type of character is a “perfect person”, no matter if it’s a guy or a girl. A ‘Mary Sue’ can also represent the author as well. Isn’t this character just horrible? This character isn’t bad at anything, no one if ing perfect, please be real. Avoid making a character being perfect and being the ideal type of a thousand guys.

 I am totally judging you people who write about EXO liking 1 girl. That is 12 guys liking 1 girl, are you serious?


Kingkas + Queenkas. What are those you may ask? They are good looking people who are rich and want to ruin your life, I’m not kidding. Kingkas are “jerks” and some others are “angels”. Queenkas are just “es” who makes your protagonist suffer and tries to take the Kingka away from you. In Korea, there probably aren’t any Kingkas or Queenkas, please avoid that. These are all over asianfanfics. There all the ing same, change them a bit, eh? Maybe you should just not label them as a Kingka or a Queenka if their rich, good looking, and popular.

Cold Hearted. Hey, I’m the protagonist and I’m so cold hearted, but once you get to know me I’m so lovable! How many times have I seen that and arrogant characters?

Intelligent or not. Your protagonist is either the smartest person on the planet or either a really stupid person. Why not making them in the middle?

Nerds. People lately don’t know what “nerds” are and mistakes them for another term and it makes me cringe. Nerds aren't people who wear huge glasses and the smartest person in class. Sometimes I hear people calling them “nerds” when they were glasses which don’t improve your eye vision. That's just stupid. What are “nerds” exactly?

A nerd is a person who does not conform to society's beliefs that all people should follow trends and do what their peers do. Often highly intelligent but socially rejected because of their obsession with a given subject, usually computers.  Credit goes to urbandictionary.

Foreigners. Please, don’t get me started with these types of characters. When I'm looking through some fan fics I see some English names which turn me away and many others as well. This is asianfanfics, ok? I have nothing again foreigners; I'm a foreigner when it comes to going to Korea and everywhere else in the world, but the U.S. In Korea, people don't really like foreigners, while others might do. Just stay away from multicultural characters, just using half American and Korean is fine.


Author's Note: Have fun writing! Making new chapters soon! 


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Chapter 23: Exactly! Gangs are supposed to be tough, scary, and all friggin badass...not unicorns and rainbows! I totally with you on this because I seen a couple of stories like that and I was like...are you kidding me? No..just no. Somebody who points this out! THANK YOU .
OhKrisus #2
Chapter 20: ... What did SM do now? I'm worried...
Chapter 20: on mac, i have microsoft word too. xD
OhKrisus #4
Chapter 18: Only 24 more days!! >///< I mean.. As long as SM /cough/the troll/cough/ doesn't delay them any longer. ^^
Chapter 11: Hey there! I'm really liking this, but I have something to say about this chapter.
It's difficult to get advertised because a lot of people are after the spot. Some people (such as myself) are very, very proud of their work, and do care to spend money on Karma points to put it there. They (mostly) all have very nice pieces that would otherwise go unnoticed, buried in the gross pile of "you" fics with nerd OCs that have adopted EXO brothers. When a writer is very proud of what they've done, they tend to go to lengths some people would never dream of, just to get their work noticed.
I say if something is good, and they know it is, they have the option to advertise it themselves. I realize adding money into the equation is a bit extreme, seeing as how many members here aren't old enough to handle a bank account; but the ones that are believe the option to advertise is really very helpful.
OhKrisus #6
Annyeong, Author-sshi. ^^
i was thrown into a hard place after reading this- to upvote, sub, or comment first? I didn't know. In the end I decided on ranting first. In the same way that you read through fanfics and felt the need to spew feedback, I'm taking this as my chance to do the same but in response to said feedback. Your guide is the first one that reciprocates my feelings and thoughts word for word.
I'm a person who knows what they should be doing, and when they should, but sometimes, I'm just too lazy (or out of it) to do so. Haha. For example, the author's notes: I know I shouldn't be talking about personal stuff but I feel the need to slip in a small word about how busy I've been. xD
I love your guide and absolutely agree. English names = turn-off. Foreigners: I am a foreigner (from the Korean POV) but please, if you're pairing the bias with a foreigner, then I'm sorry- no. The grammar mistakes tick me off about as much as the pictures and sometimes it get's to the point where I even offer to beta the chapter/one-shot/fic. I don't call the person out on their mistakes though- I just leave a simply PM saying so.
Thank you for the helpful guide and I hope you contine writing it.
Author-sshi hwaiting!
P.S. Excuse any typos: I'm not on the most reliable devices at the moment. xD
P.P.S. While I'm at it, excuse my chatiness as well! ^^
mizzm29 #7
Chapter 7: Oh wow I liked every bit of this! Thanks a lot for your ranting and advice. It gives me a lot to think about. Thanks for clarifying what the forewords are meant for, since I'm new to this site it helps a lot. I laughed as I was reading your rant, SO TRUE! Well I will totally take this into consideration the next time I write a fic. Thanks!
Chapter 5: Yes the pictures thing! I read some where they put tons of pictures in their chapters and I just click the close button. LOL. If you want to show people, then film a video! Writing is all about description. Describe it out! And of course those fast pace stories. First chapter, you met your idol. Second, you're in bed with him. WHAT? LOL.
Chapter 3: I like your ranting! And your advices! >< Agree with all of it and I enjoy each and every of the chapter! You earn yourself a new subscriber!