♦REVIEW::: Arranged Marriage with 6 Demon Princes♦

★ Dancing Queen! ┊{OPEN}


Title: 3/5
No grammar mistakes, no capitalization mistakes. But... In my opinion, it's a bit long. Maybe "Marrying A Demon Prince." OTL that's bad. Never mind. But try think of something more creative, maybe? :P
Plot: 18/20
It's pretty original, actually. Very detailed in some points and pretty good. Except that I saw way too much 'arranged marriage' stories, everything seemed creative. Good job!
Grammar/Spelling: 13/15
Pretty good spelling, except for some typos (I understand them). The slight problem is the grammar or the punctuation marks. You misplaced them a bit--as in putting a period where there should be a question mark (look at the description first sentence) or putting an inappropriate comma in a place where there should be nothing. But overall, your grammar was... okay-ish? ;P
Flow: 19/20
Awesome flow. The reason I deducted a point was because it was kind of confusing at first. The prologue was pretty good, too! You are one awesome writer.
Foreword/Description: 9/10
Pretty good. (I use the word "pretty" too much, right? ;P) You introduced yourself after you summarized what will happen. Not too long, but minus one point for no character intros. Sorry, I like them :P
Appearance: 9/10
The background was neat and not messy, as in making everything too distracting and eye-hurting. It did what the background is supposed to do--support the story (?) yet make everything more prettier and set the general feeling. 
Characters: 15/15
I thought I would have a hard time with this story because (sorry) I only listen to EXO, but I don't know the members at all. But your subtle explanations of their style and personalities made me feel like I knew them. Good job. You managed to clearly define them. Full points! ;) Congrats!
Bonus: 2/5
When it's a group I don't know or a couple I don't ship, I usually give a 0. And I'm not a fan of boyxboy/girlxgirl stories. But this story, well, it was so well written that I wouldn't do it justice without giving it at least some bonus points. Very well written once again! 
Total: /100
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Vanna0123 #1
Username: Vanna0123
Applying for?: Reviewer
Examples: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/453184
Icon: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l9ego7Kkag1qdr04v.jpg
Chapter 4: Oops sorry I made a change to that review :P
Requested for a review ^^
requeste ouo
Username: beastiufan
Applying For?: Reviewer (and if I can, graphic designer too)
I like the new theme ^^
Hi. I want to request a trailer but.. I'm overseas and I don't really have much time online nowadays. Is it ok if I don't provide the videos?
Simple_Mind #9
well, i requested a review, but i only have four chapters.
i would only post fifth and sixth chapter on 31