
His roommate is a girl!

Next day~ Tuesday

HyoSonn's pov


Today they're taking us to a museum. When i woke up i saw that Daniel was already gone. "Phew he's gone, i can get dressed" i thought and got up. As i was getting dressed someone knocked on the door.

"HyunSoo! You here?" someone yelled. 

"Just a second!" i yelled and started getting dresssed faster. "Hey" i opened the door and smiled at Changjo.

"What were you doing?" 

"I was.. getting dressed. "

"Okay.. so you ready?" he jumped

"Yea, let's go" i smiled. 

We went outside the school and there were 5 busses. The biology teacher was already there. He was the one taking us to the museum to see some dinosaurs and stuff. 

When me and Changjo entered  the bus i saw Niel sitting with his friend. He smiled at me i just looked away. "From all the 5 busses i had to choose this one" i though and sat with Changjo behind Daniel. 

"I'm so excited" said Changjo. I smiled at him and pulled out my phone. 

"Oh, who's that?" asked Changjo pointing at my phone. There was a picture of me with long hair and my oppa. 

"Um.. that's and my twin sister" i smiled. 

"You have a twin sister? awesome!" he yelled. I smiled. 

The museum was little far away so we rode in the bus for 3 hours. Changjo spent those 3 hours sleeping. When we finally arrived i woke up Changjo and we got out of the bus. It was 2 pm and the teacher told us to be here at  8 pm.

We got inside the museum and it was awesome and big. Changjo went somewhere, he left me alone. "Ugh, where should i go now? alone" i thought

"Hey" someone touched me on the sholder. I turned around and saw Niel. 

"Oh hey, Niel op- i mean hyung" i smiled. "Omg i was going to say oppa" i yelled in my head. 

"Where's your friend?" he looked around. 

"I don't know.." i looked down. He chuckled. I looked at him confused. 

"HyunSoo! hurry up! I found a dinosaur!" came Changjo excited. "Oh, who's this?" he pointed at Niel. 

"This is my roommate Daniel" i said.

"Ohh yea" he smiled "Nice to meet you, i'm Changjo!" 

"Nice to meet you too" smiled Niel. 

"Now let's go HyunSoo" he started dragging me. "Daniel, you can come too" he yelled. 


After seeing everything at the museum there was still 2 hour left till we go back. Me and Changjo didn't know what to do for that time. Suddenly my phone started ringing. I saw who's calling me and it was oppa. "Why the hell is he calling me now?" i yelled in my head. 

"Oh, who's that?" asked Changjo. 

"Um.. my sister" 

"Say hii to her" he smiled. 

"Okay.. Yobosayo?" 

"Donngsaeng!" he yelled excited. "How are you?" 

"Good, you?" 

"I'm great, i wish you could be here dongsaeng" 

"yea, me too.." i started to panick cause i was with Changjo and at the same time i was talking with the real HyunSoo. 

"HyoSonn, are you okay? What's wrong with your voice?" he asked. 

"Ah nothing, i have to go now! Bye~ see you in two weeks" i hang up. 

"Phew" i though. I looked at Changjo and he was kinda confused. 

"So where should we go?" i asked him. 

"Oh, let's go talk to Daniel. He seems nice" Changjo pointed at Niel. 

"WHYY?" i though but said "okay" 


"Hiii" yelled Changjo

"Oh, Changjo" smiled Niel. 

They started talking about something i didn't pay attention to them. A lot of things were in my head. Like how should i tell oppa about this.. what if someone finds out from school that i'm a girl.. 

"HyunSoo! You okay?" asked Niel

"HyunSoo~!" yelled Changjo

"Huh?" i finally got back. "What?" i asked them confused. 

"Are you okay?" asked Niel again. 

"Yea" i got confused. 

"Stundents! Let's go, the busses will leave in 5 minutes. We don't wanna wait for anyone!" yelled the teacher and we went in our bus. Changjo wanted to sit next to Niel. "What? you're leaving me alone?" 

"HyunSoo, you sit with Ricky" smiled Changjo

"Whatever" i looked out of the window. 

"Um.. is this seat taken?" someone asked. I turned around and saw a boy looking at me. 

"N-no, it's not taken" i smiled and turned my head on the other side. 

"I'm Ricky by the way" he pulled his hand out. 

"Oh, Niel's friend?" i asked. 

"Yea" he smiled.

"Nice to meet you Ricky, I'm HyunSoo" 


I really like Ricky. He's a good friend unlike Changjo. Nah, i'm just kidding, they're all nice. But still.. Ricky didn't leave me and he kept talking to me, it was fun. But Changjo.. was just sleeping..

After 3 hours riding again we finally came at the school. When we arrived it was 11 pm. We were out all day and i really got tired. Changjo and Ricky went in their own rooms. Me and Niel went in our room. 

"Ahh" i lied on my bed. He smiled. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Nothing, i'm just tired" i yawned. 

"Already?" he chuckled. I looked at him. "I thought we could watch a movie, but i guess not" he sat on his bed. 

"What movie?" i got up. 

"The hangover 2, it's a comedy" he answered. 

"Well.. we can watch it.. if you want" 

"You sure? you seem tired HyunSoo" 

"Nahh, let's watch it" i smiled. 

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CarmenL #1
>U< I have finish it~Chunji like me tooXDD<br />
Actually I'm quite wondering how Changjo will get along with the real HyunSooXDD<br />
<br />
Sequel~~;D yay~
CarmenL #2
XDD I like this story is very cute>U<<br />
I'm in chapter 2 only=P<br />
<br />
keke~~good that it have sequel too~~;D
soo nice graeet story<br />
no on to the sequel!
awww.great job!<br />
i'll start to read the sequel :D
sooooasian #5
I'm only at the beginning, but this fic reminds me of Hana Kimi, except Ashiya doesn't have a twin brother! Anyways, really cute story! TeenTOP Hwaiting!!! <3
annyle06 #6
Just finished this, going to the sequel now..<br />
Wonder what Chunji done D:
AsianTruffle #7
Scary at the end cuz I know who they r. Sequel ok?
awwwwwwwwwwwww akeingflakjsrgnalkjrgnlsjkrgn<br />
this is so sweeeeet just like hyunsoo saiddd!!
chunji is so sneakyyyy aaaahhh ~<br />
nonono ~ update sooooon plsplsplsplspls!
MomozStory #10
OMMMMG , So cute ^^ I hope u finish it ! :D i cant wait for more !