


                He was alone, at his spacious apartment, sitting on the floor in front of muted TV, back pressed to the sofa, starring at the inanimate object absent mindedly, because his mind was somewhere else. He sighed as he can feel how quite the room was. So empty.

                He moved his sight to the big window on his right, watching quietly as white and pretty snow falling from the sky. It was pretty, he thought, but too cold for his liking. It’s another winter.

                Something about winter made him somehow warm inside, the memories of winter, 2 years ago. The first time he met /him/.

                That was a cold winter, he stuck at a small coffee shop near his apartment, in attempt to finish his paper, when suddenly, a boy tackled the floor beside him. That boy rubbed his knee as he stood up, showing a pretty face with adorable flushed cheek from embarrassment. To say the least, that was love at the first sight. He spent the whole full week after that incident, visiting the same coffee shop every single day, hoping that he could see the same boy.

                He was lucky, because exactly at the 7th day, the small boy showed up, he’s even luckier that the same boy, eventually fell in love with him.......... too.

                He smiled at the memory, the memory of their first met, their first date, their first kiss, and everything. But he let out a heavy sigh when he realized that now, he was alone, without the other boy around him, and it feels so unbearably lonely. He was wondering what the other was up to, whether if he missed him too or no, whether if he felt cold too, what if he found someone else better than him...

                It’s been a while since he held his hand, feeling his warm breath on his cheeks, hearing his laugh..... he missed him, so much.

                He glanced at a mug beside him, the once warm coffee now already cold. That was his couple mug, their couple mug. He bought them about a year ago on their anniversary, also on winter. It feels like all the good memories were on winter, both of their birthdays were on winter too.

                He was about to get up to wash his mug when he heard the apartment door clicked open, and his lips curved a smile when he heard a familiar voice,

                “Heechul I’m home! OMG! The store was so crowded, because it’s near Christmas, but they have 25% discount at the meat section, I guess we can eat some steak for dinner.. ooph!”

                The smaller boy jumped at his spot when he felt a pair of arms around his waist when he placing the groceries at the kitchen counter.

                “What are you doing?”

                “I miss you..” he answered as he nuzzled his nose at the older boy’s neck.

                “Don’t be silly, I was just going to the supermarket for an hour..”

                “What if you fall in love with another random guy you meet on the way?”

                He could feel the boy in his arms turned around and facing him with an are-you-serious looks on his face and saying “Really now?”

                “What? It’s not my fault that you are so pretty and it’s also not my fault that I fell in love with you to the point that I’m really afraid to lose you.”

                The boy in his arms laughed heartily before hugging him by his neck, “You, mister, are so silly, because I will never fall in love with anyone other than you, because guess what, I think I love you more!”

                the older boy broke the hug with his arms still around his neck, giving him a wide grin.

                “I think you’re wrong on that.” He said before giving him a sweet kiss.

                Winter isn’t really cold after all..




a/n: Nothing, just hoping that it's not too bad.. *bricked*

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Chapter 1: silly heechul. i thought siwan left him or sth lol xD
Chapter 1: It's cute!
hopelesswriter #3
Chapter 1: lol. Heechul is really so silly...I seriously thought Siwan had went somewhere or they fought or what during the first part of the fic...nice way to trick this clueless reader...XD
it looks short, but it fits the small sweet story n Heechul's silliness...xD
Thanks for sharing the oneshot^^.