A Handful of Stars [H.I.A.T.U.S]


This is a story of a boy.


This is the story of a boy, meeting another boy.


This is a story of these two boys, these two human beings and the time they had together, as short lived as it was. This is a story about their memories, their thoughts, their dreams.


This is a story about emotions so vast, so deep they spanned across the universe and past the stars.


This is a story about friendship. This is a story about life, this is a story about heartbreak.


This is a story about love.


Hello one and all:)

This story was a mini plot bunny that came out of nowhere and ballooned into a plot elephant. I'm not actually done writing it, so expect updates to slow down as the story goes along. I'm only posting this because I got really tired of seeing it on my computer.


Happy reading!


Love, CC:D

WARNING: !characterdeath.... maybe. I haven't decided.




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jongzii #1
Chapter 18: take as much time as you need, lovely!! i completely understand, you should come first (∪ ◡ ∪) (but you should also know that i for one do read every update; don't count yourself out, this is one of my favorite fics!) take care and good luck my dear~ <3
Chapter 17: Changhyun in this whole chapter, my god. ;___________; This has to be characterization at its very finest, because no one seems to capture his maturity quite like you do. Or inversely, Chanhee's /im/maturity. Maybe that's not the right word, but anyway, this chapter was so raw and biting and whoo, need a second to breathe.

I know this story is from Chanhee's perspective, but it's killing me wondering how Byunghun spends the same hours. Well, actually all of them, but I'd assume it's the worst for him. So I'm just a ball of curiosity here wondering HOW you're going to ring him back into Chanhee's life, seeing as someone's finally broken through to him. (Go Changhyun!)

As always, impeccable typification. I actually had to live!text this whole chapter to a friend because I was so lost in it. No matter /where/ this goes, you are never allowed to stop writing. Nope. That would be /such/ a waste. ;A;
Chapter 16: /////CREYS
Chapter 16: /GASPES FOR AIR.
I'm crying. Can't string coherent sentences together.
Chapter 16: my dear friend mintokki always takes the words right out of my mouth (except she words them a lot better than i ever could) but i feel so wrong not commenting so i'm just going to say i really love your writing style and as usual you made me cry ;_____; i hope you have a great holiday and i will be anticipating your return!!
Chapter 16: GUESS WHAT. I HIT THE CHARACTER LIMIT ON MY REPLY. but i still had to say something about this chapter, you know how i am omf. chanhee's character is so /real/, i really like that you made him angry rather than gushy and overly supportive. because that's how all the storybook walk to remember sick people type stories go. and this one is so true to life that you always make me half expect to see something terrible whenever they tweet. fanfiction is taking over my life.

i really do hope the others can make them kiss and make up. u_____u maybe not literally₁, but they were₂ so in love, and it would be terrible to even imagine them not patching things up amongst themselves before well. something bad could happen. i won't say it. :x

ah but can i say i loved how you made niel the one to take charge and be the one to stand up. because i really think he'd do that! if something wasn't right, he would be very firm about discussing what was going on and. just. UGH I LOVE YOUR CHARACTERIZATION. ok i shall go now. =w= the footnotes were for practicing using footnotes. i don't know.

1. oh i definitely mean literally who am i trying to play
2. ARE
ILoveYou_Forever #7
Chapter 16: Ahhhhh.... This is stupid... Byung and Channie quarreling... And then Channie got mad, and then Byung couldn't do anything because he couldn't move... And Byung thought he didn't do anything wrong, when he actually broke Channie's heart by signing that little contract... I wonder how they can make up to each other and if the other kids can help... /sighs... This is hopeless!
Foreverlocket #8
Chapter 16: WHATTTT! I really think this super sad.... its just super sad. My Chunjoe heart.... </3 Chanhee I think you were a bit irrational... and Byunghun I think you shouldn't have gotten so angry at Chanhee... Aish. Everything would've been okay if everyone just calmed down. L.JOE DEAD TO CHUNJI? I think a part of me just died.... T.T really good chapter here. Gonna be hard to wait for the next one but I don't mind it. LET MY IMAGINATION RUN WILD AND FREE. Update soon! Good luck on all your last assignments and have fun on your last term! Author-nim HWAITING~