
Another Reality

Donghae's POV

"Mom, have you seen my Edgar Allan Poe books? " I asked, perplexed about their location since I just set them down on the dining room table two minutes ago. I had went into the living room to gather more things and I return to see my books missing. Mom was in the kitchen, placing cups, plates and utenisils in their right places.

"No. Why? Can't find them? " Mom hollered from the kitchen. I didn't answer; I searched behind the large, Mahogany table that could seat at least ten. The  dining room had a little antique cabinet containing some ancient photos and dusty trinkets; the cabinet itself was wooden, black with age and time. It was on the right of me. When you enter the front door, you have three paths you can choose from: the staircase leading upstairs to all the bedrooms and all, the hallway leading to the spacious living room, and the doorway to the dining room and kitchen. I have to admit, the minute I stepped into this house, I thought it was strangely quiet. No creaking, no house settling, no flies or anything. Nada. It creeped me out. 

I gave up looking for the books and grabbed a box of my clothes and headed upstairs. My footsteps echoed as I headed up the stairs. This is a big house just for two people. My room was the first room on the right, second hall; my room is in the pointed part of the house. Therefore, the room is square, it's circular. My room is the room below the pointed structure. There are about five hallways leading into a series of bedrooms. I have never seen so many dark hallways in my life. It's like a maze in a way. 

I wrapped one arm over the box and opened the door with the other. I set the box down and dusted my hands. God, I hate carrying boxes. It leaves my hands all dry and gross. My bed was queen sized. It had four, tall vertical posts protruding royally. The wood was ancient. I can't even tell what kind of wood it was. It's just painted black and dusty. Yesterday, when we arrived here, my mom and I were too tired to unpack our things so we just replaced the bed sheets and such so we could sleep cleanly. 

I tore my eyes off of my hands when I saw my books on the edge of my large bed. I went over and picked them up. 

"Oh how'd these get up here..." I said outloud. How weird. I placed them on the small bookshelf up against the wall. I ripped open the box of clothes and was about to shove the clothes into the drawers but there were old letters and photos in the drawers. I put the clothes down and grabbed the delicate papers. 

I studied the letters and photos. The photos were individual shots of (I'm guessing) the previous owners of the house. They looked all the same; the men had thin, aging beards and the women had tied hair buns without a misplaced hair with strict expressions. I flipped through the pictures until I found a family portrait. I recognized some of the faces. I recognized my great grandparents. I mean they were kind of similar to my grandparents so that was no shocker. My great grandparents stood stiffly in the middle with hard faces and the children around them had the same posture and face. My eyes were glued on the girl on the far right. She had different features then everyone else. I mean her hair was wavy, and long while everyone else's were straight and cut short. Her eyes were doll-like but not to the point where it was creepy. The girl was tall, slender too and she looked like she could've been a model in this time era. I couldn't get my eyes off of her. 

"Donghae? " Mom's voice floated near my door. I put down the photos and letters and opened the door. Mom stood there with two boxes on top one another. I grabbed the top box. 

"Are these my clothes? "

"No, these are just your books. Whoo~ I need to workout more.." She excused herself and went back out. I pushed the boxes to the side and retrieved the old letters and photos. This time I tried reading the letters. 

"Kyuhyun, the child you brought into our lives has been nothing but a great nuisance. I demand you to remove of her immediately. If you do not follow through then I will end our relationship. I don't understand your reason behind bringing that child here. Why would you even consider the thought of bringing something unrelated into the house? You are stubborn, Kyuhyun. Please come to your senses quickly. - Seohyun. "  

Kyuhyun? Seohyun? Were these people my great grandparents? The letters had so much history; the wrinkly, old material felt rough and stiff under my fingers. I placed that letter down and proceeded onto the next. 

"This is your last chance, Kyuhyun. I will not tolerate a different blooded child in our house. That filth will stain our image and what would the neighbors think? My blood is boiling and it's about to explode because of this. I will not tolerate such poverty in our house. Our family status is far too wealthy for a girl like her. Sell her to a poorer family. That will solve our problems, Kyuhyun. The child will fit in a middle class picture , our neighbors will stop gossiping, our image and wealth will not be effected, and controversary will end. So please, I beg of you to send that child down the gutter where she belongs. This is the last warning. Take it well. - Seohyun. " 

I set the papers down and plopped down onto my bed. It seems that something controversial happened in this house. Mmm, who's the mention child? If Seohyun was my great grandmother, then I had a pretty mean and crazy relative. Jeez, this lady sounds like she's ready to kill that kid, whoever the girl was. 

I sat up and grabbed the letters I haven't read; there was an envelope. My fingers probed the surface to get a clue of what it was. Another letter? A picture? 

I peeled it open carefully, aware of its fragile condition. A picture slipped out and fell facedown onto the floor; I picked it up. Oh my god..

It was a picture of me! Or someone who looked a hell of a lot like me! Holy mother of god. I flipped it over and there was writing on the back I didn't notice before; it said "Kyo Kyuhyun--1826". Whoa. This was Kyuhyun... I guess I got his genetic code. I gathered the photos, excluding the letters and went downstairs. 

"Mom, look at these old photos I found up in my bedroom. They're pretty bone-chilling. " I exclaimed going up to her in the kitchen. 

"What is it? " Mom looked worn out. 

"Look at these photos. " I repeated, handing them to her. At first, Mom was silent; her silence was frightening. Her eyes frantically dashing on the surface of the pictures. I placed a hand on her shoulder and rubbed. 

"Are you okay? " Mom snapped out of thought and smiled at me. 

"I recognize them. Grandma use to tell me stories about them; I always wanted to meet them but Grandma laughed at me and told me that they were in a better place after the.. " Her voice trailed off. She turned away from me and continued stacking some cups in the cabinet. 

"After what? " I pushed. Mom stopped digging in the box and faced me. 

"After .. the fire. " Mom whispered. Her eyes crinkled sensitively; she never told me anything about a fire...

"What- " 

"Well, we should finish unpacking by today yeah? Don't want to procrastinate now. Now, go on. " Mom dismissed. She had put the pictures on the kitchen counter. I swept them into my hands and went upstairs again. 


I spun around as I heard a low, breathy whisper behind me. There was no one. My eyes searched for a voice but nothing. Maybe I'm just tired. I should take a nap. I went into my room and collapsed onto the large bed. I laid there, thoughts about our relatives racing through my head. I can't get my mind off of this topic. I reached to open the window but it was like someone glued the window latch shut. I got on my knees, pushed the white curtains open, then I yanked on the latch. I pulled and pulled with all force available but no cigar. I gave it one last pull and it popped open. 

Cool, foreign wind invaded my room, freshness cleaning my lungs and I closed my eyes, soaking it all in. Then I let myself fall back onto the bed. I slowly drifted to sleep....


Suzy's POV 

Wake up.


Wake up. It's time. 

The deep voice seemed to loom over me. I couldn't breathe well; it's like someone was holding my throat, waiting for me to wake up. My eyelids were heavy with prolonged slumber; my body was heavy so I couldn't move much. My finger tips grazed the ground which felt crusty and rough. Pebbles rolled under my hands and poked my back sharply; I forced my eyes open. A burning sensation lingered around my eyes for a few seconds and then faded away after I blinked a couple times. I sat up, all the bones in my body cracking in an instant milisecond. I groaned as I stretched and adjusted to present time. 

I looked around; I was in a cave, a stuffy and unknown place. There was sunlight peeking from afar down the cave. I looked down at myself; I was wearing rags, brown rags, to be exact. Grime smudged itself on my legs and arms. My eyes trailed down the open, bloody gash on my stomach; my insides were almost visible. I choked as the sight of my insides soaked in. I pushed myself up onto my two legs carefully; I coughed. 

"Where are you?" I croaked as my breath was still short. I stared at the blinding light at the end of the cave. There was no answer.

"Where are you, you demon!? " I managed to get out. I coughed more, dryness choking my throat. I rubbed my neck as a large, dominant figure stepped before the light. I couldn't see a face or any distinct features. 

Trust me. I'm far from a demon. 

I gasped as he spoke. His voice was laced with a deep, deep wrath; the octave of his voice was rumbling through me, fear gripped my heart as silence engulfed the cave. I was trembling. There was something about this man automatically struck fear into someone's heart. 

I prefer to be called by my proper name: Lucifer, and like I said, I'm no demon. I'm their creator. 

"I-I'm sorry... Lucifer." The name on my tongue burned and slashed my mouth. I was still shaking. His powerful aura was overwhelming to me. 

That's more like it. Now, it's time. 

"Time for what? " My voice was small, elusive compared to his. 

Silly human. Have you forgotten what your idiotic mother did? The contract?

"She was not my mother." Anger began boiling within me with the mention of my stepmother. Memories flooded my head like a tsunami and the anger blew its steam. 

So you do remember. Ah, yes. Before you go, remember that your life is in my hands. 

Lucifer held something up; a ball of energy, shining with life and pureness. Oh my god...

Acid tears streamed down my face; he chuckled and the cave shook. I bit my lips as the tears continue roll down my cheeks, staining them, leaving trails of bitterness. 

Finish what your mother started, Suzy.

I wiped my tears with the back of my hands and when I looked up again, Lucifer was gone. I let out a long sigh; the tears dried and I began walking steadily towards the light. As I got closer, the warmth of the light embraced me and healed my wounds. The gash I had was gone, the dirt on my face and body was gone; I paused to savor the moment a second longer. 

I finally stepped into the light, letting it eat me wholly. 


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This story seems interesting!!!!
Please update soon :)
Donghae x Suzy !! <3 I love it Please update soon
Interestingg.... Update Soon! :))