Christmas Drabble

To what extent


"Sehun" minseok repeatedly called to the unconscious body on the bed. Minseok shook Sehun a couple times cooing the younger to wake but there was no reply. 
"Sehun-ah wake up! It's christmas! Lets open our gifts" minseok cooed the sleeping latter. "Pleaseee Sehun wake up" minseok whined. Sehun grunted and pulled minseok on top of him. 
"Sehun" minseok whispered onto sehun's cheek while cupping his other cheek. 
"Minseok let me sleep," Sehun raspy replied, "we can do that later baby." 
Minseok pouted as he hovered on top of Sehun. He really wanted to open the gifts. Sehun shielded his eyes using his forearm to hide minseok's pouting face because he'd give in in a second. 
"Persuade me" Sehun sighed. Minseok shrugged with a short and curt reply, "ok." He had no problem with that. 
Minseok got off Sehun and slipped his boxers off grabbing a pair of sehun's. "Sehun! I'm wearing your boxers!" minseok giggled jumping on the bed. Sehun lifted his forearm from his eyes watching his adorable boyfriend jump around then kneel before him. Sehun wanted to rattle minseok's bones so bad especially the way he was prancing around with his boxers on. Sehun could not take the site in front of him. Sehun wanted to take minseok down so bad but he knew that wouldn't work because minseok wouldn't let that happen.  
Sehun let out a shuttering breath as minseok pouted. He was about to give in. Minseok was disappointed that his first attempt didn't work. Minseok guessed he needed to be an even bigger tease. Minseok slipped off sehun's boxer and threw them aside slightly pulling his long shirt to cover his bottom. Minseok just stripped, Minseok never strips, ever. Sehun felt himself get hot and felt a bloody nose coming along. Minseok smirked to himself seeing the tent that Sehun made under the cover. Minseok turned away from Sehun bending just a bit. Sehun swore he was going to jump minseok's bones. Minseok kept his eyes locked on sehun's. 
"Sehun" minseok called biting his bottom lip. Sehun shook his head weakly as he tried to reach out to grab minseok's delicious cheek. Minseok settled onto sehun's hips. Sehun let out a long and loud groan as he felt minseok sit his onto his hard member. Minseok leaned a bit closer to Sehun grabbing onto his shoulders grinding into Sehun who let out a shuttering breath. Sehun gave up. He knew he wasn't going to win this. 
"My god, yes seokie, go open your presents," Sehun said behind his gritted teeth. 
"Yay!" Minseok squealed and bounced on top of Sehun. Sehun automatically grabbed minseok's hips digging his fingers into them. Oh how he wanted to into him so hard that he couldn't  walk for days. He knew it wasn't going to happen unless minseok got to open his presents. Minseok ripped sehun's hands off his hips and ran out of their room into the living room. 
"God Seokie, to what extent you'd go to just to open presents" Sehun silently screamed at himself pulling at his hair. 
"Thank you sehunnie" minseok squealed as he jumped onto Sehun wrapping his legs around his waist and arms tightly around his neck. Sehun wrapped his arm around his small boyfriends waist and one under his bottom. Sehun buried his head into minseok's neck and trailed kisses up to his lips lightly grouping minseok's bare making him giggle. 
"Are you my gift?" Sehun hummed kissing while minseok's lips. Minseok only laughed. "Let me get a bow and put it on you because your my present." 


Minseok unlatched himself from Sehun and dragged his boyfriend by his hands back to their door. 
"Merry christmas Sehun" minseok smiled sweetly pointing up at the mistletoe hanging from the door frame. Minseok leaned on to Sehun kissing him.
Lol cheeseeyyy. Gah I had to write this two times since it deleted itself T.T lol I would've had this up earlier. Ill fix the format and edit later because I now have to do hw yay. T.T who does hw over Christmas break? Hah me. Lol anyway merry christmas you guys! <3 
Please look forward to my chapter in gravity! Sorry I was going to update it but I still a lot kit to write. (Sorry for my shameless advertising of my other fic! Check it out if you have time! It's a xuikai fic ;D)
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1489 streak #1
Chapter 1: awwww cuteeeee!!
Chapter 1: Sooooo cute I adore Xiuhun I wish it was a more popular couple ^^
Chapter 1: Ssssswwwwweeeeeetttttt ;A;
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaa
Chapter 1: WAAAAAA this is so good pmsl minseokkieeee HAHAHA
gaemgyu245 #7
Chapter 1: I wonder what did they do after that*wiggle eyebrows* *what a y noona*
Chapter 1: it's so good T_T want more!!