My Husband; Kim Himchan.

Himchan, My History Teacher AKA My Husband


Kim Himchan and I have been married for almost two years.


No, we were not in love with each other, but our parents had arranged this marriage for us in hopes that our families would be one.


However, we did not make a contract stating we were ever gonna divorce and whatnot.


We just got married and continued along with our normal lives.


Him, as a teacher.


Me, as a student.


If that is not clear enough, Himchan and I have a four year age difference.


I am 19 while he is 23.


Everything was fine between us and no one outside from our families knew about our marriage.


That was until Himchan had to transfer to my school and teach MY class History.


Though the whole school knows about the fact that I live under the same roof as the Ulzzang History teacher, no one suspected that we were married because we never showed any type of skinship.


Naturally, we reasoned that we were childhood friends and that my parents had trusted Himchan enough to let me live with him as his apartment was a lot closer to school as compared to my parents', which is not a complete lie.


But as this was my senior year and we had a really big examination at the end of the year, it seemed like everything was about to fall apart.


My best friends Daehyun and Youngjae had graduated from school and were in their first year in college, so it was difficult for us to meet up and for them to tutor me with my subjects.


Other than those two, I never had any other friends in school, except Jongup.


But Jongup was not close to me.


We only interacted when we had to during class.


Placing my friendships aside, my relationship with Himchan was slowly growing further.


Himchan, being a grown man with erted hormones, would want to have a lot of skinship with me.


However, we were never close from the beginning and I had once told him that I did not want to get involved in a scandal with him.


Thus, Himchan did the only thing he was best at; flirting.


He flirted with the other female teachers in my school, sometimes purposefully in front of me so that I would get jealous.


And I do, but I knew I should not initiate anything with him while I am still in High School.


He could wait another year, adding on to the two year marriage.




One day, my Science teacher decided to rearrange our seats in terms of our grades, so that the better ones could help the ones who were lacking.


I was called out and was appointed a seat beside Jongup.


He gave a nod, "Sup (_____)."


I smiled back, "Hey. I hope you can help me out with Science, it's my weakest subject."


"I'll try my best for my partner," Jongup grinned before the both of us concentrated our attention to the teacher.


From that day on, Jongup and I hung out a lot more, and I stayed out with him at a nearby cafe to study until evening.


"Thanks for helping me catch up with the topic, Jonguppie. And for walking me back home." I smiled as we stood in front of my apartment door.


He shook his head, "It's no biggie. And a girl shouldn't be walking home alone at such a late time, even if she has a husband. See you tomorrow at the same table, same time, (_____)-ah!"


He winked.


"Shh! You're the only person outside of my family that knows about me and Himchan Seonsaengnim. Don't go around saying I'm married, okay?"


Jongup signaled an 'okay' sign before he waved and went back into the elevator.


I turned and keyed in the apartment password.


The door clicked and I pulled it open.


The smell of an unknown perfume whiffed through my sensitive nose, arousing my suspicions.


It was confirmed that there was somebody else in the house when I took off my shoes and noticed a ten inch heel beside Himchan's leather shoes.


I have never worn heels all my life, so it could only mean that there was a female in the house, and she has not left.


Everything became clear when I opened our bedroom door that Himchan and I shared.


"Hey Himcha--" I paused and immediately walked back out, making sure to close the door.


I had just walked into Himchan and Miss Song, my English teacher, making out on our bed.


Their clothes were still on and I was quite thankful that I actually managed to walk in before they did the dirty on our bed.


Of course, Miss Song knows that I live with Himchan so when she came out, she apologized for the incident.


"It's okay, Sunsaengnim. I was about to ask him why there was a pair of heels until I walked in on you. I should be the one apologizing." I smiled.


Deep in my heart, that smile was a smirk, satisfied that I broke them apart.


Once she was out of the house, Himchan came out of the room and just stared at me.


"What?" I mused.


"Where have you been?" He crossed his arms.


"With Jongup, as usual, studying. Ugh, why did you have to do it in our room. Now I can't sleep on the bed without having that memory being replayed in my mind."


I went into our room and took out a set of clothes before I proceeded into the toilet to shower.


When I came back out, Himchan was already lying in bed, going through one of his student's essay.


I was about to walk out of the room when Himchan stopped me.


"Where are you going now? Don't tell me you're going to sleep on the tiny couch, you know how I feel about letting my wife sleep at an uncomfortable place."


"I'm not going to sleep, Oppa. I'm going to study next door."


We had two rooms side by side.


One was the bedroom, the other was a study room which our parents initially wanted as the nursery but we bargained saying that we need to use that space to study and that when we get a baby then we would make it into a nursery.


I went into the study room, making sure the door was locked, brought out my notes and placed them on the desk.


Truthfully, I had just wanted to stay away from Himchan.


Yes, I am in love with him.


How could I not be when I've lived with him for two years?


But that incident earlier, it made me go weak with disappointment.


It was like he was trying to show me how much I lack as his wife.




"Hey babe, are you still studying?" Himchan knocked on the study room door about an hour later.




"Well do you need any help? Because you shouldn't be staying up this late just to study, you still have tomorrow. And a whole week of school left before the exam. Open the door and come to bed with me, nehh? Your husband needs someone to cuddle with."


I could imagine him pouting outside the room.


"You go and sleep first, you can cuddle with Tatsmato. I'll be there soon, I just want to finish this paper." I lied.


I was actually lying on the bare floor, trying to sleep.


I did not want to be with Himchan now, because I might just start crying in self-disappointment.


As I rolled around the floor, trying to get into a comfortable position, the time ticked by.


Before I knew it, it was already 7AM and I did not manage to sleep.


I got up from the floor and went into my room to shower.


After showering, I got changed into a plain pink tank top and white shorts.


Then, I went on to wake Himchan up.


"Nampyeon*, wake up. It's 7AM now. What do you want for breakfast?" I shook him.

* Nampyeon : husband


He groaned, "Babe? You didn't come in last night. Did you fall asleep on the desk? And anything is fine for me."


I mumbled a yes and walked out to make breakfast.


It was just a simple toast bread with strawberry jam and orange juice.


Himchan came in and sat across from me, accepting the toast that I had made for him.


"So what paper were you doing yesterday that you just HAD to complete?" He questioned.


"Urhm, the History paper that you gave out weeks ago. I got quite a bad grade so I wanted to retry it without any help."


He nodded, "Well then do you want me to mark it again for you?"


I shook my head, "Aniyo. I didn't even complete it because I fell asleep."


Everything was silent for a while before I spoke again.


"I'm going to study with Jongup again today."


He rolled his eyes, "You always study with him. Why can't you just study at home and turn to me for help? I am your History teacher."


I shrugged, "Just History. He helps me a lot in my Sciences and Language."


"How long are you going to be out with him? I can come and fetch you after that."


"I don't know. Probably until evening like yesterday. We'll be at the same cafe as always so you don't have to worry. I'll make sure he walks me home. If he doesn't then I'll tell you, happy?"


Himchan gave up trying to argue with me.


Once breakfast was finished, I cleaned the table.


He went into the study room to work on his pile of student essay.


I slipped on an oversized hoodie over my tank top and hauled my bag of books and notes on my shoulder.


Opening the study room door, I poked my head in and gave him a smile.


"I'm going out now, Nampyeon. Do you want anything while I'm on my way home?"


Himchan looked up and shook his head, "I just want my buin* to come home fast."

* Buin : Wife


I grinned, "I'll be back as soon as possible."




"Alright, now you try that question again without any hints. I'll give you five minutes," Jongup said, timing his watch.


I cracked my brains, remembering the formula he told me, before scribbling down the workings and answer for the question.


"Done!" I quipped, passing him the Math worksheet.


He examined it and grinned, "Perfect."


We had finished our Science paper and was working on the Math practice worksheets before we started on the previous year's exam paper.


Jongup and I continued helping each other with the questions before Jongup suddenly paused, looking behind me.


"Seonsaengnim!" He said, causing me to turn.


There stood Himchan, smiling as he walked to our table.


"Hey guys! What a surprise to see you here. What are you doing?" Himchan spoke, taking a seat beside me.


I almost rolled my eyes but Jongup was sitting in front of me so I held myself.


However, Jongup was smiling really widely because he knew that Himchan was a very jealous person so it would have been fun to watch our interaction.


Himchan knew where we would be, so it was no surprise to me when he came and invaded our study date.


"We were just working on our Maths worksheet. What were you doing here ssaem?" Jongup answered.


Himchan shrugged, "I just wanted to go out and get some fresh air. A little bird told me I just HAD to come in to this cafe, so I did. Now I know why."


Jongup accepted his explanation with a mischievous grin, "Do you want to get a drink?"


Himchan shook his head.


"Just ignore the fact that I'm here. You can ask me any questions if you have, though. I'd be glad to help in any way," he mused.


I kept my head down, focusing on my worksheet.


Seconds later, I felt Himchan rest his hand on my knee.


Jongup could not see this, but I felt uncomfortable.


This was the first time Himchan had touched me somewhere intimate in the public and in private.


I paused what I was doing to grasp his hand and shove it off my knee.


He frowned, unhappy at the fact that I just shoved my own husband's hand away.


I clenched my teeth when I felt him shifting closer and peering down at my worksheet.


Jongup looked up at me and asked with a smile, "Can you solve that one? Do you need help?"


I shook my head, returning the smile.


"I'll try it first. See if I can really apply everything you taught me just now. You can look through my Science notes and see if I missed out any info." I passed him my set of Science notes.


He accepted them and we went back to doing things in silence.


Himchan, who was sitting on my left side, took my left hand and intertwined it with his under the table.


I sighed in frustration and glanced at Himchan, giving him a look to back off.


He just shrugged back at me and continued observing our study date.


A little while after, Jongup stared at me and asked, "I know this is out of the blue, but I was just wondering how it's like to live under the same roof as someone of the opposite and with an age difference of four years?"


I shot him a glare, hoping to make him shut up, but it only made him smile wider.


"Oh, well, we've been friends since we were toddlers and we've slept over at each other's house a lot when we were kids so it doesn't really have that much difference as living with your sibling," Himchan answered the question with a smirk before he leaned forward and added a few other things.


"To tell you the truth, I've seen her in her undies before. But between you and me, she's not that voluptuous."


Jongup held back his laughter as I kicked him under the table and hit Himchan's shoulder.


"Jongup, can you give us a moment? We'll be right back," I said before pushing Himchan out of his seat and dragging him out of the cafe.


Himchan faced me with a grin, "Yes, darling?"


I rolled my eyes, "Firstly, if you were just gonna come and stare at us, then I suggest you go on home. Secondly, why can't you leave me and Jongup alone on our study date? It's called a 'date' for a reason, you know. Lastly, I do not appreciate the fact that you wear trying to touch me when we were in public. What if someone from school was hanging around the cafe and they happen to see what you were doing under the table? How will you take responsibility if rumors spread about the two of us being together?"


I ended my rambling with a huff.


Himchan's face had changed with every point I put out to him, and he furrowed his eyebrows when I mentioned the last part.


"What, so you're more worried about what other people will think of you and you don't care about your husband at all? Is that how it is?"


I cringed when he raised his voice towards the end.


I bit my lip, "No, it's not like that, Oppa. I just. I'm trying to keep your reputation in school clean, okay? You're a respected teacher in my school and I want to keep it that way, at least until I finish high school. Why can't you understand that?"


"Why can't I understand that? Yah. Why can't YOU understand the fact that your husband is trying his best to keep his wife happy and that he's always worried when she's out with other guys because he doesn't want his innocent wife to be taken advantage of. Why can't you understand that I've been trying to show you my wants and needs as a full grown man who wants to have that special moment with his wife? WHY?!"


Before I could answer him, Himchan walked away from the cafe to god knows where.


"Please be safe, Oppa. And don't drink alcohol, you can't stand a single drip of it," I whispered to the wind before going back inside with my head down.


Jongup looked up at my approaching figure and he immediately realizes that something happened.


"Wae? Where did Seonsaengnim go? I was about to ask him a few questions."


"He left."


"What happened between you two just now?"


"He.. I asked him why he was here and why he couldn't trust me alone with you. Then he started to rage and he just left like that."


Jongup was diet for a while before he suggested, "Why don't you go home now and clear it out with him?"


I shook my head.


"We've been childhood friends. I know him. I can't talk to him when he's mad, it would just be useless. I need to leave him alone for a while so that he can cool down before I can talk some sense into him. I just hope he went home straight instead of going to a place with alcohol. He can't even handle a sip of alcohol."


"Seonsaengnim can't drink?"


I shook my head again.


"Wow. Other than being a flirt, I think he's the best husband candidate. He can cook, he's got a stable job and he's a very tidy person so you won't need to worry about having to clean a messy house." He said, clearly trying to make the atmosphere lighter.


I smiled at his attempt but kept mum, concentrating back on the worksheet that was halfway done.


We both continued where we last stopped and before I knew it, it was dark outside.


Jongup checked his clock while I stretched my limbs.


"It's already 8 o'clock? That was fast. It felt like Seonsaengnim just left a few minutes ago."


We cleaned up and walked to my apartment.


"Thanks for everything, Jonguppie. My grades have been improving because of you. I should treat you to something once our exams are over." I smiled.


He nodded, "I'll come up with a list of what we should eat and pass it to you so you can get your money ready."


I gasped.


Jongup chuckled, "Kidding. You're my desk partner, you owe me nothing but good grades. See you in school tomorrow!"


We waved goodbye and I went into my apartment.


It suddenly felt like I was going through a deja vu moment because I saw another pair of high heels.


But this time, I heard noises, and it was coming from my room.


Instantly, I knew what was going on, and the tears started piling up in my eyes.


'No. Oh dear god, don't let him be doing it.'


I shuffled across the living room and stood in front of my room door.


I was staring at the doorknob, but I did not have the strength to raise my hand and twist it open.


The noise became louder and I knew I had to face the truth before anything gets worse.


So my hand flew to the knob and with all my strength I pushed the door open, making it slam into the wall with a loud bang.


All movements stopped, except for the lady on our bed.


She turned and screamed as she tried to cover her body.


Himchan adjusted himself to a sitting position, blinking at me with a dizzy look.


At that moment, I did not need evidence to know he was drunk.


The lady grabbed her clothes that were strewn all around the bed and left the room.


I heard the front door closing, and I stepped closer to him.


My tears were already flowing like a fountain.


Himchan stretched an arm out towards me, "(_____)-ie. My buin is already home!"


I swatted his hand away and kept my gaze on his non-guilty face.


He leaned closer and pouted, "Why is my wife crying? Who made her cry? Come here and let Oppa help you become happier."


Once again his arm came out to me and pulled me to him.


The stench of alcohol got stronger when he got me into a hug.


His chest was getting wetter due to my tears.


"Aigoo. If my hugs doesn't work, that means I have to give you a ppoppo."


Before he could lean down and plant his lips on mine, I shoved him off.


"Wae, buin? Nampyeon wants to kiss you so that you will smile. You don't want to smile?"


"How can I smile when the person that took it away was you?" I glared.


"Me? How? Bad me. Will you teach me a lesson? So that I won't make you angry again?" He pouted.


He was wasted.


His words were sweet, but I knew he would not be able to remember half the things he said tomorrow morning.


Something came over me, and I immediately made my decision to leave him temporarily.


So I walked to the study room, took my suitcase, went back to our room and packed as much clothes as I could.


"Buin? Where are you going now? Are you going on a trip? Can I follow?"


I paused.


The way he talked reminded me so much of the little Himchan I used to play house with.


It broke my heart to know that the once pure and innocent boy is now someone else.


With a shaky breath, I replied.


"No, Oppa. You can't follow me."


"Aww. Then when will buin come back? I can't sleep without buin."


"Soon. I'll be back soon."


I stood up, carried my school backpack and dragged the luggage to the living room.


Himchan trudged to the door frame of our room and leaned on it for support.


"Come back soon, buin. Nampyeon will be waiting here for you when you come back!" He waved sloppily at me and went back into the room.


I sighed and wiped the remaining tears away.


Taking one let look around me, I finally made me way out the door and to my parent's house.




"Honey, wake up. It's time for school." Umma woke me up the next day.


I nodded with my eyes closed, sitting up on bed like a zombie.


'I wonder how Himchan Oppa's going to wake up without me.'


Everything went by in a haze as I got ready for school and left in my dad's car.


Before I could enter the school gates, Appa called out to me.


"I hope everything clears out between you two. Whatever problem that you two are having, I hope it clears out soon."


I nodded and went into the school.


'Has he arrived in school yet?'


Jongup waved at me as I sat beside him.


"So how was your talk with Seonsaengnim yesterday? Did everything turn out okay?"


I sighed and Jongup took it as a 'No'.


"Well I hope you will, and soon. Or else it might affect your grades."


Class had started and I could not concentrate on anything except for Himchan.


I was anxious, wondering if he was doing okay, if he was late for school and whatnot.


15 minutes into the lesson, there was a sound of someone running down the hallways and it was getting louder.


Suddenly, the doors of our class opened and Himchan's head popped in.


He scanned the class as he caught his breath.


"What are you searching for, Kim Seonsaeng?" Our Science teacher asked.


Himchan made eye contact with me and he gave a sigh of relief.


"Sorry Jang Seonsaengnim. Can I talk to Kim (_____) for a short while?"


Miss Jang nodded and told me to go ahead.


I slowly walked out as I felt stares on the back of my head, observing as much as they could from their seats.


I closed the door behind me and stood in front of him.


"Nehh, Kim Seonsaeng?" I kept my gaze to the floor in front of me.


"Where were you this morning? I woke up and realized I was late. You didn't even wake me up for school and left. What's wrong?"


The emotions of yesterday night came rushing back but I knew better than to cry.


"You forgot yesterday, huh?"


"Forgot? Did I drink yesterday? That must be the reason I got a headache this morning. So what happened?" He kept pelting question after question at me.


"Yes, you drank yesterday, a lot. You brought some lady home and did it on our bed. When I walked in on you guys she left and you acted as though nothing of that sort happened. I decided to leave and you didn't stop me so I slept at my parent's house yesterday."


Himchan kept quiet as he digested the load of information.


His face turned red from embarrassment and disappointment.


"Yesterday night. It was a mistake. I was drunk and you know how I am. You didn't have to leave though."


"No, I had to. I need to calm down and be in the right mind to come for school and ace my tests. I thought that if I live with you only to lose concentration, I might as well move out for the time being. I'll move back soon, but not before the exams, okay?"


"But you know I can't sleep without you," he whispered as he held on to my arm.


"There's Tatsmato. You can sleep with him for now. I know you used to always sleep with him when you were younger."


"He's different. I need you there now. Can't you come back? I promise I won't be of disturbance." He tried to convince me but I was stubborn.


"No, Oppa. Ani, Seonsaengnim. I'll see you later in class, Seonsaengnim."


I bowed and went back to my class.


"Better?" Jongup asked.


I nodded, "Better than before. But not cleared."




A week had passed by and it was finally the weekends.


I walked home with Jongup and thanked him for the extra notes he gave me to study for the coming exams.


"I'm home. Umma, Appa, why is there--" I paused and fixed my attention on the figure in front of me.


Himchan had come over to my house.


"Hey.." He gave a small nervous smile.


I nodded back in response, "Umma and Appa?"


"They said they're going over to your aunt's house for a while. It's just you and me here."


I hummed and went into my room to change into comfortable clothes before I went back into the living room.


"Do you want anything to eat or drink?"


"I'm fine, I just came over to talk to you."


Taking out a cup of instant noodles, I heated the water and started making myself ramyeon.


Once I finished pouring the boiling water and covered the top, I brought it out to the living room and settled myself on the floor behind the coffee table.


Himchan slid down and shuffled to sit right beside me.


I took the remote control and switched it from a drama to one the new variety shows with comedians.


"Buin." He started.


I glanced at him as I opened the lid of the cup and blew the steam away.


I picked up my chopsticks and scooped up a bit of the ramyeon.


After letting it cool down for a while, I brought it to Himchan's lips, offering him some.


He looked at me before taking a bite.


"What did you want to talk about?" I asked as I started eating the noodles.


"About that incident. When I was drunk."


I nodded, signaling for him to continue.


He took a deep breath, "The reason I even had that crazy idea of getting drunk was because of Jongup. I don't exactly know what has been going on between you and Jongup, but after going to that cafe and watching the two of you, I guess I just got really pissed that you didn't even want to have skinship with me, your husband, and yet you were being so obedient to Jongup who was just your friend. So that day, I went to a club and got drunk. I honestly don't remember what I said but I had a flashback of what happened. I.. I acted like a jerk to you. No, I was a bastard. I acted as though I had not committed adultery right in front of your eyes, and I even hugged and tried to kiss you after that. I was out of my mind, I don't know what I was thinking to be doing that. I would have never done that if I was sober. And I know this may sound like an excuse, but I remember being seduced by that woman and I didn't brush her off."


He paused to catch his breath.


"I'm sorry."


I stopped chewing the noodles in my mouth.




Himchan shifted to face me more, took my left hand and brought it to his heart.


"Can you please forgive your pabo Nampyeon?" He pouted.


"Oppa, you know I can't stand your aegyo. And I've already forgiven you when I knew you were drunk."


"Then why do you want to stay at Eomeonim and Abeonim's house any longer?"


I eyed him, "I thought I told you already. I'm staying here until the end of exams so that I can concentrate more on my studies."


He frowned.


"So you're saying I'm a distraction to you?"


I chuckled, "Yes. But a good-looking, handsome one. Which makes it worse."


"Aish. Then I have to be alone for the next week too? That makes it two weeks in total."


"I promise I'll give you something really good after that. You love Japanese food or pasta right?"


He nodded eagerly like a child.


I held out my pinky.


"I'll make you a cuisine. Yaksok."


He slipped his pinky around mine, sealing the promise.


After the talk, I continued eating, feeding Himchan every once in a while.


We laughed and joked at the variety show on the TV screen.


Soon, it was evening.


Umma and Appa had already came back home and they were in their room.


Himchan was stretching his limbs before he stood up, getting ready to go home.


"Oppa. You can stay here for today. Since tomorrow's a Sunday, I don't have to worry about concentrating on anything." I smiled.


He grinned back and made his way to my room.


I took out a pair of pajamas that Himchan had left here before and handed it to him.


Accepting it, he quickly went and change in the toilet.


When he walked into the room again, I could not help but to let out a chortle.


"Oppa, you're too big for that size. Buahaha!"


He pouted, "Yah. It's the only pair I have here. Don't laugh."


I shook my head, "Mian, but.. It's so funny! I mean, you look like you became a giant all of a sudden. And I know you really don't like wearing shirt or pants that are a size too small for you. I'm sorry."


His lips started twitching upwards as he made his way to me.


"Funny huh?"


I nodded.


His hands rested on the side of my waist, "I'm glad to see that you're smiling again."


Blushing, I lightly shoved him and went to bed.


Himchan settled beside me, pulling me to cuddle in with him.


"I missed this. I missed you, Buin." He whispered soothingly into my ears.


I nodded in the silence as I listened to the rapid beating of his heart.


His right hand went up to pat my head as I snuggled closer into his right shoulder.


It was quiet for a while before he spoke again.


"Are you sleeping?"


"Ani." I replied.


"I wish everyday can be like this. I won't need to worry about anything and I'll always have you by my side."


"I do too. But you'll have to wait 'til the end of high school. Then we can announce to everyone that we're married."


"But I want everyone to know you're mine now. So that no one can try to flirt with you." He gave a peck on my temple.


I sighed, "And you think I like you going around flirting with all those female teachers in my school?"


He grinned and shifted closer.


"So all these times you've been jealous?"


I shrugged, "I just don't want to see you flirting anymore."


"Anything my Buin wants," he chuckled.


I let out a shaky breath before yawning.


"You know what, Oppa. Let's go out in the morning tomorrow. I still have my usual study date with Jongup, so we can only have lunch together."


"You're still gonna go out with Jongup even though we've made up?"


I giggled, "He's just a friend, and we'll be studying like the last time you came. And, he knows that we're married. I told him about us way before you got jealous."


"Actually, why don't you come and join us? Jongup wanted to ask you a few questions on History too."


He immediately brightened up.


"I can go? But then you'll just brush me off like last time. I want to show the world that you're mine."


I frowned and replied, "You know I'm not used to skinship especially not in public."


"Alright then, I guess. As long as I'm with my Buin. Now go to sleep. Or else you'll be too tired to go out for our lunch date."


He leaned in and kissed me on the lips, making my already fast-beating heart thump faster against my chest.


I was staying still, not exactly knowing how to respond except to close my eyes.


When Himchan pulled back, I looked up at him only to see him smiling ever so sweetly back at me.


"Goodnight, Buin."


"Goodnight, Nampyeon." I whispered back to him and we both soon went to dreamland.




"What about Song Seonsaengnim? You brought her over to our apartment and made out with her on our bed. How is that not serious?"


I questioned him as we were eating Ddeokbokki Soup with Ramyeon for lunch at a restaurant near the cafe.


Himchan picked up a piece of rice cake and fed me.


"Miss Song was just a plan to get you to be jealous and show me that you do love me as your Nampyeon. But that plan obviously failed because the only reaction I got from you was that you fell asleep in the study room while trying to complete one of my History papers." He reasoned.


I blushed.


"I was jealous." I admitted.


He raised an eyebrow, "Then why did you not do anything to show me that?"


"Because I didn't want you to start showering me with your skinship. And that day I didn't sleep at all. I wasn't even working on any paper. I was just lying down on the floor thinking back about scene."


He pouted, "Do you hate my skinship that much? But it's the only way I can show you how much you mean to me."


"Aigoo. I'll try to adjust to it slowly, but you should try to contain yourself in public just in case we bump into anyone from school."


We finished the last of our meal and Himchan went to pay as I checked the time on my watch.


'Uh oh. I'm late for the study date. Jongup must be waiting already.'


"Let's go," Himchan said as he took my bag pack from me and slung it on his shoulder.


He held the door and let me out, before walking beside me towards the cafe.


We joked about a couple that was wearing hot pants and in the blink of an eye, we reached the cafe.


I saw Jongup already sitting in the usual seat as we walked towards him.


His smile became a mischievous one when he notice Himchan at my side.


"Hey (_____)-ah! Kim Ssaem! What are you doing here?"


We both settled down opposite him.


"(_____) said you wanted to consult with me about History, so I followed her." Himchan smiled.


Jongup's face lit up and they discussed about his queries.


I took my bag from Himchan and started doing my own thing's letting the boys talk to their hearts content.


As I began writing down my answer to a Math question, I felt a hand sliding on to mine that was resting on my seat.


I turned to Himchan who was still keeping eye contact with Jongup.


His hand flipped mine and was now intertwining our fingers together.


I kept my gaze on him until he faced me with a smile.


I returned the smile and continued my Math worksheet.


Jongup stopped talking to Himchan, who looked at what I was doing.


I had been stuck on the same question for quite some time.


"Do you need help with that?" Jongup asked.


I shook my head with a blush when I felt Himchan give a squeeze.


Jongup held back his laughter when he understood the situation.


"Anyways, (_____). I've got to go really soon. I'm going to have dinner with my family so I can't stay around too long. You can go home with Kim Ssaem, since you live together, right?"


"Err, yeah." I replied.


He packed his stuff and stood up, winking at me.


"Thank you for today, Ssaem!" Bowing, he then left.


Himchan brought our intertwined hands out onto the table.


"See? What's so hard about having skinship out in the public?"He said.


I blushed harder and was trying to pry my hand away.


"Sst! I didn't say anything about letting go!" He held on.


I leaned into him and buried my face into his shoulder from embarrassment.


"So cute," he grinned and pinched my cheeks before giving me a hug.


"Alright, let's go home now so that I can have more skinship moments with you."


I slapped his shoulder and got up, finally getting back my hand from him grasp.


As we got into his car, I spoke.


"Next time, I'm gonna bite your hand if you do that in public," I grumbled.


"Then I'll just have to bite you back, Jagi." He teased.


I pouted and remained quiet through the journey.


The moment we arrived in front of my apartment building, I got out of the car and turned back to see him coming out.


"You don't need to come out, it's cold." 


I tried to get him to go back in, but he stood still.


He shook his head, "I just wanted to see my Buin into the building. Come on, I'll bring you to the lift then I'll go."


Himchan grabbed my hand and we went to the lift, where he pressed the button.


"Thanks for today, Oppa."


He smiled and held my hand to his chest.


"Anything for you."


The elevator doors opened and I walked in as Himchan let go of me to press the open button.


"I will only be in school in the morning and when your papers are about to finish tomorrow. The school posted me as an invigilator in a school nearby. I'll pick you up after, okay?"


I nodded.


He took a step in and brought me forward.


Leaning in, he gave a sweet kiss on my lips.


"My good luck charm for you. I know you'll ace the exams."


I smiled gratefully at him right before the elevator doors closed.




"Hwaiting!" Jongup whispered before I went into the exam room.


Two hours later, I stood up and left the room, looking for Jongup who was supposedly next door.


He, too, came out and we started talking about all the answers for the various questions.


"Oh no, I think I wrote the wrong answer for that question," I sighed and ruffled my fringe.


He chuckled and patted my back, "That question was only worth a point. Don't worry about it. I made a few mistakes too."


We went to our lockers to take out our History notes to study for the next exam that was starting in the next hour.


It was an hour long break between each paper so we had time to eat and relax while we revise.


When I opened my locker, I was surprised to see a carton of plain milk and a chocolate bar next to it.


There was a piece of sticky note on the carton.


I took it off and read it.


'Hey Buin.


Remember to eat and drink to replenish your energy. I know if I don't do this, you're just going to study for the whole hour. So eat and drink these while you study, okay? If you're wondering how I got your locker opened, I kinda had the idea you would have used our marriage date. I won't be in school after the papers start, so I've placed this in before I leave. No one's here right now, so don't worry.


Anyways, Good luck with whatever paper you have left! Especially History! ;*


With love,



I blushed and quickly hid the paper in my file of History notes.


Bringing everything, I went to the canteen and sat beside Jongup as we revised.


Every now and then, I would pause revising and take out the sticky note to read it all over again.


A hand reached out and snatched the note away from me.


Jongup recited the contents as he tried to copy Himchan's low voice.


I giggled and took it back.


"So you two got back together?" He inquired.


"I guess you can put it that way, but we never actually broke up or anything like that. We just gave space to each other." I smiled.


He ruffled my hair and told me to concentrate on my study notes and not Himchan's note.


Blushing, I duck my head into my revision notes.


The bell rang once, signaling to the students that we have fifteen minutes to assemble in front of our designated classes.


I waved and did a 'Hwaiting' pose to Jongup as he did the same to me.


In the blink of an eye, I was already out of the examination room and the second test of the day was over.


I couldn't even remember half the things I wrote, it was as though my hands got possessed and started writing itself without me thinking.


Jongup rested his arms on my shoulder as we walked to our lockers.


"How was it? Kim Ssaem is probably going to go mad if you don't do well for his subject."


"I can't even remember what I wrote. What if I wrote the wrong answers for everything?" I grumbled.


Jongup raised an eyebrow, "You know, I heard this from somewhere. Wise words come out only when you need them to, and when they do, you rarely ever remember exactly what it is…. Or something like that."


I held back my laughter at his attempt.


"Thanks, I guess. Anyways, we've finished the last paper of the day, let's get out of the school." I cheered.


We made our way out the school gates, and I stopped by the bus stop.


Jongup paused in his footsteps when he realized I was not following him anymore.


He backtracked and stood in front of me.


"Aren't you going to your parent's house?"


I nodded and kept my eyes on the road for Himchan's car.


He blocked my view.


"Then what are you waiting here for?"


I gave him the look that said he of all people should know what I was waiting for.


He grinned, "Ah~ You're *cough* Nampyeon *cough*"


"If that's the case then I'll wait here with you."


Jongup turned and took a seat on the empty bench, lightly tugging my sleeve to make me sit beside him.


I did so, and we both looked out for Himchan's car without talking.


Five minutes later, a familiar sleek white car stopped in front of the bus stop.


The driver's door opened and Himchan came out.


He grinned and waved.


"Ahnnyeonghaseyo, Ssaem." Jongup bowed.


I rolled my eyes, "Bye Jonguppie."


He waved and walked away.


I went into the passenger seat and Himchan went back to his side.


The car started driving towards our apartment.


"How was the papers?"


I shrugged, "Can't remember."


He chuckled and ruffled my hair, keeping his eyes on the road at all times.


"You did great, I know it."


He parked the car and we both went into the elevator.


I pressed our floor number and leaned on the wall.


Himchan came beside me and gave me a side hug.


"What do you want to do later when we get home?" He asked.


"Study, sleep." I yawned.


"What about time for me? I wanted to spend today with you too." He pouted.


"Study with me. Sleep with me," I teased.


He narrowed his eyes and lifted me bridal style the moment the lift doors opened.


I yelped but clung on to his neck for support.


Since his hands were occupied, I keyed in the password and unlocked the front door.


"You can put me down now, Oppa." I said as he walked past the living room.


He kicked the room door open and laid me down gently on the bed.


Lifting the blanket from underneath, we both got under the warmth of it.


Himchan shifted so that his hands were supporting his weight on either side of my head.


He leaned in and placed his lips on mine.


I stayed still with my eyes closed as he moved his lips to mold with mine.


My hands subconsciously rested on his chest, making him smile into the kiss.


Slowly, he pulled away, our foreheads touching.


I opened my eyes to find his attention solely on me.


"What was that for?" I asked, slightly breathless.


He pecked my lips once more before replying with a smile.


"Nothing, Buin. Go to sleep, I'll wake you up in the evening."


I gave him a grateful smile before closing my eyes.


Himchan adjusted himself to be lying down beside me, soothing my hair.




A month had passed since the last day of my exams, and it was finally christmas.


Nothing was special about this day, because here I was, sitting in front of the TV, eating cup ramyeon with my Nampyeon.


We were supposed to go out in the morning, but there was a hale and we were stuck in our building until they clear out the snow.


Himchan snuggled up against me under the shared blanket.


"Buin, mian." He said as the commercial advertisements played.




He rested his head on my shoulder, "We can't go out today, and it's christmas. I know how much you've been waiting for christmas to come this year. On top of that, it's your birthday."


I grinned, "So you remembered?"


"When have I ever forgotten my Buin's birthday?" He replied.


I giggle, "True."


He hugged me.


"Ah~ So warm." He sighed.


"But Buin, we still have to celebrate today."


"Ani. I just want to stay here all day. We can just celebrate everything tomorrow with our parents and everyone."


At that moment, there was a knock on our front door.


Himchan went to open it and was talking to the guy outside for a second before he closed it.


"Who was that?"


"The security guard. He said the snow is all cleared up already."


I nodded and turned back to the television.


He plopped down beside me, whining.


"Buin~~~~ Let's go out, nehh~?"


"What for? It's cold enough in here, I don't want to freeze to death outside." I grumbled.


"Buin~~. I'll make sure to keep you warm, so let's go out and have dinner and celebrate today, please?"


"Dinner, so we'll go out at night. Okay Oppa?"


"Assa!" He cheered, hugging me.




Hours later, I found myself dressed up in a thick jacket, walking around Namsan Tower with Himchan.


"Oppa, look at all these locks." I said, admiring the different colored locks with the wishes of random couples.


He wrapped his arms around my waist from the back as we continued walking around the area.


"We can write ours too."


He brought out a set of couple heart locks and a pair of magic pens.


I took one of each from him.


"Let's write down what exactly we want to say to the other person, okay?" I suggested.


Himchan nodded and started scribbling down his thoughts before locking it up at a random spot.


I did the same, making sure my lock was hidden beneath the others.


We turned back to each other and smiled.


"Kaja." He took my hand in his and we walked to the opposite side to admire the picturesque scene of Seoul.


"What did you write on your lock?" He whispered into my ears.


"Bimil*." I answered with a blush.

* Bimil : Secret


He kissed my cheek before turning me to face him.


"Buin. I know we're married and all that stuff but I've never proposed to you properly because our parents had set us up."


I nodded, not exactly sure where he was getting at.


Suddenly, Himchan dropped down to one knee and took out a red velvet box from his dress pant pocket.


He opened the cover to reveal a plain simple silver band.


"Kim (_____). Will you marry me and live with me forever and always?" He popped the question.


Smiling sweetly at him, I replied.


"Forever and always."


Himchan took the ring out of it's security and slid it on my right ring finger.


He immediately stood up with his arms spread upwards as he shouted in delight, "VICTORY!"


I giggled at his antics before he turned his gaze to me.


He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mine around his neck.


He rested his head on my shoulder and whispered into my ears.


"Happy birthday, Buin."


I blushed when he lifted his head and leaned his forehead on mine.


I took the initiative to tiptoe because I knew it was hard for him to bend down to reach my height.


We shared a kiss under the dark christmas sky.


This time, instead of just staying still, I moved my lips along with his, copying his movements.


Himchan pulled away for a second.


"You're getting better at all this skinship reaction." He teased before returning his attention back to the kiss.


After a while, we let go and breathed in deeply.


"Thank you for everything, Nampyeon." I grinned.


"Anything for Buin," he winked back at me.


I thought back to the words I had written on the lock, feeling slightly amused at how Himchan had said those words write after I penned my thoughts on the lock.


Little did I know, Himchan had written the exact same thing I did.


'Forever and always with you, my Nampyeon.



'Forever and always with you, my Buin.









I hope you guys liked this one-shot!


Also, don't forget to comment and spread the love!







With love,


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Chapter 1: Oh my god. I love to read pure love's story. It just....awww can my wish come true??
jessi828 #2
Chapter 1: awww cute cute cute =)
Chapter 1: Daebak,its really cute*awww*
Chapter 1: Happy ending~ But I couldn't believe Himchan really did that? (O_o) I relieved when he did nothing to Ms. Song but with that woman? Chukkae both of you~ \(^0^)/ Thank you for the story Author-nim <(^-^)
Goldie #5
Chapter 1: Awwwww so cute!
crimsonwhirlwind #6
Chapter 1: daebak!! nice story author-nim :)
1say16 #7
Chapter 1: So cute aigoo
Chapter 1: Aww the Ending was so cute~ <3
Chapter 1: oh unnie it's so long ouo and really good~ i enjoyed reading it <3 you're such a great writer! kekeke~
Chapter 1: Aww..... soooo sweet! :) Great job there!