At the Jung house [ Part 1 ]

You're not my girlfriend, or are you ?

Hey guys, sorry for gone missing for a long time. I had very bad days; lost my documents, broken internet, so it takes me some time to upload the story. Anyways, thank you very much for reading and waiting . :) Now let's continue the story...... =======================+=========================


" Mum , is it really necessary ? " , asked Krystal.

" Yes, dear.  Isn't it great ? I thought you love parties. " , answered her mum

" Not any more. All I want to rest , mum; rest peacefully " , replied Krystal looking out the car window

" I hate to ask, but are you feeling ok ? You are acting strange, darling" , asked dad which shock the sisters

" Jessica, you too. You don't usually quiet " , mum added.

          Hearing their parents comments, Jessica and Krystal look at each worried.

" It's your fault ! " , Jessica whispers , pointing her finger at Krystal's face.

" My fault ? Ho,'s yours too. Don't try to blame it all on me " , Krystal replys pointing back at her sister.

" Whatever cus you still ganna join the party . " Jessica shrug her shoulders

" Who are you telling me what to do ? I'm your unnie . "

" Hi I'm Jessica. Nice to meet you. " , Jessica says in sarcasm; reminds her sister whose the unnie here

" What ? Ahh.....I get it now. I'm Krystal , nice to meet you too. " , Krystal replys with an annoy look. A ' IT'S NOT FAIR'  look.

They are glaring at one another. Until Jessica smiles and blink her eyes at Krystal. She's giving a sign to Krystal ; teasing her that she can't do anything. It starts boiling Krystal's blood.

" Stop blinking your eyes ! " , whispered Krystal with a hint of anger

No answer but blinking.

" I SAID STOP IT ! " , shouted Krystal which makes everyone jerk up in surprise.

" Enough you two. Jessica, stop teasing your sister. And Krystal, you have to attend the party so there's no need to be angry with your unnie. " , mummy says

" But but but...."

" No but  ! Now be quiet " , that was an order.

Krystal's face turn to be disppointed . While Jessica giggles soundlessly causing Krystal to glare. Jessica then stuck her tough at her sister, which made Krystal to raises her fist up. But when she sees her mum glare at her........

" Wow , her glare is even scarier than mine " she mumbles .

" i know, huh " , Jessica whispers back

Krystal just pouts and decided to be on silent mode for the rest of ride.


  Alright , after leaving the hospital we all are invited to Mrs.Jung party. Well, more like ' Krystal's discharge from hospital '  party.  Now sitting in the van with nothing to do is quite boring; how I wish Krystal would be sitting beside me ! She seems strange, though, after the accident. Looks like a cold piece of ice or something, not even smile at me . Does she forget me ? I'm her girlfriend, secret girlfriend. But she remembers my name; so grhh I don't know it's just not her. 

Whatever, let see what time is it now ? What !? I've been in the van for an hour and half already ? How far is her house ?  Riiight, it's down town. It must be so huge to fit every single members or maybe we have to share room ? Hey hey, that's good , then. I could spend a night with my baby.

I take a look a the time on my wrist watch again. Hmm.......almost 2 hours.

" How many time have you look at your watch ? " , Sulli asks me

" Huh ? Err.... nth time , I think..."

" Yeah, it's long ride. I think it's almost 2 hours , right ? " , our mum Victoria joins in

" Really ? Wow, that's unbelievable ! " , Luna exclaims..    That girl is off the topic or what .

" What's unbelievable ? " , I asks clueless.

" It's means things........." , she's trying to give the definition ? Oh my gosh , she's really the ODD ONE OUT .

" Hey, I asked what is it that unbelievable ? Not the meaning ! " , I ask again. I hope to get the right answer.

" time you should ask clearly . Well , it's unbelievable because in 2 hour-time, I didn't speak a word just now. " , she answers proudly.  But there's nothing to be proud about .

" Keke....yes. A talkative Luna shutted up for 2 hours; it's just amazing ! " , Victoria teases.

" Hahaha......" , Sulli and I burst out laughing. Man, I couldn't help it. Even though I laugh so loud , Luna doesn't stare nor hit me. Still I see something evil planned in her eyes. 

" We arrived ! " , Luna grabs our attentions . 

Finally. 2 hours and 45 minutes to get to Krys's house ? Woah.......not a house more like a palace. See..I was right, it's not any house that could fit all the members; totally 14 people plus Mr and Mrs.Jung. Entering a big golden gate, a white fountain is in front of me . On my left and right is garden that is organized with many types of colorful flowers. I hate to say it's very beautiful.

So, now we're getting off the van. My head spins more than 380 degree by now. I never know she lives in a palace. I should have known cuz she's the princess, hehe.

" Please get inside " , I heard Mr.Jung invited us.

As we walk in, I try my best to get near Krystal but Jessica also tries her best to be near her sister ! Man , what's wrong with her ? She doesn't like going near Krystal ; maybe her parent's here.

" Come on, let me show you the room " , Mrs.Jung said .

We follow Mrs. Jung to see our room . First of all Jessica room. Why ? Cus she's like a big boss !  Wow....a queen size bed ! You wanna know how big it is ? Easy, you can roll 5 times to the left and to right without falling off the bed;  that's the size. Not to mention the wall. All dark and light brown with flowers. It looks peaceful , however, so anciet.

If it's Jessica's room, why she's showing a digusting expression ? Shouldn't she love it ? Another thing, my princess ( Krystal ) is smiling ear to ear seems like she love this room so much . I thought she like funky style and brown is not her color. Don't tell me she has new interests .

" Krystal's room  is next . " , Mrs.Jung said snap me out of my thought.

Then, I get to wander around her room . I saw her jaw dropped. Why ? I've no idea.

" PINK, RED, AND PURPLE !? " , she exclaims.  Yes, pink , red, and purple are your favorite colors . The is also funky. You must love it ! Yet, you look like you hate it. Ooookey..., she is weird and weird. Still, the room is pretty nice- a queen size bed, study desk with a touch smart PC, a giant well-designed closet along with a huge mirror. What else do you need ? This is just perfect.

" You should rest now. " Mrs. Jung told her daughters.

" I have to show the rooms to your friends, stay in your rooms don't need to come along "

" Who ganna prepare the party ? " , asked my princess. So thoughtful; that's why I love you

" Don't worry darling. It's under my control. "

" Ok, gilrs. I have to apologize. There's only 4 rooms left and you how many 1..2..3..4....12 people. I'm afraid you have to share " , Mrs.Jung smiles.

" No need to apologize, Mrs. Jung. " , said Hyoyeon

" In fact we like to share rooms, it's fun ", SeoHyun adds along

" Are they as big as Krystal's room ? " , Luna asks

" Of course. All bedrooms in this house are the same is size. The only different is the colors of the rooms. " , Mrs . Jung said

" We shouldn't waste the time " , SooYoung said.

"  Just make yourself at home. I'm so glad to have you girls here. " Mrs.Jung starts showing us our rooms. 


" Wah the room is so beautiful. Now who ganna sleep with who ? " , Tiffany asked

" Let's do paper, scissors , stone " , Sulli commented.  Such a childish idea

" Fair enough " , Sunny agreed . Although it's childish but it worked

" One two three...Paper scissors stone ! " , every exclaimed. 

" You not ganna join ? " , Luna asked me.

" Nah. I don't mind. I'll sleep with the losers ! " , Keke...what's the reaction ?

" Not the losers , just one loser cuz I'm ganna sleep with Amber tonight. So , whoever lose this game will have to sleep with us " , Yuri said as she wraps her arm around my shoulder. Such a wonderful friend.

" Fine, every one again. Paper scissors stone ! " , Victoria starts. Even the leader is childish. Hmpf.....this is such a waste of time. They did 5 times already and no result !

" At last..........Sulli , Luna, and Vicky one room . SeoHyun, SooYoung, and Sunny. Tiffany, Taeyoen, and YoonA. Me will stay with those two erts " ,  Hyoyeon said. What ? ert ?

" HEY ! ! " , Yuri and I shouted at her.

Then, we separate to our room . I hop on the bed as soon as I get inside. Ahh....softness.

" You're not asleep now ? " ,  Hyoyeon asked me. What the heck is that question suppose to mean ? Yuri doesn't get it , neither.

" Hmpf....let's go to Jessica room ! " , she added with a grid. Come on.....I just get my on the bed, now where are we going ?

" Good idea " , Yuri grids back.  What with that girl ? Whenever she hears Jessica, she regains her power ! I"m not going .

" Come on Amber "

" No ! " , I declared . If I was asked to go to Krystal's room, it would be no problems . Wait wait, Urghh they won't stop bothering me.

" Put me down ; I said put me down. I don't want to go . You hear me ! ! " , I raised my voice

" Shhh... you disturb Mr and Mrs.Jung " , Yuri whisper to my ear. Grr.....

I have to say they are strong. Don't underestimate , they have carried me all the way to Jessica's room . Am I that light ? One clung through my arms, and one lift my legs ; then run along the hall way ! Now I ended in Jessica's room .

" What are you doing ??? " , asked shocked Jessica when she opened the door

" Amber said she wants to come . " , meanie Hyoyeon . I really look like I want to come ? ! She winked at Yuri , ok that's scary. I do smell evil .

" Wahhh " , yes very evil . They just dropped me on the ground near the bed. Why don't you throw me out of the window instead !

" Hahahah " , and now they start laughing like hell

" Haha very funny. I nearly forgot to laugh " , I said sarcastically. With a fake smile .

" Are you hurt  ? " , Jessica friendly asked. Geez, no I'm not hurt at all . At least she 's better than these jerks who keep laughing. She helped me get up and sit on the bed. Ouch my . You two won't survive tonight. I send them dead glares till they stop laughing.    

" We're sorry. Will you forgive me ? " , Yuri blinks, hugs me lightly, and pats my back.  Play tricks on me again , huh ? 

" I will, no worries. I will forgive you before tomorrow comes ",  I talk with an evil smirk, yeah I'm evil .

Then, she straighten her back , glance at Hyoyeon, smile ear to ear at me , raise her - count her finger till 3 ; after that I see no one in room beside Jessica and me . Great just great. I swear I'll kill them later when I see them. Well, I didn't mean to come here ; I was forced to so I better head out of the room .

" You should rest, I'm leaving now. " , I tell Jessica while getting ready to get out but she stopped before I could make a step.

" Waittttt.  I want to talk with you for a second " , she tugs my shirt.  Why act like a kid ? I guess I have to stuck here after all. Hmm...we don't talk often. What does she to talk about ?


A/N :  Finished ! chapter 3. Too long ? Too short ? I hope that it's understandable . Cux you know, English is my second language ; I might use wrong grammar structure or vocabulary.

Feel free to correct my mistakes if you find any. I'm very out-going; I don't mind at all  ( " u " )

Thanks for reading [{ ^ v ^ }] 

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rmanalo #1
Chapter 53: YEAAA
Chapter 52: Esperaba revivir mi yulsic
Chapter 49: Justo en el yulsic
26 streak #4
Chapter 52: Sad for Yuri.. She deserves better.. Actually I like Jessica not ending up with someone.. Jessica in this story is so selfish...
sone_marg14 #5
Chapter 51: yulsic happy ending?
rmanalo #6
Chapter 8: thank you author for that link ?
forgotme #7
Chapter 50: Its alright..waiting for u to update this sOon
26 streak #8
Wow.. Your update on that site.. Heheh
Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Nooo!!! And it's on hiatus??!? Too good to be hiatus!!!! Anyway Author, you write stories amazing. A big thumbs up!
Chapter 49: Nooooo..... is this the only way??????
My yulsic :"(