
Welcome to Secret Myth

Tarot 7

Mee Yon’s POV

“Devil, open the gate of hell

Give me your dreams and wishes to tell,

Do my command and be reward well,

Bring forth the power and let them

Toil the bell,”

I toss a card and something big, bigger than the crabpon, erupts from the spinning card. A big monster that resembles somewhat like a troll holding an axe looks at me.

“What is that you wish?” he rumbles, totally ignoring the other monster.

“What is that you wish?” I reply warily. Devils are not to be taken lightly, they can destroy your soul in an instant. Devils make pacts with their owners, for everything or every time they were summoned.

“I see you have sacrifices for me, 5 of them. Delicious,” he his lips as he stare at the others with hunger.

“They are not yours,” I speak to him and he turns towards me. He simply shrugs.

“Then the usual, I’m surprise you can keep me out here this long. You got stronger?” he questions, throwing the axe from one hand to another easily.

“I found Fool, no thanks to you,” I scowl at him before nodding towards the crabpon. He looks at the tiny creature (compared to him) and laughs.

“You call me out for that?! Pathetic!” he guffaws before swiftly slicing the crabpon’s hard armor into two. His laughing face turns serious, “I did it for a reason,”

I huff as I draw a small dagger from my bag.

“What are you doing?” Taemin interrupts, looking anxious as he glances before me and the dagger in my hand.

“Paying me, of course,” Devils rolls his eyes at the stupid question and watches me as I prick my finger with the dagger. “Lovely, your blood is always satisfying,” he grins before disappearing and his card drifts back into the case.


“Are you okay? You should bandage it up… do you even have Band-Aid in this area?” Key tilts my finger to see the damage.

I look amusingly at him before taking my hand back, “It’s only a prick,”

“Only a prick?! It can cause infections and stuff like that!” Key protests as he tries to look at my finger again. I swat his hand away and he opens his mouth to protests.

“Where are we?” Minho abruptly asks as he stares at me as if probing at me for answers.

“Open the realms on the other side, Unlock the mighty door where myths hide, another land is what we will find,” Jonghyun murmurs.

“So…this is the land where myths are supposed to be?” Onew calmly asks as he observes the corpse of the crab. “Are they edible?” he side tracks as he gaze at the flesh with hunger and wonder. Mostly hunger.

“Er-should be, don’t eat the meat in the sting though, it’s poisonous,” I reply back to him as I look into the sky trying to judge what the time is. I can say it’s about evening time with hint of orange glow in the sky, “It’s about time we go back,” I murmur to myself.

“Er-how?” Taemin asks, “We don’t know where we are,”

“Ah,” I nod slowly as I draw out another card. This is tiring, I think to myself as I throw the card into the air, calling out the deviltook most of my energy.

“Chariot!” I yell and at once a chariot big enough to fill all of us appear where the card was. “Go on,” I nod wearily at the group and once they pile in, Jonghyun scratches his head, “Er…are you going to pull us?”

They all watch me step onboard the chariot and sit. My body feels heavy and my mind had dulled, but I can feel it coming.

“Does it magically move?” Key speculates while Minho surveys his surroundings.

“You okay?” Onew touches my shoulder and I nod. It feels too much to even talk.

“WAIT!! COME BACK!! THE PRINCESS IS GOING TO KILL ME!! MIDNIIIIIIIGHT!” Somebody shouts as soft but fast patter of feet can be heard.

“Do I see a jaguar running full speed at us?” Jonghyun replies, with a trace of unbelievable in his voice.

“Why are we always being attacked by some sort of monster?” Key groans as he shakes me. “Come on! Can’t you summon that beast thing again?”

“It’s heading towards us,” Taemin reports as Minho does a sharp intake of breath.

“It’s on the chariot now,” Minho sounds like he’s preparing for a fight.

“No no no, stay away,” Key warns as his hands left my shoulder alone. A nose muzzles against my cheek gently as it whines curiously.

“Midnight,” I sigh as I scratch its ears and it purrs in delight.

“Midnight!” a person scolds in which I recognise as the animal keeper. “Don’t run off like that again!” she points an accusing finger in Midnight’s direction. Midnight whines as its tail tucks between its legs.

“You know that jaguar?” Jonghyun raises his eyebrow suspecting at me while Key’s face says Don’t-tell-me-lies.

“He’s lovely though,” Onew interrupts our staring contest as we turn to see Onew fondling Midnight’s face and ears. “Just like a little dog,” he laughs as Midnight rolls over. “Is it a he or she?” he asks.

The animal keeper opens before I stand up and lean against the chariot. “If it’s a she, she wouldn’t let you rub her stomach,” I spare a glance at the animal keeper warning her to shut up. She meekly nods a little.

“Come on Midnight,” I murmur and he leaps off into the front of the chariot and leather ropes connect together to bound a saddle. I get off and gestures for the animal keeper to go on while I sit in the saddle.

“Fast as the wind, go on,” I rub his head fondly as he dashes off.

“Wait! Key’s about to throw up!” Jonghyun cries but Midnight ignores them and takes it that they like the ride as they keep screaming and runs even faster.

[The Devil]

“Woah,” Onew breathes as they enter the palace. I roll my eyes, I get that all the time but I seriously have no interest of living in a big antique castle with nobody to accompany you.

“Wel-“one of the servants comes up and scurries away as I give her an evil-eye.

“Why does everybody goes ‘Well’ and runs away?” Taemin wonders innocently. Jonghyun smiles wickedly, “Because we are special,”

As if.

Another servant scurries away and soon a message was passed on. Do not disturb pretty much hung on top of our heads as we walk through the palace.

“Grandma?” I call as Midnight was forced back to his playing room unwillingly by the animal keeper. “Grandma?” I open the door to her favourite room. It was a room when she spent in her younger days. Various musical instruments dot around the room, I forgot her love for music.

“Hm?” she vaguely asks as she lovingly strums the harp.

“We’re back,” I throw myself at the massive bed while the rest of the group stands there awkwardly at the entrance of the door. “Oh yea, what should we do about them?” the covers rustle as I turn my head to look at them while my grandmother glares at me. But before she can open to scold me, somebody rushes to the door and yells out:



Tarot Card’s Side Story

“Aah,” the Emperor sighs in delight as he places back his teacup to the saucer.

“You do realise that you dug at the wrong place?” the Empress raises her eyebrow at him as she picks up her cup of tea.

“Oh, I do…that child should learn to command her cards right,” he states as he stirs the tea furiously. “And will you two zip it? You’d been going on for an hour or more now,” he rubs his temples as he glares at the pair bickering.

“What? Are we disturbing your date?” Devil sneers while Fool bows gracefully.

“Don’t bother,” the Empress interrupts as she stands up and arranges her robes before leaving the room.

The Emperor sighs and leaves the pair arguing as he wanders away for peace.

“If it’s not for you, this wouldn’t happen!” Devil roars and Fool shakes his head.

“Who told you to hide me anyway? You had a lot of courage to materialize yourself in Master’s world and took my card away! Aha but who knew fate saw that and my card was passed down onto Wisp?” Fool snorts as Devil glowers over him.

“You are nothing, nothing but a fool!” Devil’s last word thunders in the room and Fool gazes calmly back at him.

“We can’t do anything about it,” he softly says. “It would soon catch up to us, it’s only the time…”

“We could have stopped it! But no, you had to-“

“We can’t stop it!” Fool shouts and for the first time, Devil is taken back. Of all the situations he had been, good or bad, he had never been taken back. Then again, Fool never shouts. “We can’t stop it, we can only pause it…for a little while…time can’t be stopped or be paused that long…you off all cards should know that,” Fool whispers and with that, he slowly taps his feet out of the room, leaving Devil standing there.

“You can’t blame him,” a voice gently says. Devil looks up to see Star gazing at him. “He does love his last Master very much and since current Master is related to his late one, he does his best to protect her,” she lowers herself down as streams of water cover her.

Devil shakes his head, “You and your power to influence other…”

“Don’t dwell on it…maybe stopping or pausing time isn’t good enough,” she shrugs as she lazes on the couch with water still covering her.

“Don’t sit there! The couch will be wet!” Devil frowns at her but she only smiles and leaves for the sky. “Moon’s waiting for me,” and she whispers something else that made Devil thinks about.

“Maybe starting the time will be better,”


Tarot Cards Corner!

Today is…The Cards World!

Let me explain a little, the cards have the power to predict the future when they are cards however, there are different worlds when Mee Yon is not using them. This is known as the Tarot’s World.

The world is just mainly a big mansion and a garden and a sky. However, the cards can expand or contract the house.

The Sky is controlled by Moon, Star and Sun, making another day or rain is their job.

In the house there are separate rooms for each card, suiting their taste and personality. There is a tea room where the Emperor and the Empress are always nearly there.

Oh, there’s no more time left! See you the next update!

Next Corner: Introduced Cards Personality!


Do you like the update and the new corners? Comment on it please! Aah, you readers hadn't been commenting and it makes me down...but happy reading and I guess I deserved it because I hadn't been updating!

And what is Devil's reason for hiding Fool's card?? And what happened to the servants? 'Well' ....well what? o-o




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jellozelo_ #1
Chapter 15: afjkdal;fjda. I want to know who this 'Moon' is.
Mistress Moon, must be a very very different character.

Thanks for a good read :D
jellozelo_ #2
Chapter 12: I think I'm going to comment on every chapter that I end up reading haha. So far, I'm loving the Fool and the sister! :)
nice chappie... But It's ok... Writer's block is something that is unavoidable... I have that with dancing too sometimes... Don't worry about it... I'm patiens ^^ XOXO
Wow! I didn't know that you knew about that poster shop!! (Its a bit of a tongue twister)
Anyway.. interesting update especially with the little sister!
Please update soon!
Intersting. Here's what I think they should have: Onew should have something that kind of correlates to his quick wit, ability to talk to animals, and his endurance; Taemin's good with his feet and how accurate his senses with Divination are; Jonghyun may ave something to do with his accute senses of the body.

Update soon!!! :D
sakura4li #6
:333<br />
I forgot to let you know that I was going to put the link on your wall too!<br />
P.S- I like this poster better!
Just to let you know... I made another poster/banner for this fanfic! But don't worry I had lots of time on my hands so I decided to make another one (maybe I also did it so you might update again *hint hint*) Anyways this is the link!<br />
I wonder who that lady is? I hope you update again soon!!!
sakura4li #10
@Lolly: Ahahahahaha, he will be almighty later....AHAHAHAHAHA