The Guardian

Welcome to Secret Myth


Dedicated to my readers who encouraged me when I wasn't writing <3


Tarot 11


“Who…are you?” Taemin wonderingly asks as he stares at the ‘guardian’. Minho just stands there with this awkward expression on his face.

“I’m the one who guards this crystal ball into the right hands and destroy the ones with no kind heart and self-less heart. Oh, and while I’m at it, apparently I’m the ‘manual book’” she scowls at the last bit.

“That’s an…interesting dress,” Jonghyun comments, hesitant as he gazes into the ancient dynasty styled robe.

“You ert!” the Guardian screams with a wild blush on her face as she attempts to cover herself.

So innocent…but she’s fully clothes, why does she need to cover herself?  That’s what happens when you’re too innocent. You have to cover when you’re covered.

“So, what does manual book do?” Onew curiously asks, as he reveals himself from the mini kitchen, clutching to a piece of chicken with his teeth.

Trust him to get chicken when he gets an opportunity.

“Hmph,” the Guardian says with a prideful face on her face. “I am here to guide the person in possession of the crystal ball,”

“So, you have magic powers?” Jonghyun raises his eyebrow.

“Ha! Of course!” the Guardian boasts.

Jonghyun glances at me and somehow, for once, we both agree on something.

That ‘Guardian’ is hiding something. That, and she looks weird.

[The Fool]

“So,” the glum look on his face basically said his whole feelings. “Why am I exactly here?” he asks.

“To be honest, I thought we need some company,” I reply as we all look at Key and the Guardian.

“So you decide to drag me for some ‘company’?”

“Pretty much it,” I sigh.

He grunts in reply.

“You got Minho,” I indicate the person next to me. The whole gang sits on the floor watching Key being abused by the Guardian.

“Well, I guess that’s the only reason I’m staying out here on my own will,” Fool replies as he and Minho strikes up a conversation.

I had pulled out his card to have some company. And mainly to block out Key’s yelling of frustration. Being pulled by his hair or yanked by his ears certainly did teach him well. Note the sarcasm.

“Is it alright?” Taemin asks nervously, tugging at my sleeve.

“He went through 3 consecutive times on the world’s fastest roller coaster. He’ll survive on a bit of pulling and yanking,” Onew dismiss fully replies, his eyes only on his ‘precious jewel of meat’ as he calls it, totally ignoring how red Key’s ears are and how tuffs of hair are drifting down.

Boy, at this rate, he’s going to go bald!

I lean close to Fool to see what he and Minho were chatting about and instantly recoil. Investments? Really?

“Okay, that’s it!” Key screeches, panting. “Instead of forcing me to do it, why don’t you demonstrate it?”

The guardian hesitates but huffing, “Of course not! You have to do it yourself! I may be a guardian, but I’m a manual book. A manual book does not do anything!”

“You just stated that you got no magical powers,” Jonghyun points out then Onew, breaking contacts from his meat sudden whisper, pointing at her.

“Liar liar, pants on fire!”

“Yes! I have no magical powers! Perhaps I’m not even a true guardian!” she bursts out crying.

“The hair,” I note, noticing how the last guardian I’d seen styled her hair with fringe. This one got bangs.

“Are you her sister?” I ask, as the Guardian hiccups into silence. She slowly nods, curling up into a ball in the air.

“The little sister of the great Guardian to Diana’s crystal ball,” she mutters bitterly. “The little sister who is always in the shadow,”

Key glances back and forth with a face that reads ‘Well, this is awkward,’.

“Where’s your sister now?” I frown, wondering what happened.

I go away for a couple of years to find chaos? Come again?

The little girl still curls up then mutters, “I killed her…”

And if that wasn’t enough, Onew just had to stand up and points at her with the chicken bones in his hand, yelling out, “Murderer!” 




I'm so so so so so sorry for not see, I'm in the final year of school (YES!!) which means I have to study hard (CRAP!) which means no fanfics (NOOO!!)

And so...YESTERDAY I FINISHED MY EXAMS....AND THANKS TO THAT LOVELY WRITER'S BLOCK, I PRODUCED....BARELY A PAGE. (Glad I can bullsh*t in the exams for 2 pages....)

Also, I'm experimenting this style of writing, comments on it? :D

OTL to you readers, OTL (bet you're the only ones who see the writer bowing down on you huh? xD)

This is sakura4li, hope you enjoy~


Thank you 
--iluvreading--  for the poster! I understand that --iluvreading--  has a poster shop, check it out!



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jellozelo_ #1
Chapter 15: afjkdal;fjda. I want to know who this 'Moon' is.
Mistress Moon, must be a very very different character.

Thanks for a good read :D
jellozelo_ #2
Chapter 12: I think I'm going to comment on every chapter that I end up reading haha. So far, I'm loving the Fool and the sister! :)
nice chappie... But It's ok... Writer's block is something that is unavoidable... I have that with dancing too sometimes... Don't worry about it... I'm patiens ^^ XOXO
Wow! I didn't know that you knew about that poster shop!! (Its a bit of a tongue twister)
Anyway.. interesting update especially with the little sister!
Please update soon!
Intersting. Here's what I think they should have: Onew should have something that kind of correlates to his quick wit, ability to talk to animals, and his endurance; Taemin's good with his feet and how accurate his senses with Divination are; Jonghyun may ave something to do with his accute senses of the body.

Update soon!!! :D
sakura4li #6
:333<br />
I forgot to let you know that I was going to put the link on your wall too!<br />
P.S- I like this poster better!
Just to let you know... I made another poster/banner for this fanfic! But don't worry I had lots of time on my hands so I decided to make another one (maybe I also did it so you might update again *hint hint*) Anyways this is the link!<br />
I wonder who that lady is? I hope you update again soon!!!
sakura4li #10
@Lolly: Ahahahahaha, he will be almighty later....AHAHAHAHAHA