chapter 4

Leave out all the rest ( a Christmas tale )



“Here we are!”, said the Ghost, its long hair waving with the wind, her fancy clothes showing Bom’s personality.


They were in front of Thunder’s house again. But CL noticed there was something different about that place.


“This is the future, Chaerin.”, the Ghost said, taking CL by the hand to the inside of the house.

“Five years in the future…”, it whispered before they entered.


There were some people in the house. It was visibly Christmas and there was a Christmas party going on.


“What do you want to show me?”, Chaerin asked, her voice in a mix of expectation and fear.

“I want to show you the consequences of your selfishness.”, the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come said, walking a bit more, entering more in the house.


“Oh! Is that Minzy?”, CL asked, her hands on . She was shocked with what she saw.


Minzy was making out with a guy in the couch. His hands were inside her blouse, visibly groping her s.

Chaerin noticed a tattoo at Minzy’s back, once her blouse could barely cover her skin.


“What happened?”, CL asked, not believing Minzy would ever behave like that.

“Well, because you didn’t take her to Thunder’s Christmas party that night she stayed home. She met a cousin of hers and… well, he did things to her. Things he shouldn’t have done.”, the Ghost explained.

“She changed after that. She drinks and smokes those marihuana things now.”, it said matter of factly.

CL was paralyzed. Was it her fault? Was it really her fault?


“Oh, there is Dara!”, the Ghost pointed to a corner.

CL saw Dara in a wheelchair, she couldn’t move her legs.

“Jesus… what happened?”, Chaerin had teary eyes.

“Thunder convinced her to go after you that night. He was very worried because you didn’t pick his calls and, once he can’t drive, his sister went after you.”, The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come replied, looking at Dara sadly talking to some other people.

“What about her boyfriend?”, CL asked, cleaning her nose, a feeling of guiltiness growing inside her heart.

“He died in the accident.”, was all she heard.


Chaerin covered her face with her hands. She felt like that was her fault indeed.

She walked to where Dara was and she silently apologized, her heart getting pressured in her chest. She felt like the worst creature alive ever.


“Come here, there’s more.”, the Ghost called CL and the younger followed.

“That’s me.”, the Ghost pointed.

“What… what happened to you?”, Chaerin asked, her eyes heavy and her body uneasy for all that situation.

“Well, because you were not there to introduce me that nice friend you said you would… I met the wrong guy.”, the Ghost said, looking at Bom.

“It was at that Christmas party. I was about to have myself some beverage and he bumped into me. We talked, got to know each other better and ended up getting married.”, the Ghost told.


“It was very fluffy when it started but… it soon became a nightmare. He showed his true colors after some months.”, it continued.

“It started with just a light push and it didn’t take long to change into curses and punches.”, the Ghost explained.


CL couldn’t believe that. She got closer to Bom, people moving around as if she was invisible.

She noticed a black spot on Bom’s face as she brushed a stripe of her hair to behind her ear.

Looking closer, CL also noticed red marks and black holes in Bom’s skin.


“Does he…”, she didn’t have to finish her question.

“Yes. He gets really mad whenever he doesn’t have what he wants.”, the Ghost showed Bom’s foot in a plastic cast. “Memories that will never go away.”, it pointed at Bom’s shivering hands.


“I am so sorry…”, CL whispered.

“There is more. Come with me.”, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come lifted its hand and, as soon as Chaerin touched it, they were transported to somewhere else.

“You noticed Thunder was not there, right?”, the Ghost asked when it noticed CL’s blank expression.

“Where is he? What happened to him?”, Chaerin sounded desperate.


The Ghost with Bom’s face didn’t say anything. It just pointed to the cemetery in front of them.

“God, please, no!”, CL cried. “Not him!”, she whispered, suffocating with her own tears.

“Let’s go.”, she heard the Ghost saying and soon they were inside.

“There.”, the Ghost pointed its finger to a grave, a young man sitting in front of it. “He comes here every year.”, it completed.


“I wish I had asked you to stay... to stay with us instead of just letting you go….”, he said. “If I had… you’d be here with me.”, he cried.

“I’ll never love anyone as i loved you, CL. I just wish I could talk to you… hear your voice…”, he cried harder. “ Even if it was to listen to your nags.”, he completed, cleaning his face with his sleeve.


“Thunder…”, Chaerin whispered, she was crying too.


“He stopped celebrating Christmas. Which is a pity because that was his favorite holiday.”, the Ghost of Christmas yet to come said with no real feeling in its voice.

“Is this really going to happen?”, CL asked the Ghost.

“Yes. If you don’t change your attitudes this is exactly what’s going to happen.”, she heard.


“I’m gonna change!”, CL looked at the Ghost, cleaning her tears and breathing with some difficulty.

“I swear I’ll change! Please, give me another chance!”, Chaerin begged. “I never wanted to make them suffer…”, she cried.


“Now you know what you do and say can hurt people...”, the Ghost said, it’s face slowly becoming marked, as if someone was punching it non-stop.

“Nobody cares about you!”, the Ghost yelled, its voice becoming a guttural noise.


CL watched as the Ghost’s face, Bom’s face, was slowly getting a broken nose, parted lips, broken jaw, a black eye, marks and blood.

“NO!”, she screamed.



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rare18 #1
Chapter 5: skythunder <3 thanks for this!
Chapter 5: wow!!!!

I love Christmas <3 & SkyThunder <3
Milielitre #3
Chapter 5: I absolutely love that song!!!!
Your story is very well written, short and efficient as I like them^^
Where did you got the idea of the ghosts of past, present and future christmas? It reminds me of something, but I can't put my finger on it.
Chapter 5: merry Christmas to all..!
luv skythunder...^_^
Chapter 5: wow amazing ghost bom made chae realise was beautifully written ......
Merry christmas!
Happy holidays!
MashMellow #6
Chapter 5: that's THE song!!