One More Night

One More Night

"Gukie~ where do you think I should put this mini santa?"
Yongguk, who was lying around, shrugged his shoulders "I don't know, anywhere"
Himchan pulled out Christmas lights and held it up to the door. 
"Gukkie~ where should I hang these lights?"
Yongguk shrugged again, "I don't know, anywhere."
Himchan walked over to the TV and stood infront of it. 
"Come on, help me put up these decorations. Please?"
Yongguk rolled his eyes "I'm going to a friend's house"
Himchan watched as Yongguk walked away from him and his face went red with anger. And as Yongguk placed his hand on the door, Himchan lost his temper. 
"You do this every year!"
Yongguk turned around, "What?"
"I said, you do this EVERY YEAR!"
"What's the point! It's Christmas Eve Himchan! Your going to have to take them down tomorrow!! And besides, who's going to see them up here? We're practically up in the clouds!"
Himchan looked down and sobbed. "Oh come on, please don't cry~ You know I don't like it when you cry"
Yongguk walked up to Himchan to try and hug him. "Don't worry, I'll be back Channie"
Himchan looked up at Yongguk with tears in his eyes. Without warning, he threw the Christmas lights at Yongguk, causing them to smash on the ground. 
"Just leave okay! I mean, what's new? You never help me with the decorations, and you always end up buying me the same cheap chocolates every year! I go all out for you!! I buy you clothes and shoes and new technology that costs A LOT! Just leave, go to your friends house. Don't even bother coming back tonight."
And with that, Himchan slammed the bedroom door in his boyfriend's face and locked it. Yongguk rolled his eyes and left with his head hung low. 

It was now Christmas Day, Himchan woke up with an empty bed. He felt  Yongguks side - it was cold. He let out a sigh as he got up and made a coffee. 
He heard a knock on the door and walked over to it. As he opened it, he heard Yongguk's voice. "Please, let me in. I'm so sorry! I'll get you anything you want! Clothes, shoes... You name it!" 
Himchan rolled his eyes and slammed the door. "Come on!" shouted Yongguk from outside. "Let me in!!"
Himchan ignored Yongguk's cries as he took down all the decorations, with the coffee mug in one hand. 
He couldn't do anything all day, he felt so lonely. He contemplated visiting his family, but he remembered that they had flown to Jeju island for the winter holidays. 
They day had passed, and he sat outside on the balcony, wrapped in a big fluffy blanket. "Merry Christmas to me" he said quietly. 

The next morning, Himchan went out to do some boxing day shopping. He looked around at various shops, and had lunch at a restaurant where he had his first date with Yongguk. He casually checked his phone for new messages or missed calls. But there were none. 
He sighed as he left the mall at 5pm. He wondered around the Han river and sat there until it got dark. It was now 7pm and he finally decided to go home.
He stopped by the local noodle shop and picked up some black bean noodle soup. 
He staggered to his apartment building, and wondered lifelessly into the elevator. 
When he got to the door, he noticed a yellow post it on the door: Come to the balcony

He opened it, and to his surprise, all the Christmas decorations were up on the walls. And the lights he had thrown were replaced by big flashy reindeer lights. 
The little santa he was having trouble placingwas sitting by the door welcoming in Himchan. Himchan smiled, nodded, and continued through the house. Even the tree was back up, and 2 mystery presents where sitting under the tree. He stepped out onto the balcony, and there he saw Yongguk standing with a box of Belgian chocolates wearing a silly Christmas sweater. Himchan smiled at the stupidness of Yongguk's apology attempt. "I bought your chocolates"
"I can see" laughed Himchan. "So... Will you forgive me?" asked Yongguk
"Hmmm, that depends. Are the chocolates nice?" Yongguk held out the box infront of Himchan "Try it and find out"
Himchan reached for a chocolate and put it in his mouth, then reached for another
"Well, do you forgive me?"
Himchan nodded, and Yongguk pulled his boyfriend in to his chest. "I missed you so much Gukkie, I promise I'll never yell at you like that again!"

Yongguk laughed "Acutally, I'd rather you do that. If you hadn't have scolded me, I wouldn't have done all of this for you"
Yongguk sat Himchan down onto the new swing chair he had bought that day. Yongguk sat down next to Himchan and he pulled a big blanket around them. Himchan leaned over and made himself comfortable on Yongguk's shoulder. "I guess we're not so high in the clouds" laughed Yongguk. 
Himchan looked up at Yongguk and kissed him passionately on the lips. "Merry Christmas" 
Yongguk smiled, then looked out into the city. 

"Remind me to put the santa by the door next year"
Yongguk laughed. 
"Oh, and I think you should keep buying me those cheap chocolates. The Belgian ones are gross"

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Chapter 1: cute fic!!!
Chapter 1: awww this was cute :3 i think youre great at writing christmas stories <3