Chapter 2

Into The Wild Blue Yonder (Hiatus)

                It was the end of the work day on Friday afternoon at the Ministry of National Defense. Bi Rain was organizing his desk before leaving for the weekend.

                “Sgt. Ji-Hoon, do you have any plans tonight?” Sgt Chang-su Kang asked, walking up to his desk.

                “Actually I do. I am going to practice in my mini dance studio and probably write some more songs. Why, what did you have planned for tonight?” He asked. Upon organizing his desk, the two of them walked out of the building towards the shuttle bus that would take them back to the dorms.

                “Well, if you weren’t busy I was going to invite you to hang out with me and some of my friends. We were going to visit a noraebang in town. Pardon me for saying this, sir…but you work way too much. You should relax and take a break every now and then.” Chang-su said as they walked onto the shuttle bus.

                “Yes, you’re right. I do work way too much. I’m always striving to do better in whatever task I am given in life. I actually have some of my backup dancers coming over to practice with me. What time were you all planning on going downtown?” Bi asked as other military members filed onto the bus.

                “Probably not for a few hours. That way we can take a shower and grab some dinner before we get there. Why, you thinking of joining?” Chang-su asked as the doors to the bus closed. The driver started up the engine and the bus was on its way.

                “Tell you what, send me a text message or stop by before you go. Depending on how practice goes tonight, I might be able to join you. If I can’t leave with you, I might stop by later. I won’t be staying out all night because I have to get up early in the morning.” Bi said as the bus pulled onto the main road.

                “Sounds like a plan. I hope you do get to come out tonight. I know everyone would be happy to see you there.” Chang-su replied. Half an hour later, the bus pulled up in front of the dorms and Bi went to his room to change into his dance practice clothes.


                “Ugh…what a week it has been. I seriously need to let loose this weekend. What do you say, wanna go out on the town and live it up?” Trish said to Elizabeth as they got into her car after leaving the office building.

                “Define ‘live it up.’” Elizabeth giggled as Trish headed in the direction of Elizabeth’s dorm.

                “I just need to get off base and decompress. I was thinking we could head to one of the noreabangs in town. Sing a little karaoke, drink some soju, maybe meet some hot guys…” Trish said as she got a devilish grin on her face.

                “Sounds like fun. You need to help me get dressed for this, though. You seem to know how to blend in. I don’t want to look like a tourist.“ Elizabeth giggled. A few moments later they had arrived at Elizabeth’s dorm and were making their way up the stairs to the third floor.

                “Of course I will…you got to make me look good.” Trish said, sticking her tongue out at Elizabeth. Elizabeth playfully smacked Trish on the shoulder.

                “So, are we going to eat out before we go there or do you want me to fix something before we leave?” Elizabeth asked after she unlocked her door.

                “Why don’t we eat here. Who knows how much money we’ll blow on drinks tonight.” Trish said as Elizabeth put her purse down and walked over to the cupboards in her kitchen.

                “Hey, you’ll be blowing that money…not me. I’m such a lightweight when it comes to drinking. I’ll have a few, but I’m not going to get plastered. Guess we’ll be taking the cab there if we both plan on drinking. We need to budget money for cab fare and drinks then.” Elizabeth said. She pulled out some pasta from the cupboard and held it up for Trish to see. Trish nodded at the selection and got some frozen chicken out of the freezer.

                “I’m going to stop by my dorm and pick out some clothes for us to wear tonight. I should be back before dinner is done. I’ll bring some makeup back, too.” Trish said as Elizabeth started to look for seasonings in her cupboard for the dinner.

                “Sounds good. I’ll see you shortly.” Elizabeth said as Trish walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.


                Two hours had passed since Bi had been back at his dorm. He was in the mini dance studio that was designated for KPop idols who were serving in their mandatory military service. His backup dancers had met him there and they were practicing moves for his “Rainism” and “Hip Song” songs. His body was dripping in sweat, soaking half of the tank top he was wearing.

                The door to the dance studio opened quietly and a male figure took a seat near the back of the room in one of the folding chairs. Bi finished the dance routine along with his dancers. Once the song stopped playing, he motioned with his hand for everyone to take a break. He picked up his bottle of water and hand towel as he headed towards the guest.

                “Museun il-iya, (What’s up?) Chang-su? I guess you’re here to see about tonight?” Bi asked as he dried the sweat off his face with the towel.

                “Ya, Bi. Looks like you and the guys are working hard. Why don’t you guys take a break and come join us tonight. Life can’t be about working all the time, right? Won’t be able to do your best if you don’t give yourself time to unwind every now and then.” Chang-su said as Bi gulped some water.

                “You know, for once I think I might actually take your advice. When were you planning on leaving?” Bi asked as a smile crept up on Chang-su’s face.

                “That’s what I’m talking about! I was thinking of leaving within the hour. Will that give you enough time to get showered and changed?” Chang-su said as he glanced at his phone for the time.

                “Ye, that should be plenty of time. I probably should follow you, though. I don’t think I’ll be staying as long as you plan on being there.” Bi said. A minute later, he gathered his dancers into a mini circle and let them know that practice was over. “Great practice, guys. How about we celebrate by joining Chang-su and his friends at a noraebang in town. Go freshen up and meet me back at my room and we’ll leave from there.” The dancers nodded and grabbed their things before leaving the dance studio. Bi arrived at his room ten minutes later and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. He hoped that he would be able to have some fun at the noraebang and be able to relax from a long week at work. Little did he know what was in store for him that evening.

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Hello to my subbies and those reading this story. Will be working on Chapter 3 today! Hope to have it posted by end of day ^_^


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I am SO sorry my Clouds and subscribers/readers of this story. WAY too much crap has been going on in my life at the moment :( I was able to finish my first story here on AFF (Cinderella), so I'm hoping now that I have that out of the way I will be able to focus on this story. Hope to have Chapter 4 up by the end of this weekend. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you and have a great rest of the week!

Chapter 3: I can't wait to see what happens next in your story! I love Rain <3
VestaRo #3
Chapter 3: New reader here ! I love your story ♥
Maylovesreading #4
Chapter 3: I like your story. I can;t wait for Bi Rain to hear Elizabeth sing^^
To my Clouds and subscribers and ppl reading this story:

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding. I know I have been lagging on writing this story, and it's my fault because I've been writing on my U-Kiss story, Cinderella. Newho, I start my school semester today. I have 1 class on Mondays for 2 hours and 1 class on Wednesdays for 2 hours. I don't know how much time to do homework will be involved because I am 1 semester away from graduating (not including this semester, I graduate in June). I'm hoping to do some more writing tonight, but if I don't then definitely tomorrow since I have a day off of school. I need to focus on writing more for this story :P Teehee. Newho, I'm excited because it's already January and this means only 6 more months before Rain is done with his military service!!!! YAY! :D Well, hope to have Chapter 4 up within the next 2-3 days. Thanks for reading this story and for the comments :D *hugs*
Chapter 3: Yay! They finally met :D
Chapter 2: Great chapter! :D
Chapter 1: Your story has an interesting start! :D