
If Only Just for a While


There were times when Wooyoung really envied Junho. Sometimes, to the point of hate, even.

He hated how no matter how hard he tried, Junho was still a better singer than him, still as good as dancing as he was and still had more muscle than he did. He was the cute one of the group, and sometimes Junho stole even that from him.

He couldn’t help but feel a deep satisfaction when JYP announced that he was the one that was going to have the solo debut they’d all been practically fighting over. He was the one that was going to get all the attention, and he was the one they were all going to praise. He ignored Junho’s congratulatory smile because he was sure Junho was just jealous of him like he had been of the other and sneered at him instead.

But sometimes, he’d feel so ashamed, when he would see those dead eyes and tired, forced smiles on Junho’s face because he had worked so hard and everyone else was just beating down on him and he just didn’t know if it was worth it anymore to continue. They all noticed it, but they’d ignore it because it was something everyone went through in their business and they knew that everything would be fine again.

Wooyoung would feel guilty because he knew it was his fault. His fault for never giving Junho the love and care he needed and for always pushing him away, but he’d wait for that moment when everything would get to be too much and Junho would just break down and cry and in his arms and he’d be able to make everything up, running his fingers through that soft hair and whispering loving words into the other’s ear.

Junho would give him a blindingly innocent smile at the end of it all and his heart would warm up and beat a little faster and everything would be fine again and the hate would be washed away, if only just for a while. 


AN: um. so. how was it... 

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sehijaudaun #1
Chapter 1: Short but interesting..
You could do more with the story
Chapter 1: ? This is the end?
Chapter 1: my twins dun hate each other ㅠㅠ
its unbelievably short
MissBunnyGyu #4
Chapter 1: why so short!? TOT
lurvejunho #5
Chapter 1: My wooho!!!!girl i luv it.glad u want to write wooho coz there are nit enough this otp at fandom.hope u will continue to write
Chapter 1: Why u ended this story so soon... Wae?