There is no love like the first.

Love Is Sweet The Second Time Around

Jae Hee walked through the school gates, glancing at her watch "6:30".

"I am still early."

She continued with a faster pace, heading inside the building and towards her homeroom "Class 5A".

Sliding open the door, she found herself looking at an empty, rather dimly-lit classroom.

She was more anxiously than usual.

Taking her seat, placing her bag against the leg of the table, she struggled to keep still.

She reached for a white envelope in her bag with "Jae Joong" written neatly in cursive at the front of the envelope.

The envelope was slightly crinkled, obvious to the eye that it had been gripped and held on quite many times. 

"How should I do this? By the end of school today, everyone's gonna find out. Please don't embarrass me. Oh goodness me! This is even more nerve-wrecking than exams!" she thought as she held desperately onto the white envelope.

"Okay, Park Jae Hee. Deep breaths. I can do this." she mumbled repeatedly to herself and smoothen out the front of the envelope.

Suddenly, the door slid open. *BANG*

"Crap! HIDE!" she panicked. On intuition, she slid the envelope in her bag.

"Jae Hee! He's here!" said a rather cute and obviously excited voice.

"Oh, Seohyun. Were you trying to scare me to death?" Jae Hee exhaled deeply, sightly annoyed at her best friend's entrance. 

"Sorry, I was just excited. Any ideas on how to give it to him? He's right outside." Seohyun piped excitedly, while patting her lightly on the back.

Jae Hee blushed at the sound of his name and her heart increased it's speed by at least 20 times. She paced towards the window to peek.

"Oh gosh, he's so cute." she squealled and her lips curved into a smile.

"Shhhhhh, Jae Hee. There are other people in class already." Seo Hyun said in a lower volume. 

They both giggled as soft as possible.

Taking her eyes off him,with reluctantly, she turned to her friend.

"Let's see..Option 1: Wait for his last lesson to end outside. When he exits the classroom, run up to him, give it to him and anticipate the whole school to laugh. Option 2: Place it in his locker. Option 3: Faint of a nervous fit right now and never give it to him." Jae Hee nervously listed the ideas that has been running around her head for days.

"Hmmm, let's go with Option 1." Seo Hyun said after a few moments of silence.

"WHAT?! Are you really sending me on my way to happiness or eternal embarrassment, Seohyun?!" Jae Hee shot out of her seat.

"This isn't helping, Seo. I am dying on the inside." she slouched into her seat and hid her face.

Her friend laughed. 

"Sorry, Jae Hee. I was trying to lighten up the mood. I can feel your tension already. Relax. It will be fine."

Merely visualising the worse case scenario of option 1 in her head was making her so nervous, her hands trembled slightly. "She hands it to him. He merely looks at the envelope and says "Sorry, I am not interested", with the literally 1000 pairs of eyes as witness. The crowd roars out in laughter and she just wants to leap into a rocket with a one-way journey and be sent off to the Moon."

Amidst her thoughts, she heard the voice of her other best friend. Krystal. 

"Krystal, she is even more nervous than taking her exams!" Seo Hyun whispered as the classroom started to fill up with students. 

"Awww, Jae Hee. Relax. Whatever happens, you are just telling the truth. That is nothing to be embarrassed about. Do you not want to know what he thinks of you? Anyways, it's Friday. Everyone will forget about it by Monday." Krystal whispered in her ear.

"You really think so?" she looked up at her friends, 

Before Seo Hyun and Krystal could reply, there homeroom teacher walked in. At the sound of her heels clicking on the floor, students took their seats hurriedly, sitting up right and proper.

"Take your seats and keep quiet! " Mrs. Jeon's voice echoed across the now silent classroom. 

Mrs. Jeon continued to talk about upcoming school events and announcements.

In her senior year, she had college applications and final examinations to worry about. 

Jae Hee's mind was simply too preoccupied to pay attention.

She has been thinking about him since their Music lesson together at the start of the school year.

It was their first lesson scheduled together. 

He performed a song in front of the whole class without a backing soundtrack. 

His voice was music. 

From the moment he sang the first note, her eyes, ears and attention were his to keep.

He was an amazing singer. With his charismatic looks, he really caught the attention of every girl in school when he first transferred in together with four of his friends. They were the Fantastic Five.

It was obvious he was not comfortable around people  he didn't know. But you could hear his laughter when he was talking with his friends.

Alone, he was like an Ice Prince. Not the kind of person you'd wanna ask directions if you were lost. 

But Jae Hee fell for his comfortably personality around his friends. He has a completely different aura around his friends. Alive, funny and quirky with his signature smirk. She could't help notice him and wanted to know him more.

Started with working out his school timetable to learning about his interest and hobbies, she kept a mental record of every fact and figure she knew of him. 

She couldn't bring herself to write it down, just in case other people saw it. 

Daydreaming turned to doodling in pencil and erasing it as quickly as possible when someone walked by her desk. 

Whenever he is around, take every opportunity to look at him, with not a moment to lose. 

She was a hopeless romantic. (Can't blame her can we? It's her first crush)

His presence in the same room as her could render her with breathing difficulties.

One of her diary entries:

"Everytime he's around me. It's like time stops and I forget to breathe. This is such a new feeling. Is this what love is? Well, if this is love. I wonder what it would be like if he actually liked me back? What am I saying? How is gonna like girl who has not said a word to him and probably will never speak to him because she forgets to breathe around him?My heart stops and my eyes are just fixed on him. He's all I think about when I am in school. I have to lock my phone and room to keep myself from thinking about him when I am revising or doing my homework. This gets harder and harder everyday. Otherwise, his biography is all I will write or my thoughts about him.I have got to stop this or I won't get into college. Thank goodness for not being in any of my classes except Music, Jae Joong or I probably would not survive high school."

Barely getting down half of the class notes for the first 3 periods, she sighed in relief as the lunch bell rang and her teacher finally stopped talking about some Chemistry equation that did not make sense.

She looked to the left and right for her friends with a nervous smile.

"Come on, get your purse. We have to feed you and make sure you are ready to be Cupid and strike love in the air." Krystal said confidently and pulled Jae Hee out of her seat, with her wallet and the white envelope in her side pocket.

Jae Hee giggled at her comment.

"That's much better Jae Hee. Smile, you look cute when you do.You looked like you're about to faint on the floor. You do not want him to see you like that." Seo Hyun said.

Jae Hee nodded with a wide grin. "What would I do without you guys.." 

The three girls headed out the classroom into the corridor to be greeted by an ocean of students by their lockers or in chatting in their own groups. 

Just as they turned to their right towards the cafeteria, Jae Joong and his friends Yun Ho, Chang Min, Jun Su and Micky walked past swiftly and disappear behind the cafeteria doors.

Jae Hee was rooted to the ground. She did not move an inch, inhaling deeply, her eyes were fixed Jae Joong, scanning him from head to toe.

"SNAP OUT OF IT!" Krystal said whispered rather loudly by her Jae hee's ear after 2 unsuccessful attempts at interrupting Jae Hee's thoughts.

"Owwwww, that was loud." Jae Hee said, while rubbing her left ear.

"Please stop doing that everytime he walks past. Anyone who watched you would know about your crush on him. It's written all over your face when he's around.And yet, he doesn't see it." Seo Hyun chimed and giggled slightly.

"Hey, it's not that bad!" Jae Hee said rather confidently only to earn her 2 raised eyebrows from her friends.

"Fine, fine. I admit it. It's bad. But I can't help it." Jae Hee pouted.

"Okay,  we better hurry or there won't be any food left." Seo Hyun said.

The three girls walked hurredly arm in arm towards the cafeteria.


What's gonna happen next?



Hey guys,

Hope you are liking the first episode so far.

Please don't be so harsh on your comments, I am really really new at this and I would like to be motivated to keep writing.

Do be honest on what I should improve on and what you liked about the story.

xoxo, white mask.


"There is no love like the first." - Nicholas Sparks


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Noonanomuyeopo #1
Chapter 1: I like it author-nim, keep writing neh? ^^
Noonanomuyeopo #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^