
Don't fall sleep on me...

This will be a one shot. This story came to me yesterday. I spent today collecting my thoughts. I hope that you like it. 

The alarm clock goes off and Jiyong throws his hand out to whack the annoying monster. Seunghyun told him it would get him out of bed but really it just keeps him in bed...which equals him late to every class. Even though Seunghyun meant well...he really doesn't know how hard it is to get out of bed since he is practically in bed all the time. 

Let me explain. Seunghyun is narcoleptic...meaning that he falls the out at any given moment. It is a scary sight to most, but people who know Seunghyun find it a part of life. He lives a regular life where he has friends and he goes to school like most. The only thing that is different from others is that he has to have escorts to take him to classes. So he is never alone...which is a good thing in this world...too many creepers. 

Jiyong has known Seunghyun since freshman year, so now that they are seniors he is his hyungs permanent . In the begriming Jiyong had no idea that Seunghyun was narcoleptic. They go to a cheap university so they tend to not really give all the details when it came to campus jobs. They paid okay for a college student so Jiyong never complained...until one day it happen. 


"Just go down that hallway until you see lots of in a corner and then you will find the special needs office." The woman with a curly perm hands Jiyong an info card with ty hand writing. He takes the card and tries to read the NASA drawing that she attempted to show him. To keep the peace he smiles "Thank you I will make sure to take care of...ummm Seung..." Jiyong tries to read the rest but mumbles the end of what he thought was "Young" 

"Good. Now hurry along and don't worry he is not  a retard." She smiles again and Jiyong tries not to make a face at her ignorant comment. He turns to walk out the admissions office only to be stuck in another crowded hallway. The school is pretty run down and most people in Seoul have no idea it exsist. People who go here most likely didn't do well on their college exams. This place is really a quick fix for the stupid to get some where in life. 

Jiyong finally makes it to a hallway with old desk piled in the corner. "I guess this is what she means by the in the corner." He makes a left and finds himself in what looks like the oldest part of the building. A part of the building that he didn't know exsist. He walks up to the front desk scratches the back of his neck. "Hello, I'm Kwon Jiyong and I'm from the Student Association to pick up Seung Young?" 

The woman looks up from her computer with a confused face. "Huh? Seung Young? Who the is that" The woman smacks her gum again and looks back at the computer to type something. "I don't know who Seung Young is but we do have a Seunghyun." 

Jiyong looks at the paper again and twist and turns it around a couple times to try to see if he read it wrong...and yea he did. It was definitely a Hyun not Young at the end of his name. "Oh sorry it is Hyun. Is he here?" 

"Mother er you deaf I just said he is sitting over there." 

Jiyong who has been trying to be nice all day finally snaps. ", I just want to do my job just point to me where he is. I'm not a ing mind reader." The woman with the gum smacks again and looks the man down. She smirks. "A least you are not one of those weak s this year. Nice to see ya have a back bone. He's over there" 

Jiyong is not sure if she is complementing him or what but he just follows the direction of the finger to the other side of the office. The department is not that big but the lobby is huge. There are old orange plastic chairs that look like they have been through hell and back lined up against the walls. Jiyong makes his way over to a dark haired man reading what looks like a space book. 

He walks up and Seunghyun instinctively looks up. He puts his book away and places it in his bag. He stands up and Jiyong's eyes go up and sees how much taller the man is than him. "Hello I'm Choi Seunghyun. Thank you for walking with me today." Jiyong bows slightly. "No problem. We are here to help you at Student association. Would you like me to carry your bag?" 

Seunghyun chuckles and picks up his bag. "I'm not a cripple...just relax man. You just have to follow me that's all." Seunghyun looks at his watch. "Okay let's get going since you came a little late we need to walk fast today." He smiles and starts to walk out the room with long strides. Jiyong has no problem following along and he is thankful that he did track in high school. 

They make it out of the old part of the building and make their way outside to head over to the science building according to the schedule that Jiyong has in his hands. Jiyong finally gets enough energy and walks up next to the man. "So what year are you?" 

Seunghyun laughs. "I'm a 2nd yearish...freshman ish...ish..." Jiyong laughs. "So you don't know what year you are?" 

"Well I partied a lot my first year here so technically it's my second year here...acedemically I'm between 1st and 2nd year." Jiyong now gets that the man is older. He has been talking to him informal the whole time and feels like a jerk. "I had no idea that you were older...sorry about that hyung." 

Seunghyun looks down and smiles. "Well people do say I have a baby face with killer looks." He grins to himself. Jiyong starts to laugh "Wow you are really into yourself huh?" 

"You could say that. Just kidding. Just to let you know I tend to joke a lot. Most of the times my jokes are lame, so just humor sometimes okay?" 

Jiyong smiles "Okay." They finally make it to the science building and Seunghyun lead the way through the lobby. Jiyong notices how popular the man is by how many people have said hi to him. The girls especially swoon for his deep vocals and killer smile. "So what is your major?" 

"Biology...I want to be a neurologist and work on brains" He makes a evil laugh and Jiyong makes a freaked face. "Hey I was joking...aish you think I'm a freak huh?" He laughs to himself. 

"No I don't think that you are a frea." Jiyong stops in his tracks. Seunghyun starts to fall to the ground and then quickly he is out cold. Jiyong thankfully caught his head before it hit the ground. Jiyong has just met the man and he just fell out. He then starts to yell. "HELP! HELP SOMEONE IS IN TROUBLE HEEEELP!" 

Seconds later a man comes down the hallway and sprints to Jiyong's side. Jiyong starts to word vomit. "I I I don't kno kno what happened he was talking and he just felll out I don't know what to do is he dead...oh god did I kill him? Hey...why are you laughing...this isn't funny..." Jiyong stops his rambling and just glares at the man. "Hi I'm Choi Dong Wook. I'm Seunghyun's  older brother. He is not dead. He is narcoleptic." 

"Huh?" Jiyong is still confused and this word sounds worse than dead. "Is he ill?" Jiyong starts to unconsciously run his hands through is hair in a stressed motion. Dong Wook shakes his head. "No he is perfectly fine. His condition forces him to fall sleep at any given moment. He is a normal guy...he just sleeps a lot." Jiyong looks down and watches how the man sleeps peacefully. "So what do I do?" 

"Nothing...just wait for him to wake up. He will wake in a bit...he is never out for more than five or ten minutes." Dong Wook looks at his watch. "He should wake soon." They both sit there and watch as the tall man sleeps in the middle of the science hallway. A couple of students look over and smile at Dong Wook. The older then explains that pretty much the whole school knows his condition. It's just the freshman who are not too well informed. 

Minutes later Seunghyuns eyes start to flutter open. He is then welcomed with scared coffee eyes. "Hello there" He grins and Jiyong can't help but breathe out a heavy breath of relief. "You scared me hyung! You should have told me that you had a sleeping disorder." Seunghyun smiles " Sorry I forget that they don't tell you people everything..." Dong Wook pinches his baby brothers leg which earns a yelp. "Yah Narco, good job falling out on the freshman." Seunghyun pouts and Jiyong finds it adorable how his thin lips suddenly turn into full ones. 

He then looks up into Jiyong's eyes. "Sorry about that. I'm sure my brother informed you..." 

"Yea., I'm up to speed now. Good to know you are not dead." 

"I tend to reach the other side when I'm sleeping..." Seughyun looks up into the ceiling and Dong Wook shakes his head. "Yah enough with the non sense don't the two of you have class?" 

Jiyong looks down at the man in his lap and blushes. he quickly gets on his feet and looks at the ground. "I need to get to Bio 101 soon hyung. Where is your class?" 

Seunghyun gets up from the ground and smirks "Bio 101...I told ya I partied a lot.." 

///////////End of flashback////////////////////

It was a great first meeting and this is what made their friendship blossom to besties quickly. Seunghyun trusted Jiyong because he didn't judge him. He simply cared for him if he ever happened to fall sleep. Most escorts wouldn't give a damn and they would leave the poor man in the middle of the hallway to wake up to a crowd of people staring and taking pictures on FaceBook. He got the campus nickname Narco because he really did fall out at any time didn't matter where. He is not offended by the name because simply it is true. He can't stay awake a full 24hrs and he is cool with it.

Jiyong didn't mind the naps, but he did find it annoy everytime he wanted to have a true conversation. This conversation Jiyong has been trying for years to have with Seunghyun but he just keeps falling sleep. As soon as he gets to the point of confessing Seunghyun knocks out. He is not sure if the heavens is giving him a sign that this isn't the right thing to do or what.

The younger is not even sure if Seunghyun is gay or straight. He is never flirting with anyone else. people hit on him all the time, but he acts the same around everybody. You don't know if he is flirting or what. It is really hard to read the man. The only time you can read him is when he is sleeping...simply because...he is sleeping haha. 

Four years Jiyong and Seunghyun have been walking to class together and taking a couple classes here and there together. They really have a lot of fun when they have to do lab hours. Which can be three hours or more depending on the project. Time would always fly by with the two working together. Seunghyun would crack his lame jokes and Jiyong would of course try to laugh. Sometimes they were so bad he couldn't help but laugh. What made things more entertaining is when Seunghyun would get really into a joke and then...his eyes would roll back and then he was out. Jiyong would of course catch him everytime and support his head on what ever is near. 

These moments Jiyong loved Seunghyun the most. He was so peaceful and so pure....even though he is not. When no one was around in the lab Jiyong would trace his features and just dream of what it would be like to kiss those beautiful lips. How nice it would be to have his strong arms wraps around him. He is truly in love and he doesn't deny it. He accepted his own feelings since their first day together. You could say that he is the love at first sight kind of in love. 

Jiyong makes it into Seunghyun's private dorm and opens the door with out knocking. He shifts around the piles of clean and dirty clothes and makes it over to the older ones bed. He takes a foot and shakes the bed lightly. Seunghyun may be a  heavy narcoleptic during the day but when he sleeps regularly he is a light sleeper. The older man whines and takes a pillow over his head when he feels the bed moving back and forth. 

"Five more minutes...peasss.." Seunghyun tosses the cover over his head and Jiyong grabs the end of it and starts to pull it off the bed. "No hyung you need to get ready for class. You already used all your skips this semester. Plus we graduate in three weeks. Get up!" 

"I don't care I wanna sleep..." 

"You sleep all day any ways." 

Seunghyun pouts and Jiyong laughs. "That won't work..." 

"You find it cute..." 

Jiyong blushes..." The hell? I'm not a girl...those tricks don't work on me." 

Seunghyun sighs. "Fine fine fine fine fine..." He says over and over while getting out of bed. He gets up with wild hair and robot pjs. Jiyong then starts to smell the smell of sleep on the older. "If Dong Wook was still here he would have kicked your for this rooms state." 

"Well he isn't here now" Seunghyun sticks out his tongue and grins. "I will be out in five"

Jiyong laughs "I don't mind if you spend another ten to clean yourself a little longer." 

Seunghyun yells from the bathroom. "I don't smell that...oh I stink!" 

Jiyong laughs and takes a seat on the bed. Last night he forgot he had a project due in his Organic Chemistry. It is a prerequisite that he has been trying to not take but he has to take this class to graduate. Jiyong then starts to feel that heavy feeling of slumber due to lack of sleep. He lays back on the bed and figures that Seunghyun will make some kind of clumsy noise to wake him. 


"Jiyong..." Jiyong hears a person calling his name. He scrunches his face due to the feeling of water dripping over his face. He opens his eyes to see Seunghyun leaning over him at the edge of the bed. Jiyong gets wide eyed and can't help from diverting his eyes to another direction. "Hey...are you awake...are you sick you look red?" Seunghyun reaches out a hand and feels Jiyongs forehead. "Well you don't a have a temp..." 

Jiyong then rolls over and then gets off the bed and straightens out his clothes and Seunghyun looks back at him "What is up are acting weird." Jiyong just looks to the side. "Nothing I just didn't get much sleep last night." 

"Bull ...there is something bothering you. You get weird sometimes and I feel there is something you are not telling me....tell me" 

"It's nothing..." 

"Jiyong just te.." Seunghyun knocks out and hopefully he is right by the bed. Jiyong is so thankful at the moment because he is not ready to confess. He made it this far he can handle a couple more weeks. Jiyong figures they will lose touch after graduation and he will only expect to see a wedding invitation to who ever his hyung decides to marry. 

A minute later Seunghyun wakes up. He gets up from the bed and chuckles. "We were talking about something important. Don't think I forgot." Jiyong then looks at his watch. "Hyung we need to go..." Jiyong walks out the door first and Seunghyun follows behind. They of course talk the whole way to class but Jiyong deep down inside is starting to go crazy. His heart can't take it. He is in love.


They get to class and of course it was boring. Seunghyun had his recorder out just in case he dozed off and Jiyong made sure to take good notes. The whole class was nodding off the the professor talking about theories that none of them will ever use. When Jiyong got bored he would watch as Seunghyun would gracefully fall sleep on the desk and then wake up again. Seunghyun every time he woke up he was met with those eyes that had so many things he wanted to know. If only he could stay awake. 

Seunghyun then started making fun of the professor by grunting. Professor Goh always had to clear his throat to clear the nicotine that swamped his chain smoked lungs. Everytime he breathed the whole campus could hear it. If he coughed it seemed like he was dying. Seunghyun started to breathe hard and the student around him started silently laughing including Jiyong. Seunghyun then leaned over to Jiyong and breathed heavy while staring at his eyes. Jiyong wasn't sure to be creeped out or humored but it sure did help him to laugh. He loves how his best friend knew just what to do to make him happy again. 


It's midnight and most students are out parting or studying. Jiyong stayed in tonight because simply he was not in the mood. He told Seunghyun to go on to the house party without him because he would simply be just a drag. After the lecture they had today girls started flirting with Seunghyun. Jiyong got so jealous he just left. He felt bad but leaving was the best thing to do. He is not his boyfriend. He doesn't want him to see him mad. 

Jiyong gets out of bed to hear a knock at the door. He opens it to reveal his freshman neighbor Seungri. The kid never has anything and always tended to borrow things that might come back. The younger smiles. " you have ramen.." Jiyong runs his hands through his hair. "Damn didn't I just give you some yesterday?" 

"I ran out..." 

"I gave you six ate it all that fast..." 

"Sorry..." Seungri looks down and his stomach grumbles. Jiyong  can never reject the man. He takes a brand new pack of ramen and walks to the door. He hands over the ramen and Seungri lights up he reaches out for the food and Jiyong pulls his hand away in a teasing motion. "Hyung..." 

"Seungri...I need to spend your money right. Stop taking these girls on expensive dates. You never have the right things for yourself. The Kwon convience store is only going to be here the rest of this semester. I'm not sure if you will find people this nice next year." 

"I know hyung...I will miss you and I appreciate all that you have done for me this year..." 

"No problem." He hands the man the ramen. Seungri takes it and looks up again. "hyung..." 


"One more thing." 

"Seungri..." Jiyong sighs. "What is it..." 

"Do you have razors." 

"For s sake Seungri..." Jiyong chuckes as he goes back to grab a clean razor to give to his dongsaeng. "Now go go" Jiyong motions for the man to leave. Seungri smiles and runs down the hall. "You will be blessed hyung." 

Jiyong laughs. "I'm not Christian pabo..." He slams the door and flops back on the bed. Five minutes later he hears the door again. He doesn't get out of bed and yells. "Seungri if you are asking for another thing forget it." Jiyong goes back to his books and gets interrupted again with the knocking. Jiyong gets out of bed and throws the door open. "I thought I...Oh..." Jiyong looks to see his hyung. "Hyung...I thought you went to the party....why are you by yourself it's dangerous with your condition." The younger motions for Seunghyun to come into the room. They both sit on the bed and Jiyong is wondering why his friend is here at such an hour.

"Did the party ?" Seunghyun shakes his head. "No" 

Jiyong gets confused. "I figured because everyone is there. Only me and Seungri are in the dorm."

Seunghyun laughs. "What he take now?"

"Ramen and a razor...aish that kid..anyways why ya here...miss me?" asked Jiyong in a joking manner. 

"Yea actually. I did miss you. I didn't feel right with out you I left." . 

Jiyong doesn't know what to say. The man in front of him said that he missed that he wasn't there. Jiyong shakes his head and stops himself from reading into things too far. Seunghyun furrows his brows. "There you go again." 


"You are hidding something from me. What is it?" 

Jiyong looks down. "I don't want to talk about it?" 

"Since when...we always talk about things. I'm your hyung I thought that you trusted me..." Seunghyun starts to sound a little hurt. The older then starts to move closer to Jiyong making the younger nervous. "What are you doing" 

"I just want to talk Jiyong. I feel I'm losing you" 

"You are not losing me..." 

"Jiyong you don't understand....If I lost you...I would go crazy..." Seunghyun looks into Jiyongs eyes with an intense stare. 

Jiyong then studders. "What what do you mean..." 

"Jiyong I.." Jiyong jumps from the bed as he watches the man fall sleep in front of his eyes. He has no idea what he was going to say. Normally he is patient and doesn't mind but today he wants that completed. sentence. He paces the room and tries to come up with all kind of scenarios. 'Does he like me...nah he couldn't...maybe...he hates me...he just wants our friendship strong...he doesn't want to lose me because.' Jiyong stops pacing when he notices Seunghyun is starting to wake. Jiyong takes his seat back where he was and watches as Seunghyun wakes. 


"It's okay. It's been fours years" Jiyong chuckles. 

"Yes it has been that long huh." Seunghyun gets comfortable again " Jiyong you get what I'm trying to say right?" 

Jiyong shakes his head. "To be honest while you were knocked out..I tried to piece the sentence together but I have no idea..." 

Seunghyun then places his hand on top of Jiyong's. The younger looks down at the warmth and then back up at Seunghyun. "Jiyong...I'm in love with you...I never thought that you would have the same feeling, so I kept quiet. Today...or really this year I noticed you first I thought that our friendship was going bad...but then...then I noticed maybe you had the the same feelings...those girls who talked to me after I saw them...I saw you got jealous...that's why you didn't come to the I right?..." 

Jiyong is now taking that his best friend is in love with him too. He had no idea that Seunghyun even had those kinds of feelings and to hear them now it is just all new. Jiyong sighs. "You are right..." 

Seunghyun lights up "Really?! You feel in love with Narco?" 

Jiyong laughs "Ne...ever since you first fell sleep in my arms...oh gosh that sounds cheesy." The younger blushes as he feels Seunghyuns digits tighten around the smaller hand. "I love it." Seunghyun continues to stare into Jiyongs eyes. He starts to lean in and Jiyong watches as his hyung starts to make a move. The older stops inches away from those plump lips "Can I kiss you? I have always wanted to..." Jiyong nods and closes his eyes. Seunghyun leans in and places his lips on top of Jiyongs. They slowly kiss each other moving their lips as one with little suction. Seunghyun takes his other hand and wraps it around Jiyong's waist and the younger hitches his breath which makes Seunghyun smiles into their kiss. 

He runs his hands up and down the middle of his back and he can't help from pulling him closer. He then releases the kiss to trail even more kisses down Jiyongs pale neck. The younger lets out a moan and his eyes dart open. Seunghyun keeps kissing Jiyong and the younger closes his eyes back to continue  to feel the new sensations. Seunghyun trails back up and leads Jiyong into an open mouthed kiss. They taste each others caverns and Seunghyun continues to on Jiyongs lips. Jiyong then starts to moan again and he doesn't care anymore. The younger runs his hands through his hyungs hair and Seunghyun continues to ravish the lips.

Finally the air between them is has reached it's end and they both release out of breath from the crazy makeout they just had. Jiyong puts a hand to his numb lips and then points and laughs at his hyung. "Nice hair." 

Seunghyun chuckles. "Nice lips." 

They both fall back in the bed hand and hand. SEunghyun pulls Jiyong close and the together stare at the ceiling in the quiet dorm. "We waited so long...." 

"I say we were both chicken..." Seunghyun snorts in a laugh.

"Well then...what are we now..." 

"We just made out...So you are my boyfriend right?" Seunghyun wraps his fingers around Jiyong's 

"Ne, You are my lover." 

They both looks over and laugh. "Lover? Sounds so creepy. Come here my my lover. I love you lover."  Seunghyun chuckles again and kisses Jiyong's hand earning another blush from Jiyong. 

"Okay okay boyfriend." 

"For now" Seunghyun grins.


"This is only the beginning then it's the future. Then it's..." 

Jiyong looks over. He is out cold. He doesn't mind this time because at least he got to tell him his feelings. "I love you too Seunghyun ah" 


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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 1: awww
that was pure fluff
loved it!!!!
dreamslink88 #2
Chapter 1: aww this is so cute i like the idea of narcolepsy
mzjonghyun #3
Chapter 1: lol so cute
Chapter 1: I missed this story :) but i always wonder what will happen when they have , what if Seunghyun fall asleep middle of it. ewww its awefull.
it's cute~ ^~^ it's also funny and sweet, i love it~~~ thanks god seunghyun not sleep during the confession ~_~
Onepenny #6
Chapter 1: Glad they had enough time to confess. The comment below mine made me laugh so much though!!
lovehae #7
Chapter 1: Wouldn't it be awkward if they decided to take a step further and do it but seunghyun ends up falling asleep?
LockSTARx #8
Chapter 1: Aww!! Nice plot! (: enjoyed reading this
usoshigo #9
Chapter 1: OMG! So adorable *-*'