Will You Be Mine?


Have you ever wish for something special to happen in your life? Do your wish ever come true? This a story about love.  A dream come true. Unexpected love.


It was a stormy day. Rain keeps on pouring for several days. It’s a rainy season of the month. Not much activity to do since it’s raining. Most of them just stuck at home, lazy around, watching TV, playing indoor games with family or simply sleep. But far for the busy city, lies a lake house near a peaceful nature surrounding with a beautiful lake view. Even though it’s raining, you can still see from a distance the lights from the house is fully bright. U can see people in the house busy preparing for some special occasion. U can hear the kids laughing, running and playing around the house. Whereas the elders are busy decorating the house, make a final plans and stuff.

“Jane! Can u please come down and help me to choose which flower is nice to display on the guest table?” shouted Mrs Yin, Janelle’s mum. “Yes, mum.  I’m coming.” She answered as she looks at her photo albums and smile. She could not believe it. Tomorrow will be her special moment in her life. She will be the happiest woman in the world. She flips the album page one by one and smile as she remembered the past.

2 Years Ago...

Janelle work as entertainment report in “Hot & Fresh Entertainment Magazine”. She has been in this career for 1 year.  Even though she is new in this industry, she is the most popular reporter among the celebrities. All top artists love to be interviewed by her. She is fun and easy to communicate with. They feel comfortable with her. She received a “Best Entertainment Reporter of the Year” award after a few months. It’s the greatest achievement for her. It shows how determine and hardworking she is in this industry. As the day goes by, something mysterious happen to her. Every morning she will receive a stalk of white rose on the desk. She asked her colleague if any of them did send her any rose every morning but she get a negative respond from them. She simply place the roses on the crystal vase. Filled it will water so that the roses won’t wither.

It’s already 1 month and she still receives roses from the mysterious guy. One morning.....

“Jane, u got a love letter. Wow! I didn’t know u have a boyfriend. Who is that lucky guy?” Said Leatrice, Jane’s bestfriend and also her colleague. “Letter? From who??” She took the letter from Leatrice. Tear the side of the envelope and pull out the letter.

“You must be wondering who is the person that keep on sending you flowers every morning without fail. Well, finally I have some courage to write you a letter. Personally, I am you biggest fan. I have a HUGE crush on you. I really admire you work for all this while. I was thinking. Will u go out with me for dinner tonight? Don’t worry. I won’t harm you. I will pick u up after work at 6pm. I will meet u at the lobby.

P.S: You’ve interviewed me before. So u don’t need to worry ok.



“Is that letter from the mysterious guy who always sends you roses everyday? What did he said? Is he a stalker? A ert? What he wants from you? U better be careful, Jane.” Said Leatrice in a worry curious tone. “He wants to meet me later after work .But I got an exclusive interview with SHINee later at 5pm. I think I can’t make it. I want to meet that guy as I am curious who he is actually.” As she look at the roses on her desk and wonder who is that mysterious guy.

“BEEEP!” (The sound of the intercom.)

“Jane, the interview will be rescheduling to 4pm today as the boys from SHINee have last minute urgent schedule that they have to attend.” Said her Manager. “I hope u have prepared your questions for the boys later. Good luck with the reports and interview. Hwaiting!” Her Manager really adores her work. He was impressed with what Janelle has achieved so far. “Thank you Boss. I will meet them later at 4pm as schedule. Thanks.” She look at her watch. “Oh! It’s already 3 o’clock. I need to go now. I meeting them at Convention Centre. Wish me luck, Lea.” She grabs her stuffs and quickly rushes out from the office. “Hey Jane! Remember you got a blind date tonight. All the best for the interview. Hwaiting!” Shout Leatrice as she looks at Janelle rushing out in a hurry. “Oh! I nearly forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me.” She rushes to her car, start the engine and drive.


Finally she arrived. Today she gets to interview SHINee personally with no interruption. She’s totally happy about it. She heads to the lift. While waiting for the lift to arrive 1st level. She remembered about the blind date for tonight. She feels a bit nervous about it. Yet she still insists on meet that guy. “Hmm... who will that mystery guy be?” She wondered. Finally the lift arrives and she steps in.

“TING! 5TH Storey.” The lift door open. She walk across the hall way. It is a busy day for those who work there because for the 1st time, SHINee having an Exclusive interview at the convention Centre. Finally she stopped in front of a big white door. She tries to relax and stay calm. She opens the door with a smile. “Annyeonghaseyo! Am I late?” She smiled. It’s only 3.30pm. The boys from SHINee already there and getting ready for the interview. “Annyeong!” Greet the boys to Janelle. “Not to worry. U not late at all.” Said Minho. The rest of the guys busy adjusting they mic on the clothes. This is not the 1st time Janelle interview them. Usually she will interview them with some other entertainment reporters. For instance, if they have a major concert o events, all reporters will be there to give latest news from them. It’s time for the interview to start. The interview lasted for 45 minutes as the boys have another event to attend to. Finally it’s time to wrap up. The interview turns out great. I will be a front page headline in the magazine for the month of December. “Kamsahamnida.” Said the boys. “It’s nice to be interviewed by you.” Said Key. “I feel like I being myself when I talking to you.” Smiled Key. “By the way, congrats for winning the Best Entertainment Report of the Year. You really deserve that award. Keep up the good work. Hwaiting!” Smile Jonghyun. “It’s really nice to meet you personally.” Sid Onew and stretch his hand forward to shake hand with Janelle. “It’s a pleasure to meet you guys. Thanks for your time. Hope we can meet again very soon. Kamsahamnida.” She smile and pack her stuffs. “Annyeong!” wave Janelle to the boys. “Annyeong!” Replied the boys and wave back to her.

Finally she reached back to the office. It’s already 5.20pm. She still got 40 minutes left. She finish up her work, make a final report and finally her job is done. She runs to the ladies. Touch up some make up, tidy up her hair, changed her clothes. Lucky she brought extra clothes in her locker. Spay her favourite Gucci Flora perfume and head down to the lobby. Her heart pound so fast as she nearly reaches the lobby. She sits at the Waiting Lounge with a nervous feeling. Her hand turns icy cold. She thinks to herself if this is a right thing to do. She simply don’t know the stranger and yet she wants to meet him.

“Hi Jane.” The familiar voice makes Janelle abit shock. She turns and saw Onew standing beside her with a bouquet of red roses in his hand. “Onew! What were u doing here? Where’s the rest?” She asked as her eyes searching for the 4 remaining boys. “They already went back to the dom.”Answer Onew with a smile. “Here. This is for you.” He passed the bouquet to Janelle.”I hope you like it.” Janelle took the bouquet. “Oh! This is bouquet is gorgeous. What is this for?” Onew just sit on the sofa facing Janelle and smile. “Omo! A... are... are you the one who always send me a white rose every morning?” Onew just nod his head. “Actually the 1st time I saw you at our 1st Asian tour, I really want to get to know you. I like the way u handle some of the interviews. You’re very professional with your job. I really attracted to you. So I would like to get to know u much closer. Not like reporter and celebrity bonding, but more than that. Actually Janelle, I like you.” Janelle can’t believe what she just head. Personally Janelle also like Onew they the first time they debut. That is the reason why she wants to be a reporter. But she doesn’t want to jeopardise her career at the same time. The whole office knew Janelle have a huge crush on Onew. “Oh... I’m speechless now. I never see this coming.” The look on Janelle’s face makes Onew feel abit nervous. He afraid Janelle with reject him. “Hmmm... Well Onew. First of all, I would like to say thanks for this gorgeous flower. I really appreciate it. Since you have confessed you feelings to me, I have a little confession to make. Actually I do like u too before I become a reporter. I am your biggest fan and you simply don’t know how I feel right now.” She tries to control her emotion. “Let me tell u straight to the point. Janelle Yin, will you be my girlfriend?” There were awkward silent for a moment. “Hey! Don’t worry. I won’t rush you. I give you time to think.” Smile Onew even though he really wants an immediate answer from Janelle. “Let me think about it fist ok. So... Since u asked me out tonight, where are we heading to?” She get up from her seat and grab the bouquet of flower on the table. “Well, why not we go for dinner. I’m craving for....” Onew almost finish his sentence. “CHICKEN!” Both of them said the exact word at the same time and laugh. As the days goes by, both of them become much more closer. Till one day Janelle agrees to be his girlfriend. Some of her colleagues knew about her relationship with the Leader from SHINee but they kept it as a secret. They kept their love life a low profile. They don’t want to make a big fuss about their relationship.

2 years has passed...

“Hurry Dear.” Onew run towards the beach. “Wait... Why are you the in hurry?? The beach won’t go anywhere.” Janelle tries to catch up with her beloved boyfriend but Onew is too fast for her. Onew have plan something for the picnic on that day. Actually, Janelle doesn’t feel like going out on that day but Onew keep begging her to go. For the sake of Onew, she finally agrees to go. “Here we are!! What do u think?” The scenery of the beach is so beautiful. Clear sky, White sand, blue sea and a few islands across the sea. It’s like a paradise. The beach is so clean as if nobody even gone that that place before. Onew unpacked the picnic stuff. He set up the picnic mat on the white sand, place the food that Janelle have make for them. They really enjoy the time they had on the beach with each other. All the stress that they have at work, simply gone. Suddenly, they hear the sound of a plane. Janelle just enjoys the view of the islands and watches the plane fly by. She keeps on looking at the plane till she discovered something. There is a banner hanging below the plane.

“Janelle My Love, Will You Marry Me?”

“Am I dreaming? “She asked herself. “OMO!! Dear, do you plan all this things for me?” She cried and hug Onew. She never thought Onew will something so sweet as this. “Yeobo. Don’t cry.” He wipes away Janelle’s tears and kisses her lips. “I’m so lucky to have a boyfriend like you. You are such a sweet boyfriend I ever had. It’s like a dream come true.” She hugs Onew tightly. “You are the only woman I want in my life. U make my life complete.” Whispered Onew.


“Welcome to our daughter’s wedding reception tonight. This is our most wonderful event for our family.” Announce Mr Yin, Janelle’s father at dinner reception. “Once again, thank you for coming.” The wedding song was played. Finally the newlywed couple enter the grand canopy dinner reception which held near the lake at Janelle’s home. Janelle wears a red dress embedded with Swarovski Crystal. She looks elegant in that dress. Onew wears a smart sleek black tuxedo. So many guests were invited such as Super Junior, T-Ara, Kara, Boyfriend, Teen Top, C-Clown, ZE:A, TVXQ, SNDS, Miss A, MBLAQ, 2NE1 and more. Not to forget, SHINee was invited too. “Finally, Onew has ended his solo life.” Said Taemin and congrats the couple. “YAH! Taemin, u don’t need to say that. I feel like I want to get married too. But nobody wants me. “Said Key acting as if he is sad. They laugh when they see the reaction on Key’s face. The dinner reception turns out well. Everybody enjoy themselves.

“Janelle leaves the reception hall and heading down to the lake. The moonlight shone on the lake and the lake looks clear like a glass. She admires the view of the moon and said to herself that she’s thankful for the beautiful night. Suddenly someone hug her from the back. “Yeobo, what are you doing here all alone at night? It’s cold out here. Everybody is looking for you at the reception.” Onew rest his chin on Janelle’s shoulder. “Well, I just want to take a fresh air. Thanks Dear for everything. U make me the happiest woman in the world. You bring light to my life. Thank you so so much Dear.” She turns and hug Onew so tight. I should be the one who say Thank You. Thank you for accepting me to be a part of your life. I promise you that I will take care of u, cherish u and make u happy for the rest of your life. I promise u that. He lifts up Janelle’s chin, look her straight in the eyes and slowly kiss her. It was a long kiss. Both of their wishes come true finally. 10 minutes later, they rejoin back with the rest of the guests and enjoy the night away.


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Omo unnie... Chincha gomawo... I love this story... Made me cry... I am so touched... If this could happn to me i would be delighted... Unnie gomawo ^^ saranghae ^^