
Memory Lost [Oneshot]


Forgotten Memories


Jongmin lets out an almost shriek when she sees the body.

Confused on what to do, she gets an urge to give him something.

So, opening his hands, she places the only thing she has; the blue rose.

Almost immediately, the man's eyes open. And Jongmin lets out the shriek she's been holding in.


"Here" Kris hands her his water bottle.

"You've been here longer. And you gave me the blue rose"

'Thanks" Jongmin says, blushing all over the place


The pair runs away from the killer headless mannequins and dolls.

Walking slowly across the hallway, Jongmin's head starts to feel light.

"Jongmin? Are you okay?" Kris asks. Jongmin's head tilts forwards, but she revives herself.

"Jongmin?" Kris says holding her shoulders. "Jongmin? Jongmin!" He shouts, as Jongmin faints, right into his arms.


"Jongmin! You're awake!" Kris's face backs away from Jongmin's.

His face is all red, something that isn't very normal.

"Omo! Kris! Are you okay? Your face is all red!" She says cupping his face.

"No. I-I don't think so..." Kris trails off.

"Why is that?" Jongmin thinks.

"I think I like you." Kris blurts out.


"Oppa! Hurry up!" Jongmin shrieked at the Oppa holding her hand.

"She's getting to us! Oppa pali!" hearing the urgency in her voice, Kris caught up to the younger girl in his hands.

Leading her forward, they ran around the corner, losing the legless girl and her strange dolls behind them.

Stopping to catch their breaths, Kris takes the chance to look around.

"Jongmin look! The painting! It's the former art gallery! The real one!"

Suddenly, the frame around the picture disappeared, transforming the painting into a portal.

"This maybe our chance!" Kris exclaimed.

"Wait," Jongmin grabs Kris's hands. "What if we won't remember each other? What if we'll lose all these memories?" Jongmins eyes well up with tears.

"Don't worry," Kris says, taking off a silver necklace with the letter K on it with his free hand. He circles it over Jongmin's head.

"We'll remember each other!” Kris says confidently.

Taking his hands of the younger's hold, he steps back and run, leaping forward.

Kris's entire entity forms into the picture.

"Come on Jongmin! Hop in quick! I'll catch you!" he calls out for her.

Suddenly, Jongmin's mother comes from the opposite wing.

"Jongmin, didn't I tell you not to go anywhere?" she reprimands.

"Come along now, we shouldn't make your dad wait."

"Jongmin! Hurry!" Kris shouts.

"Jongmin, hurry and follow me." Jongmin's mother says.

It seems that they cannot see each other, and only Jongmin can see them both.

Looking away from her mother, Jongmin jumps into the portal, joining Kris in between the dimensions.

She is caught in Kris's arms. The feeling of Kris's hug lingers as a bright light engulfs the both of them.


Jongmin is jolted awake. She has been standing in front of the painting.

She tries to remember all that has happened, but whenever she tries to probe further, an excruciating headache comes to her mind.

Walking away, Jongmin realizes she's missing something. She feels sad.

Walking around the exhibition, she sees a rose sculpture. Next to it is a man close to her age.

Walking towards him, she is engulfs in a sense of déjà vu. His thick eyebrows and stoic glare, not to mention his dirty blonde hair.

"What are you looking at?" She finds herself asking.

"This rose sculpture. Somehow, it makes me feel sorrowful" Kris replies without thinking. Like he has known her for a long time.

"Ah, I'm sorry for disturbing you. I should go now." Kris says, walking away.

Jongmin watches him go, not before feeling the pain of losing someone she loves.

Unconsciously touching her neck, she finds the necklace. Something she didn't know she has.




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Chapter 1: girl, i liked the whole story. but one tip: be more descriptive.