More Beautiful Than A Pancake

If Only... [HIATUS]

Minhee lay in bed, rolling around. A disgusting stench filled the air and she was unable to sleep. Suddenly, a decaying hand reached out and grabbed Minhee's leg. She screamed and kicked. The hand stopped moving, but it was still on her leg. Minhee reached to the hand and peeled it off. She looked at it and screamed again. It was a rotten hand and at the wrist it was oozing out a dark red-ish green liquid that seemed like blood. She heard a growl and an arm wrapped around her waist.

Minhee jerked out of sleep, panting and sweating. She took in her surroundings and let out a breath of relief. She smiled, reassured, and snuggled even deeper into the blankets. Suddenly, something stirred underneath the blankets. Minhee froze and felt an arm wrap around her waist. She slowly turned around. Chunji was lying next to her and had his arms aroud her.

She shrieked, "Chunji?! What are you doing in my bed?" She tried to escape from Chunji's arms.

"Why?" Chunji questioned.

"You slept like a baby and I saw that smile on your face!" he teased.

Minhee scoffed, "Smile? I had a damn nightmare?!"

"Ah... Is that so?" Chunji had guilty smile on his face, most likely because his lie had been found out.

"I'm sorry!" Chunji squeezed Minhee tighter.

"I'm going to die!" Minhee exaggerated and started gasping for air.

"Babe listen, you're not going to die! Here, I'm letting go!"

"I can breathe again! Phew..."

"So... about yesterday..."

"What now Chunji?"

"Oh. You don't remember?"

Minhee gave Chunji a scandalous look, "What are you talking about?"

"You really don't remember?" Chunji questioned.

Minhee simply shook her head and Chunji sighed, "You're my girlfriend now!"

Minhee slapped her hand on her forehead and rolled her eyes, "Do you think I would forget something as big as that? I thought you were talking about something else!"


"Whatever," Minhee said as she got out of bed, "I'm going for a jog."


"What is it?!" Chunji frantically asked.

Minhee shook her head and rubbed her feet. She picked up an aqua-coloured plastic box and said, "Nothing. I just stepped my alarm clock which I knocked down yesterday."

Chunji grabbed the alarm clock that Minhee was holding and looked at the time, "It's only 6!"

Minhee snatched back the clock and positioned it on the table, "So? You can go back to sleep. It's set to ring at 7:30 in case I oversleep."

Chunji yawned and lazily lay back in the comfortable bed.

Minhee shot him a look, "You don't really intend to stay at my place do you?"

"I do."

"Why?" Minhee inquired, "Don't you have a place to stay?"

Chunji bit his lip, "Will you allow me to stay?"

Minhee raised an eyebrow, but netherless nodded. The bed sagged slightly in to the left as Minhee sat down.

"Go on," Minhee urged him.

He shifted uncomfortably in the bed and thought of an excuse, "Didn't you say that you were going jogging?"

Minhee sighed and ruffled Chunji's hair. He blinked at stared up at her. She gave him a comforting smile, "My past is one that I'm not proud of too."

She gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze before heading to the bathroom to freshen up. Once, he heard the sound of running water, Chunji sank back into bed. He hugged Minhee's pillow, eyes kept on the bathroom door, and smelt Minhee's familiar scent; coconuts, vanilla and something else no one could quite identify. His eyelids dropped and he mumbled softly to himself.

"Minhee, you make me fall in love with you more everday..."

Minhee walked out the bathroom with a towel slung across her neck. She was wearing her sport clothing which consisted of a black sports singlet with aqua stripes and plain black tights. Her long black hair was in a ponytail and her fringe clipped back.

She walked to the bed and cocked her head to the side. A small smile involutarily crept on her face as she saw the sleeping Chunji. Minhee pulled the green blanket over him and snuck out the bedroom.

Minhee came back after her run and walked in softly, not wanting to wake Chunji up if he was still asleep.

She crept up into the room like a ninja and peered in.

"Ch-" She stopped herself when she saw her boyfriend on the phone, looking angry and fustrated.

He ran his hand through his hair, "No you listen here! You ing ruined my life for the past three years. I'm not coming back!"

"No! Don't you dare!"

"Leave me alone! I'm happy now! Why can't you just accept it?!"

Minhee took a step back and walked to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, Minhee let go of the breath that she never realised she was holding. She glanced up at the slightly ajar door and sighed.

'He has to fight his own battles. You can't interfere, otherwise he'll never get over it!' Minhee scolded herself.

After deciding to make pancakes to cheer him up, Minhee washed her hands and took out the ingredients. She strapped on a cute aqua apron and re-tightened her ponytail. She made the batter and cooked the pancake, while remembering to be quiet. Minhee hummed softly to herself as she plated it up. She stacked four on a plate and dropped a dollop of sweet cream mixed with butter and poured maple syrup on top. She drizzled some honey and sprinkled cocoa powder. Taking her piping bag, she filled it with melted chocolate and decorated the pancakes. She took a step back to admire her handiwork.


Chunji slammed down the phone and hung up angrily. He huffed, but a sweet smell calmed him down.

'Hmm? Pancakes?' Chunji sniffed the air and made his way out. He blinked three times when he saw the scene that was playing infront of him. It was Minhee, pouring some orange juice in a cup. She was wearing a cute apron and her hair was tied back. Unconciously, Chunji began to smile despite the arguement he had a few moments ago.

"Minhee~" he cooed.

She looked up and smiled, "Chunji, come down for breakfast."

That's all for chapter three! Now remember to upvote please! If you do you will be thanked immensely! Don't forget to suscribe!!! A huge thanks to all the suscribers! I love you guys! 

Yay! How is it? The title's weird right? I wrote it! :D Thanks and please remember to read, comment, subscribe and upvote! Love you lots~! -YeoJaGaSu

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Sorry not alot of updates! We are busy!!!


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kpopspotlight10 #1
Chapter 4: when you hav the time can you please update this story. I really do love your writing, I love all of your stories but for some reason I find this one very interesting. please update soon. sorry if im being pushy about it.... I can stop if you really do plan on giving up this story.
kpopspotlight10 #2
Chapter 4: I love your ideas beautiful!!! U haven't updated for awhile though please do
Update soon ok? It's great so far!!!
Chapter 2: This sounds cool! Update soon! ^^ Why is it YeoJaGaSu's writing so awesome? Can,t get enough of your stories. Also, your writing is good too, author-nim!