
Home Sweet Home

I'm going to write in first person since it's probably easier for me? I don't know. Haha! Anyways...


*Kaeun's POV*

After I left Nana behind, I was alone walking on streets I wasn't familiar with. I didn't know where exactly I was going, but I didn't want to be seen with Nana by Ailee. Those words that Ailee had told me ran in my head. I shook my head a bit and brushed it off. I continued walking, going deeper into streets that I didn't know. All of sudden, I realized that there was no one besides me. I stopped and looked around. It was quiet and calm but somewhat spooky since the buildings that were around me seemed old and abandoned. Where's everyone? I felt a vibration in my pocket and reached my hand in there, taking out my phone as I was receiving a phone call from Nana. I let out a sigh, deciding whether to answer it or not but then I did.

"Hello?" I answered in a soft voice.

"Kaeun, where are you?" Her tone sounded concerned. Why is she looking for me?

"I don't know," I replied.

"Why did you run away from me?" Because I didn't want to be a bother to you and I can't be yours because of Ailee...

"Sorry." Please come find me, Nana. I don't know where I am... There's no one here. "Nana..." From a distance, I see a figure walking towards me slowly. I didn't know who it was, but the figure seemed to be a muscular tall man. "Nana..."

"What's wrong? Where are you?" I was too scared to answer her. The man was practically a few feet away from me. I could see his bare face. He had a smirk and was wearing a tank top and skinny jeans. "Kaeun? Answer me. Where are you?"

"What are you doing out here all alone?" he asked while circling around me.

"Look at what we got ourselves here," said another voice. I slowly turned my head and notice another man who stood close behind me. "Hey, she's pretty cute!"

"Kaeun! Who are those guys?!" I could hear Nana screaming through the phone. Nana... Come save me... My body was frozen. I couldn't move an inch. My heart was beating fast and I was scare. I drop my phone while Nana was still on the line.

"She looks so scared because of you," said the man.

"That makes her cuter. Hey, how about we have some fun?" I didn't respond. All I was hoping for was being able to run away from them. But I know I wouldn't be able to. Suddenly I felt a hand touching my . I jumped a bit by their touch but it had caused them to touch me more. One hand had covered my mouth to prevent me from screaming. I'm scare, Nana... Where are you? Please come save me... Tears began to form. I shut my eyes tightly, feeling their hands all over me. I didn't know what to do as I know that I wouldn't be able to stop them. I felt very weak. I felt their hands grasping my s after unclipping my bra inside my shirt. I began to struggle, trying to free myself, but I couldn't. They were too strong for me. Only if I have told my body to run earlier then I wouldn't be like this. I started to cry while feeling their dirty lips on my bare skin. I didn't want this to happen to me. Only if I stayed with Nana. Only if I didn't run away from her. Nana... I listen to their giggles while exploring my body with their pleasure.

"Just look at the damn body. I want to her hard!" said one of the man. "Take off her pants and hold her up." I opened my eyes wide as I suddenly see an enormous hard in front of me.

*Nana's POV*

"What are you doing out here all alone?" Hearing a man's voice, I became very worried. "Look at what we got ourselves here. Hey, she's pretty cute!"

"Kaeun! Who are those guys?!" I scream through the phone. Still no replied, but I heard the men. I hear their voices but not Kaeun's. I didn't want to hear anymore. Kaeun wasn't answering back. She was in trouble and I had to find her. Only if I was able to keep her close to me. I had to protect her. I don't want her to be touched by those men. I have to find her. I need to find her. I'm coming, Kaeun. I'll find you no matter where you are.

*Kaeun's POV*

I was able to break free from their grip after struggling. I quickly ran away from them, running with all my energy. Tears were still coming. My makeup was ruined, but I didn't care. I wanted to be safe. I wanted to be with Nana. I heard them yelling for me, but I didn't bother to look back. I kept running forward but I suddenly tripped. I fell and scraped my knee on the cement. It was bleeding but I didn't care. I got back up and continued to run. Suddenly, I couldn't hear them yelling anymore. I slowed my pace and turned back to see if they were still chasing me. They were gone. Then I took a glance at my skin, still feeling their touches. I felt dirty. I began to cry loudly as I was alone. I couldn't think straight.

"Kaeun!" I hear a voice calling my name from a distance. I quickly looked up and looked around. "Kaeun! Where are you?!" It was Nana. She came looking for me. I suddenly felt a bit relieved, but then I didn't want her to see me like this. My clothes wore tore up and I was dirty. "Kaeun!"

*Nana's POV*

I was calling for her, but there was no response. I ran down a sidewalk and suddenly notice a figure for afar. "Kaeun?" I quietly mutter. I moved closer. It was her. "Kaeun!" I ran towards her quickly. She looked terrified. Her makeup was smeared, but I didn't care. I slowly reached for her hand and held onto it. She suddenly broke into tears the moment I grabbed her hand. I pulled her in for comfort and hugged her tightly in my arms. "I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you... It's my fault that this happened."

"I'm scared, Nana..." She sobbed.

"I'm right here. I'll protect you. I won't let them come near you again. I promise." I was serious. I was ready to kill those men after what they have done to Kaeun. I picked up Kaeun and carried her as she was still sobbing. Home was too far, so we went to a nearby motel. I rented a room for us. As we walked in, there were two beds, a couch, a television, and a bathroom. I placed Kaeun on one of the beds gently. "I'll be back. I'm going to buy you a new pair of clothes." I turned away, but she grabbed my hand.

"I'm scare..." I grab her hand and gave her a warm smile.

"I won't take long. You're safe here, Kaeun."

"Please don't go... Please..." I could see the tears forming in her eyes so I sat beside her and held onto her hand tightly. I won't ever leave you, Kaeun. I promise you. I will punish whoever treats you badly. You're my girl and I want you to be happy and not hold any grief. I love you, Kaeun.


HI THERE! Sorry for the long update! xOOO I'm really busy with school because of projectS!

But I hope you guys like it. I know there was a mature part xO

But anyways, please comment and subscribe :)

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sloppyscribblr #1
Chapter 20: I love this fanfic. I read all twenty chapters in one seating. Please update soon.
chanana7 #2
Chapter 20: update soon juseyo!^^
Chapter 20: i'm obsessed with this. i was not in to fanfics. but i really love this story <3
Chapter 20: nana so darn LOL! it was a nice chapter and i felt sorry for kaeun. i really hate ailee's group aww gawd imma take revenge for her xD. and that hiro i hope he's not a harm to kaeun i hope so. i hope nana can be there everytime with her. thanks for the up and pls up soon!
Chapter 19: rawr!! please ailee mind your own business u,u don't bothering them anymore~
Chapter 18: Love this chapter soooo much <3333
Chapter 18: I like the conflict/suspense in this chapter.
Chapter 18: thanks for the update ^^
fiuhh that's so close...I'm happy that kaeun isn't yet and Nana looking for her ^^
ChooChooPanda #9
Chapter 18: Finally an update :D Thank you so much and please update soon <3