
Our Story

Yoona's POV

        OMG! I'm late! Ughhh.....what do I do? Omg! Today is August 19, the first day of school and as the oldest class in the school, I am "granted" the privledge of standing outside at 6:30 in the morning to open the door for five year olds and walk them to their classes with a smile on my face. I am suppose to show up at 6:15 to sign in but its already 6:22 and I'm still stuck in traffic.

           I'm finally here! It's 6:27, I run in as fast as I can. I greet or principal, Mrs. Park. Mrs. Park is a plump, short woman and she usually has a terrible temper. But when I checked in, she was smiling at me... creepy... I walk outside to get ready to open car doors for little kids to find two other girls outside; Tiffany and Sooyoung. Yes! They didn't bail out on me! I walk toward them and took my place between them.

          For about an hour, I stood there waiting....its not there was nothing to do, but Tiffany and Sooyoung kinda had a bet on who would walk more kids in, so I didn't really do much. Five minutes before we had to get to class, my first "customer" came. Tiffany and Sooyoung were both already walking other kids in so I figured that I should do my part too, by walking someone in too.

       Her name is Lauren, she's in the third grade. She had big dark brown eyes and very long, slick hair. She had so many supplies, almost too much... I took all the bags; there were nine in total and they were HEAVY. When I reached the third grade room, I walk towards Lauren's seat and set her things down. I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings. It was the first day of school, so I was sure that there would be parents and crying children; but when I look up, what I see scares me half to death.

       He had big eyes, a cleanly shaved face and wore a silver tie. I had to admit, he looked hot. He stared at me waiting for me to say something. Suddenly without thinking, I stand up as straight as I could and stretched out my hand, "I'm Yoona, I'm in the twelfth grade." "I'm Mr. Ok, the third grade teacher", he replied.

       I was so suprised, my mouth literally dropped. I heard that we were gonna have a new third grade teacher but I had no idea how young he was. He looked like he was in his early twenties. He must have noticed how suprised I looked, so he quickly added,"I'm in training to become a teacher in a college program, I'm twenty-two". At that moment, the school bell rang, first period was about to start. "Ummm... listen, I have to go", I told him. He nodded and said, "I'll see you around". I walked out of his classroom and caught up with Tiffany and Sooyoung in the hall way, they opened their mouths to say something but I beat them to it, "You will not believe what just happened", I said. And just like that, we walked to class.





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