
Where am I?!

yuri woke bursting for air she looked around she was in a room like a dungeon and there were bars as a door. She saw yesung in the corner of the room with one head phone in his ear then he started singing in his sleep, 'he's a really good singer, he's got a cool voice' she started singing along with him.

he woke up "hey shut up" he said instantly yuri looked scared

"oh sorry i was dreaming and someone was singing badly with me" said yesung, yuri looked sad

"Where are we? in a dungeon prison or something" said yesung

"i don't know, HEEY WHERE THE HELL ARE WE" screamed Yuri, a gurad walked in he was big and scary looking, she swallowed

"Where are we? what the hell are you doing with us? we're just kids" said Yuri

"last time I checked whiches and wizards don't count as kids" said The guard then laughed

"Are you high or something? I'm just a girl you're so stupid.." said yuri

"I'll prove it" said the guard walking out

"yesung this guys so stupid he thinks I'm a witch" said yuri laughing really hard, Yesung just sat looking into space

"he is wrong I'm not a wizard, but he's right about you you are" said Yesung sounding depressed the guard came out with a wand and an apple, he passed her the wand. "now point the wand at the apple close you're eyes and think the word crush or break, and point it at the apple" said The guard

yuri closed her eyes and did what he said 'Crush' "Ha ha I told you" said Yuri

"Wait I forgot this cell stops all magic from being used, step out here a bit" said The guard

she walked out and closed her eyes and waved the wand randomly and yelled out "crush"

she heard a crushing sound then juice got on her face, she kept her eyes closed, "Yesung I did it I crushed the apple I'M A WITCH!" 

yesung stood up "oh no, that wasn't an apple" said Yesung Yuri opened here eyes and sore the mans head crushed all over the walls 

she went to scream, but Yesung put his hands through the bars and covered . "Shhh, shh calm down, he obviously was bad he locked us up, you don't have to feel guilty, now I'm gonna let go I want you to grab the keys from his left pocket and open the door okay?" said yesung, yuri nodded and she grabbed the keys quietly sobbing "I'm so sorry" whispered Yuri, she opened the door

"Okay we have to go, if this is the dungeon we'll be under ground so we need to get up theres gonna be guards out there so we haver to be quiet" said yesung, "I've got an idea, come here" said Yuri she put her arm around yesung and closed her eyes 'shield' she thought she opened them

there was a big blue force field pointing from the wand, "Wow that's massive" said yesung

"okay so what we do is we just run and if theres guards stay behind the shield okay?" said yesung

"okay let's go" said yuri 

they ran out there was four guards outside the door they all got blasted back by the sheild, yuri got a small migrain 

"ow!" said yuri

"Come on" said yesung they ran to the stairs and ran up them there were guards all over the place and the shield was blasting them back

they got to the ground floor yuri ran for the front door "NO!, lets sneak out the back" said yesung

Yuri felt her head she was having a really bad head ache and the shield was fading they got to the back door and there were two guards one of them got blasted back by the shield but then the shield disapeared. "Ow!" screamed Yuri grabbing her head

the guard grabbed Yuri roughly, "where are you's going?!" he said holding out a knife, Yuri kicked him in the shin, and he fell down in pain

then Yesung punched him his hardest and knocked him out then took his knife. they looked around "where are we?" said yesung 

"i don't kno.." yuri fell unconcious

"hey are you all right wake up we gotto go!" said yesung, she stayed unconcious, he could hear the sound of guards marching his way. he chucked her on his back then then ran his fastest without looking back.

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Chapter 3: update plzzzzzzzz
Chapter 2: yulsung<3Fighting!!;]
OMG!!Jessica is thr evie gween??How interesting?!!
Update soon plz~^^
Chapter 2: ohh interesting..I hope its yulsung~ not yulhae... XD
but its so good so far ^^