Chapter 4

Life (behind the curtains) ~HIATUS~



The very next morning Yoochun was unexpectedly awakened by his rather loud ringtone. He gnarled, lifting his hand and trying to hit his phone as a very natural habit, but forgetting that he was still in a hotel when his hand landed on Junsu's face instead. The response he got was quite violent and almost sent him flying out of the bed. He sat up and picked up his phone, wincing at the pain he'd just received, and noticed that someone was calling.



"Hyungs, you can come back now."

"But Jaejoong-"

"He went out with Yunho hyung."

"Oh, okay." Yoochun smirked kind of ironically and hung up. The maknae had actually missed  them.


He poked Junsu to wake up, this time carefully and supporting his actions with some soft words. Junsu yawned cutely and rubbed his eyes, asking about the time.

Yoochun claimed it to be 8 AM.

They changed out of the hotel pyjamas and put their clothes on. Afterwards they went down with the same elevator, with Junsu eyeing Yoochun very untrustingly during the whole ride. Yoochun smirked at himself, at least he'd gotten the chance to try, the night before.


Meanwhile, Yunho being partly cured of his cold, pulled on Jaejoong's hand enthusiastically while they walked at a fast pace through the streets and soon entered a very well-known to Jaejoong shop.

The neighbourhood's pet store.

He'd always go there in his free time to admire the animals and had always been nagging that their house needed a pet in order to be complete.


"Yun, don't tell me-" Jaejoong gasped and looked around, very much amazed.

"I had planned this for your birthday, but.. Anyway, choose one." Yunho smiled and nodded.


It was as if Jaejoong couldn't believe what his ears just heard and what his eyes then saw because every time they passed by a cage he repeated: "Can we really take him home? Or him? Omo, look how cute this is!" He started jumping around like a 5-year-old kid and pointed at all the creatures his widened eyes met.

Yunho just smiled and waited patiently for his choice.


Later, he was lost in staring at the many colorful parrots in the big cages, when he heard the meaningful loud squeal indicating that Jaejoong had finally found his ideal pet. He hurried towards the familiar noise's location, and saw him crouching next to the cats' section.

"Yun, he's just perfect..!" Jaejoong pointed all beaming at a slim, dark grey cat that had a rather bemused expression on its face. Yunho judged the beast for a second, then nodded and called for the shopkeeper. They got informed that their choice was about an year old and had already received all treatments and was also in perfect health.

Oh, and it was a male one.


On their way home, Jaejoong held the cat box up and repeatedly peeked inside, asking the animal continuously if it was comfortable, then dropping the box lower and sing-songing a random melody. He seemed so happy while he strolled beside Yunho.


Well, but as soon as they got home, Jaejoong's mouth dropped with yet another unusual surprise: almost all of the living room's floor was white, like covered in some sort of powder, and there was a very unfitting table placed right in the middle of the room. Jaejoong  walked over out of curiosity and noticed that there stood a 15 inch tall figure/statue of a fat snowman with an evil grin on its face and a Christmas hat on.

Yoosu was nowhere to be found.

Jaejoong almost screamed.



Then Yoochun suddenly came back from the kitchen.


"Yoochun, just why.. did you do this...?!" Jaejoong questioned quietly.

"Oh, you're back earlier than expected." Yoochun lifted his head while slurping from a drink. "Do you like it?" He smiled and put his drink down, then walked to the statue and patted it, quite proud of himself. "Not finished yet, but a real masterpiece, isn't it?"


"...But why, in God's name, cement?" Jaejoong demanded after he'd moved and touched it too, as if to prove to himself that it really existed.


Then Junsu walked in.


"Because otherwise it would melt. We're not stupid, hyung." He stated very matter-of-factly, with his clothes all white, very much equal to Yoochun's.


"We wanted it to last as long as possible so you can enjoy it for a long time." Yoochun added, suddenly looking apologetic. "I'm sorry, soulmate."


Yunho facepalmed. Who creates a bigger mess in order to apologize for a previous one?

Jaejoong sighed, completely defeated.


"I guess that's why some call you the genius couple."

"Hey, my JQ is quite high, you know!" Junsu squeaked and everyone closed their eyes and nodded spontaneously.

"Yes, you keep repeating that all the time." Changmin added, now entering the living room.

"Holy shi-  Wow..!" He gaped at the statue as his eyes traced it from the table to the christmas hat and back. "Now you've done it, hyungs."

"Isn't it beautiful." Yoochun commented on his behalf.


"Anyway," Jaejoong turned, trying his best to keep calm after the pause. He set the box on the other table as they all gathered around it. He opened it and carefully took out his new pet. "Everyone, please welcome this guy warmly~!" He presented the cat proudly to everyone's eyes, the situation strongly resembling the famous scene from The Lion king.


"Wow, I didn't know we were allowed to have pets!" Junsu spoke first and gawked at the only animal he'd seen in months.

"Yeah, ugh." Changmin then stepped back and scrunched his face at the sight.

Yoochun restrained himself from commenting but something made him feel fun coming up.


"Can I get like 3 more for myself, too?" Junsu suggested enthusiastically.

"I'll call him... Hello kitty!" Jaejoong ignored Junsu completely and looked suggestively at everyone else, one by one, but quickly sulked when Yunho cleared his throat and thoughtfully remarked that it was a male cat.


"Right...Then I need something manly, ehh..." Jaejoong held the blinking cat in his hands by the chest and shifted his gaze to the ceiling, strongly pondering on another possibly fitting name. Everybody listened intensely and it looked quite like a video that you'd paused in order for it to load.


"...Jiji!" Jaejoong suddenly exclaimed and smiled widely.

Everyone, including the cat, turned their heads slowly and stared at him in visible shock. Changmin then snorted and his eyes started to mismatch strongly as he held in his laugh.


"Hyung, you do realize in Chinese that means-  "


"Yah~ It sounds so much like my initials.. so fitting! Jiji-yah~ Let's go feed you~" Jaejoong sing-songed, completely ignoring the maknae's remark, and ran happily to the kitchen.


"...How did he come up with that?" Junsu asked, quite baffled.

"Beats me." Changmin uttered while cackling to himself like a madman.

"At least he's not angry anymore." Yunho looked at Yoochun and smiled kindly.

"Mm." Yoochun nodded and smirked, going back to his drink.


"But hey, why don't we have any catfood?" Jaejoong later peeked from the door.

"Because we didn't have a cat till today."

"..Right." His head disappeared, then his whole body appeared with Jiji in his hands. Afterwards he walked hurriedly out of the door.

Yunho only glanced at Yoosu once, and ran after him, picking up both his and his own coat on the way.


"Jaejoong-ah, wait! You forgot your coat!" Yunho dashed after him as Jaejoong was dangling his new pet in his arms happily.

"Yunho-yah! Wow, my money was in there, too! Thank you!" Jaejoong handed the cat over to Yunho as he put on his coat, then he claimed it back.

"Want to come along?" He then suggested as he tucked Jiji under his coat and zipped it up so only his head was visible.

"Sure." Yunho put his coat on and his face beamed, he could never hold back his smiles around Jaejoong.


They picked up some "delicious cat food" (as Jaejoong read on the giant package) and returned home after passing by the supermarket to get the needed ingredients for dinner. Yunho had to stay outside with Jiji though, because pets were definitely not allowed inside.


After feeding his very beloved Jiji with a large amount of cat chunks and afterwards also his precious band members with lots of his tasty food, Jaejoong mysteriously claimed to have a headache and went upstairs. Yunho followed him with a worried expression, while Yoosu were still focused on decorating their snowman, and Changmin had gone out for a peaceful afternoon walk in the park.




Yunho opened the door of their room carefully and peeked inside. He noted that Jaejoong was lying mysteriously face down on the bed.


"Jaejoong..? Are you sleeping?" He whispered carefully and perked up as no reaction came.

Yunho went in and pushed the door sligtly to close. The room was lit with dim lighting and looked quite peaceful.


When he moved towards the bed, Jaejoong shifted and lifted himself up, arching his back slightly. It seemed quite like a provocative pose and Yunho's knee sank in the bed next to him. He settled onto it and hugged Jaejoong by the waist, his hand slipping under his shirt and his fingers dancing on his abs. He leaned closer to nuzzle his nose and take in the sweet smell of his boyfriend's soft hair as a smile appeared on his face.


Yunho let it all mesmerize him slowly as he shut his eyes and transformed his soft caresses into almost too rough for that creamy skin massaging, also taking the freedom of expanding the surface he applied it on. Jaejoong shivered heavily and suddenly held in his breath as Yunho's hands moved south more daringly; and he suddenly got flipped over.

He cracked one eye open and saw Yunho tugging at his trousers with a devilish expression, and when he reached to take them off Yunho suddenly cupped his with a powerful squeeze and Jaejoong yelped, trying to pull back.


Yunho then let go and his hands were too occupied with taking off Jaejoong's pants, when the door creaked more open and Jiji walked in. The cat stopped by the bed and stared up as he realized that no one took notice of his presence, then jumped up.


It then proceeded by Jaejoong's creamy thigh, drawing out a moan from the man, with Yunho then pulling himself up from nipping at Jaejoong's neck and staring at the satisfied expression on the cat's face. He smirked and reached his hand to shoo it away when Jiji hissed and sank his teeth in his finger, and Yunho growled in pain. Then he speedily ran out of the door.


"Damn, that cat likes you too much." Yunho grunted as he tried the stop the bleeding.

Jaejoong lifted himself up on his elbows.

"What, are you jealous of the cat?" He chuckled. "Moreover, are you okay? Let me see that." He sat up and took hold of his hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine, let's continue." Yunho pushed him back as Jaejoong chuckled again.




The next day the snowman was finished, and was looking quite fabulous, so they decided to put him in the garden to show some winter and Christmassy spirit. They also agreed to go shopping for decorations the day after.


The rest of the day went peacefully as they all felt tired and decided to relax, until the certain moment when in the early evening Jaejoong was suddenly plagued by his new pet while simply enjoying a book on the couch.


"Look hyung, you even turned the cat gay." Changmin remarked amusedly while munching on some snacks in the kitchen, which he'd long claimed as his second residence.

"What... hey, the fans say that I'm manly!" Jaejoong tried to get Jiji off of his leg but all he got in return was another violent bite.

"Yeah, that's why they even impregnate you with Yunho hyung's children." Changmin retorted mockingly. "Ahh, yes, and you're so manly you should just go wear a bra and , and pose for a magazine!" He then snorted ironically.

"What, have you ever seen me wear a bra?!"

"Have you ever worn one?!"


"Hyung- " Changmin raised an eyebrow and focused his vision on Jaejoong's flustered face.


"Whoa there- I lived with 8 sisters, okay!" Jaejoong suddenly snapped and stomped away angrily, leaving his book on the bed while Jiji followed him immediately and recommenced his loud meowing.


"I'd totally buy that magazine." Yoochun added in when Jaejoong was not in their sight anymore as he exchanged amused looks with Junsu. They both started giggling like idiots, picturing the sight of their widely respected hyung carefully trying on a fitting red bra in front of a bigass mirror, with his evil sisters taking pictures and afterwards selling them to publishing companies. Yunho's mouth dropped as he was left speechless after the sight with the cat, and with his imagination running wild now, while Changmin's eyes mismatched once again because he was trying really hard to hold in his laugh, but failing.

How could he not love those hyungs.





A/N: I'm not sure if Jiji was male or female, but this is pure fiction so please bear with it :3

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Chapter 4: Hahaha, Jae made Jiji gay!! I would like to see that magazine XD I bet Yunho has many copy of that magazine >_<
Chapter 2: It's very good and interesting!! I like your writing style.. \OvO/
kamiokirby #3
Chapter 4: what does jiji mean in chinese? (do i sound stupid asking this?)
ITS AMAZING! The Yoosu is so funny XD
and the yunjae is cute!
Changmin has some good points... I feel sorry for him... having to live with 2 couples :(
yunjaemrcnn #4
Chapter 2: i loved it!!!!