
 Kim Kibum or rather the name he goes by, Key is a very talented boy. He can do basically anything. Master a foreign language. Cook a delicious meal. Sing and dance. Ace a very difficult Mensa-like test. Anything. However the one thing Key cannot do , is stand imperfections. He cannot the slightest bit see a strain of hair out of place. A plate unwashed. A pitch a bit too high. A scent too dull. A room too messy. That is why he never in his wildest dream thought that he would fall in love with his imperfect band mate, Kim Jonghyun. Because perfection in Key’s eyes was not a short, raptor-like boy,talk too much boy.


Kim Jonghyun loves music. He lives for it. He can go without food for it. He can die in content by listening to it. Every essence in his body is made up of tiny particles of notes and pitches. Every word he says comes out song-like. He can merely blink his eyes and a song appears in his head. That is why he’s the one who makes all if not most of the songs Vesper releases. However, Kim Jonghyun never in wildest dreams never thought he would love Kim Kibum more than he loves music. That is why he can no longer make music and sounds. Because Kim Kibum no longer wants to be in love with him anymore.


The way they became two lovebirds was fairly simple. Just  drunken kisses between the two band mates and love words exchanged between them.

“I love you Kim Kibum.” One kiss.

“I love you too.” Two kisses.



As the weeks got by, the two of them never told a soul that they were together. Not even Onew or Minho who stayed under the same roof. Their midnight rendezvous was exciting. Sneaking in the dorm. Stealing kisses. Exchanging winks. Holding hands when no one was looking. Ah, that moment was just magical. But soon the magic started to wear off. Key began to wonder why they never told anyone they were dating. So he asked

“Jong.” he traced Jonghyun’s abs. The two of them were and out of breath and being together.

“Yes.” Taking Key’s other hand and kissing his fingertips.

“Why we never told anyone we were dating?”

“I don’t know.”

“There must be reason.”

“Maybe it never seemed relevant to tell anyone.”

So why wasn’t it relevant Key thought. Shouldn’t two people in love tell the world they are? And that is the first crack in their relationship.



The second crack in their relationship was when the two of them were watching a watching a movie. Something about a guy finding a baby on his doorstep.

“I want to have kids one day.” Jonghyun declared.

“A boy that looks like me.” Jonghyun looked at Key.

“And a girl that looks exactly like you.” Tracing Key’s lips.

“I’m not a girl.” Key whispered. Hoping Jonghyun didn’t listen. They cannot have freaking kids that look like each other. Key didn’t have the right organs and he was sad he couldn’t give Jonghyun the things he wanted.


The crack that shattered everything was merely just a question asked by an interviewer.

“Vesper has been together for three years. So you guys probably know everything about each other.” the interviewer started.

“You could say so.”Onew smiled at the girl.

“So Jonghyun, can you tell me Key’s favourite colour?”

“Its green.” Jonghyun answered confidently. Its blue you idiot. And Jonghyun should’ve known that. Because people who love each other, care about these little things.



A few days later, when Key thought every thing through.

“Jonghyun.” Key sat next to the boy. The dorm was empty and it was the right moment to speak what he wanted to say.

“Yes.” Jonghyun looked up from his magazine.

“Maybe we shouldn’t do this anymore.”

“Do what anymore?”

“Be together.”

“Why?’ Jonghyun threw the magazine on the table and looked at Key.

“Because its not working. We’re just wrong for each other.” Because Key himself didn’t know why he wanted this break up. Things just didn’t feel right these days.  

“I think things are going great between us.”

“Its not.”

“Why not?”

“Because people in love should want to declare their love for each other entire world. Because you want things we can’t have. Because you said I liked green.” Key nearly shouted.

“You don’t love me anymore. Is that it?” Jonghyun glared at Key.

“Don’t say that. You know how much I love you.”

“And I love you too. So why can’t that be enough? Isn’t that the only thing important in a relationship?”

“Sometimes, love isn’t enough.” Sometimes love can be wrong too.

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chap28:i'm good at short and stupid endings


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Chapter 9: OMG
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 28: Wow.... can't believe it is already over. Love this story so much i read it in one shot. Thank you for a wonderful story. Hope you can write many more! :)
BANANee #3
Chapter 28: Omfg omfg 2:25AM, I finally found the perfect story to suffice my 2min heart. I finally found the perfect author that would suffice our 2mins' heart. Ilysm I could kiss you rn JEJSSJSKKSDDKFKJKIW
Chapter 28: A happy ending is always a good ending to look forward to. Loved it and just for you and your amazing writing a you get one more subscriber .
Authornim love you
Hwighting !!
Chapter 27: This was so emotional on so many levels . I wish a boyfriend like Minho pops up in our lives too?! Authornim hwighting !!
Chapter 25: That went smoothly . Good going . Hwighting !!
Chapter 24: When i read Minho's father got a lady-love ..... I almost wished it shouldn't be Taemin's mum because it would just make things hella awkward but now this has happend. Oh well.
Chapter 23: Don't ever give Minho's heart back ever it belongs to you Taemin. And Minho be a better boyfriend and get Taemin to go through counselling, you will be helping your lover better that way .
Chapter 22: Hmmmmm good riddance of them hair *cries in corner for the hair cut because god they looked so good on Taemin's head*

I will miss Taemin with long hair always but he looks cute in any hair color and hair style ♡♡
Chapter 21: Cuteeeeee