Lazy Dog Day - Part II

It's Not As Cool As It Seems

Lazy Dog Day - Part II


            “Thanks for going with me YoonKi-ah,” ChoMin said with a grin as she walked side by side with her friend down the busy streets of downtown Seoul.

            “It’s no problem,” YoonKi dismissed with a wave of his hand, “We’re friends, I’m glad to help you look for an internet café. Why do you need to go to one anyway?”

ChoMin blushed, remembering the embarrassing incident when JaeJoong found out. “My cousin’s friend found out about my fanfic and he’s been teasing me.”

            “Aish,” YoonKi cussed, totally knowing how that felt like. “I know what you mean. Can’t a person write their DBSK fanfics in peace?”

            “Exactly my point!” ChoMin agreed, “Yah, is this the place?” she asked, pointing to the internet café across the street.

In large English letters, words Haneul Café(*) hung off a sign above the building on the corner of the street. YoonKi and ChoMin waited for the green light before crossing the street and entering the PC Room. Inside the lights were dimmed low, but the place wasn’t dark at all – there was more than enough light from the 60 or so computers in the room. As soon as ChoMin entered, there was a counter with a cash register on her right. The teen at the cash register smiled suggestively at ChoMin as she handed him the cash. ChoMin managed a polite smile, but mentally gagged for the guy’s face was cover with zits and his long, oily hair stuck together around his face.

Thankfully YoonKi draped his long arm around shoulder and pulled her close, giving the teen a ‘back-off’ look. Getting the hint, the greasy young man handed ChoMin her change, giving her the number of the computer she was to use along with it. YoonKi led her away, dropping his arm to his side.

            “Thanks YoonKi,” ChoMin smiled, patting him on the back.

            “Don’t mention it,” YoonKi grinned, “I learned from JeeWoon. So she wouldn’t beat up the poor sap that would hit on her, I’d act like her boyfriend so they would back off.”

            “Haha, that’s funny,” laughed ChoMin, too busy with YoonKi to notice a tall man with his friends in front of her.

It was then she collided with said man and with a soft thud, the books he held went crashing down.

            “Omo! I’m sorry!” ChoMin instinctively replied in English, and bent down to pick up the books.

            “Woot, did you hear that?” the chubby friend hollered in the background. He had a buzzed haircut and was rather oddly shaped, like a pear.  “She spoke English. Damn! I want a piece of that!”

            “Yah!” ChoMin yelled, standing up with her eyes narrowed, “Who do you think you are?!”

ChoMin stopped in mid-scream, holding out the book in front of her. Her eyes grew huge as she gazed at the tall and handsome man in front of her.


The man in question stood tall, staring down at her with one raised eyebrow. To ChoMin, he looked so handsome – the same spiky hair and the same cool expression. His outer white and red striped shirt was left ed, showing off the outline of his well toned pecks from his black undershirt. Two army dog-tags hung around his neck and the same white vans that he always wore adorned his feet. Yup, ChoMin could have almost drooled at the sight of him.

NakMin’s other friend grabbed the book for him, and casually placed a hand on his shoulder. This friend was just as slim as NakMin but slightly shorter, he had a kind smile and pretty cool hair. “Wooo,” he snickered, “Seems like you two are familiar with each other.”

He snorted, elbowing his friend in the rib, “Dude, she’s my little sister’s best friend.”

            “Aw, well that’s not so bad,” his friend said, rubbing the side NakMin elbowed. He then moved closer to ChoMin, eyeing her from to toe.

            “C’mon, let’s go,” NakMin ordered, pushing pass his friends. His friends followed, goofing off behind him.

            “I’ll see you in class tomorrow!” ChoMin yelled after him with a giddy smile. She was happy to have at least one class with him. After running into him that one time she sneaked into his summer class, she was excited that they shared one class this semester.

            “Dude! She’s in your class? That’s even sweeter!” the chubby one replied, patting NakMin on the back as they left. “She’s almost as hot as your sister! Get me her number.”

            “That’s gross,” NakMin mumbled, shoving his friend out the door, but spared ChoMin a lazy wave as he left.

ChoMin sighed, starring dreamily after him. ‘JaeJoong who?’ her inner mind asked with a squeal, ‘Yup, he could be my new love…’ she thought, remembering the talk she had with YooChun. Honestly, ChoMin wouldn’t mind if she fell for NakMin; he was in her league. She shook her head, knowing that reaching for JaeJoong was like reaching for the stars – totally impossible. Now…only to get close to NakMin more…

            “Earth to ChoMin,” YoonKi waved his hand over her glazed eyes, “He left like 6 minutes ago. You’re starting to look stupid.”

ChoMin swatted his hand away from her face and pushed him forward towards their computers. “Yah, YoonKi-ah?” she started, sitting down on the computer numbered 11.

            “Hmmm?” replied YoonKi, moving the mouse of his computer.

            “Why didn’t you say hi to my NakMinie?”

YoonKi stopped and gave her a skeptical look. When she didn’t hear YoonKi’s immediate reply, ChoMin pried her eyes away from the computer screen and faced him.


He cocked an eyebrow skeptically, “‘my NakMinnie’?”

ChoMin laughed, turning back to her computer. She smiled and began typing on the keyboard. “So what if I call him that secretly?” She mumbled, but then said with a stronger voice. “You didn’t answer my question.”

            “I don’t know him that much,” he shrugged.

            “Hun, you guys are neighbors!”

            “So? I haven’t talked to him in like 10 years… ever since he borrowed my Transformers and never gave it back.”

ChoMin laughed, typing away to finish the essay that was due the next day. Really, she needed to manage her time better – she had planned to work on her essay the whole day, but she got so caught up in the whole BongCha business that it escaped her mind.

            “I forgot to ask,” Yoonki said, “But how are your classes? How many hours are you taking again?”

            “I'm taking 18," ChoMin said, but YoonKi looked at her speechless. She glanced over to his shocked face, and asked, “Muh?”

            “18 hours?” YoonKi exclaimed in shock, “How the hell can you be taking 18 hours, that's double what a full-time student is taking. How many classes is that... like 6 classes. How are you managing?”

ChoMin shrugged, not really understanding what the big deal is. “It's not that bad. I'm only taking Biology and Chemistry with labs at the campus in the afternoon, all my other classes are online with very lax schedules.”

            “ChoMin-ah... You're freaking superwoman, you know that?” YoonKi said, shaking his head in disbelief.

She laughed, giving him a friendly wink. “Eh, I do try.”


            “Why you! I didn’t think you were capable of saying such a thing!” BoA exclaimed, twisting the cord of her phone as she lay down on her pink plush bed.

Kwan BoA – one of Asia’s brightest star, the Kpop Princess who crossed boundaries and made it big in Japan, the very pride of SM Entertainment – was reduced to that of a giggling school girl with a crush. She was immensely popular in Japan; she produced hit after hit and was considered Korea’s highest paid artist. And only one man was capable of bringging this upon her – it was none other than Park YooChun. She lay flat on her back, her beautiful chestnut hair spread all around her like a halo as she talked to YooChun.

            “YooChun-ah, you really do have a way with words,” she said with a smile on her face.

            “What do you mean?” YooChun’s voice said over the phone, “I only say the truth.”

            “Anyways,” BoA started, sitting up straight on her bed, “Like I said before you interrupted with your flattery, I’m just so excited to be going back to Korea! I mean, it’s been so long, and I’m afraid that my fans there have forgotten about me.”

            “That won’t happen,” YooChun said confidently, “You’re just too unforgettable.”

BoA giggled, her cheeks beginning to sport a red-ish tint. “Stop! I’m being serious –”

            “So am I,” she heard him say seductively.

She rolled her eyes and ignored his comment, “Yah! You better not act like that when I get there. I don’t want rumors to start up.” She chuckled, “Tabloids would have a field day! Can you imagine: Headlines! Dong Bang Shin Ki’s Micky YooChun and BoA – Friends or Secret Lovers?”

            “I prefer the ‘Secret Lovers’. It has a certain ring to it, don’t you think?,” YooChun teased suggestively.

            “Yah! I only said yes 3 days ago, and now we’re secret lovers?” BoA grinned despite herself, “Aren’t you getting a little ahead of yourself there lover boy?”

            “Only because it’s you,” YooChun replied, “Man, I can’t wait till you come next week, then we could be a proper couple.”

It was then that it struck BoA, she and YooChun were a couple. Sure it was early in the relationship, but they were considered an item now. She smiled as she fondly remembered the day he asked her out. They had been talking to each other via web cam one night, as usual, and he was a bit nervous and fidgety. When BoA had called him out on it, he sighed and admitted his feelings for her. At first she had been taken aback, and it took a few days before she realized something – she liked him back too.

            “YooChun-ah…” BoA said, “It’s only going to be for a few days. So let’s make it the best it can be, araso?”

            “Yes Ma’am!”


ChoMin watched the cars go by on the dark streets of Seoul. She sighed, waiting patiently for YunHo to pick her up from McDonalds. Though it was nearing 9 o’ clock, there were still many patrons eating at the establishment, and ChoMin knew that it was better to be in a crowd of people when she’s alone. After spending a good 4 and a half hours in the PC Room, ChoMin and YoonKi decided it was best to go to McDonald’s for dinner around 8. They had sat and chatted about YoonKi growing up next to JeeWoon and having an anti-DBSK sister. ChoMin had told him that her mom was a teacher and that her dad worked for the US army. But now, YoonKi had left about 15 minutes before and ChoMin still waited for her oppa to pick her up.

Bored out of her mind, she decided to call JeeWoon. She slid open her phone and pressed the number 3, her speed dial for her friend. After the 6th ring, JeeWoon’s tired voice picked up.


            “JeeWoon-ah!! You sound like crap, what happened?” ChoMin asked with a smile.

She heard her friend sighed, “I just got back from working at my Appa’s restaurant. I needed the extra cash since I blew all my savings shopping with you last week.”

            “Aw, well how about working on your DBSK fanfic? That’ll relieve some stress,” ChoMin offered.

           “You’re right,” JeeWoon replied, “I would, but that stuipid son-of-a-brother-of-mine, is hogging up the computer.”

           “Omigawsh!” ChoMin exclaimed “I just bumped into your oppa and dude! He’s so hot!” 

            “Uh, nice,” JeeWoon replied totally grossed out, “Can we not talk about him please?”

            “Aww, why not? He’s soooo cute; I just want to him!”

            “Ah! You nasty! That’s my brother! Ew!”

            “Oh come on,” ChoMin replied, taking a bite out of her cold hamburger. “You’d be like that if you had liked someone.”

There was a prolonged silence over the phone. After a minute, JeeWoon replied with a solemn tone, “I haven’t liked anyone in a long time…”

            “For real? Why not?” ChoMin exclaimed, totally unconvinced. “You’re pretty; you have big s, surly you could get any guy you want. Tell me when and who!”

            “It’s not something I want to talk about…”

            “Huh?” ChoMin wondered, “Why not?”

            “Well I haven’t really talked about it with anyone,” JeeWoon replied hesitantly.

ChoMin felt a bit hurt. Over the course of her stay in Korea, she had thought of JeeWoon as the sister she had always wanted. With a quivering voice, ChoMin asked, “Why, you don’t trust me?”

            “It’s not that,” she heard JeeWoon whisper, “It’s just… I don’t know…”

            “JeeWoon-ah…” ChoMin said with concern, “What happened?”

She heard her friend sigh over the phone, and she pressed her ear closer the phone to hear her better, “You’re like the only person I told since it happened,” ChoMin heard, “You have to promise me that you’ll never ever repeat or do anything about it…”

            “I promise I won’t…” ChoMin promised, dropping her fry.

            “Araso, when I was in my first year of junior high,” JeeWoon started, her voice holding a bit of repressed pain, “I had this friend that I’ve known for a long time; she was my best friend… but she isn’t anymore…”

There was a pause as JeeWoon took time to collect her thoughts. ChoMin could understand, it’s hard to lose a friend. In fact, ChoMin herself felt that she was slowly losing Daisy – they haven’t even talked once, since she arrived in Korea! She even used the socks she had bought for Daisy. By now, she started to feel like JeeWoon was her best friend, and felt a bit guilty for it.

            “There was this guy that I really really liked,” JeeWoon admitted softly. Her words were so pure and innocent. “He was my first love, a really big deal for me… well, she was the only one I ever told but she… and she promised me she would help me. But the next day I saw them holding hands. That looked at my direction and waved with a smile.”

ChoMin was pissed. Who the hell did JeeWoon’s ex best friend think she is? “What the hell? I’ll kick freakin’ her !”

The people eating around ChoMin stared at her after her outburst, but she was too angry to care. JeeWoon chuckled, making ChoMin ease up a bit.

            “Don’t worry,” said JeeWoon with a smug tone, “I told her off and walked away all cool.”

Suddenly, ChoMin’s phone began to vibrate. Taking a look at her cell phone screen, ChoMin cussed. “Oh ! It’s my cousin, YunH –” she began to say.  . ‘Please please pleeeease tell me she didn’t hear,’ she thought

            “Did I just hear you say YunHo?” asked JeeWoon with a curious tone.

            “Ani! Ani, ani, ani!” ChoMin exclaimed, terrified that JeeWoon caught on. She spilled her drink, and she hurried to clean it up. “Pffft why would U-know YunHo be my cousin? That’s like crazy… haha”

            “Uh huh…” JeeWoon said, not believing her one bit, “What are you hiding from me? And I know you are! Because all those times… You always say it’s a coincidence or a slip of the tongue.”

ChoMin’s mind was in a panic! Her phone was still vibrating because YunHo called her, people started to stare at her weirdly, and she didn’t know what to say to JeeWoon. “What are you talking about?” she denied, “I-I’m not hiding anything from you… It’s nothing.”

            “Ok whatever, I see how it is…” JeeWoon replied coldly, “I just told you my biggest secret, and you won’t even tell me. If it’s nothing, then why are you trying so hard to hide it?”

            “I just –”

            “Just spit it out,” JeeWoon interrupted.

She couldn’t take it anymore! She hated lying, especially when she couldn’t think of a good lie. So she opted to tell the truth, hopeful that JeeWoon would understand. “I can’t tell you! God! I WANT to! I swear, I’ve been dying to tell you, but I can’t! Because it would jeopardize everything! And... it's not my secret to tell.”

           “Hmm…” said her friend, her voice unreadable. “Araso…”

Great. Just great. It seemed like JeeWoon was mad at her. ChoMin frowned, not liking how the situation unfolded. “JeeWoon-ah, are you mad at me?”

She heard her friend sigh and replied, “Ani. Just a little disappointed.”

ChoMin saw YunHo’s car pull up in front of McDonalds. Taking her tray, ChoMin dumped the contents into the trashcan and pushed open the glass door. “Look, if I could I’d tell you right now… But you got to believe me! I’m sworn to secrecy,” she said, trying to pacify her friend. Then she had an idea. Maybe if she talked to YunHo… ChoMin smiled. “Just give me a little time, I need to ask first.”

         “Araso…I got to go, I’m gonna take a shower.”

ChoMin walked towards YunHo’s car a few meters away, pulling on her sweater to keep her warm. “See you are mad at me!”

         “Ani! I haven’t taken a shower in 2 days, soooo… are you going to tell me on my birthday?”

And just like that, as ChoMin neared YunHo’s car, the mood between her and JeeWoon changed. She knew the other girl couldn’t stay mad at her, especially when she didn’t do anything wrong. Happy for the change in subject, ChoMin replied enthusiastically:

            “Oh! Yeah! Your birthday!” she exclaimed, jumping up and down. Inside, YunHo eyed his cousin strangely, wondering why she was jumping in circles. ChoMin was happy; she leaned against the passengers’ door as if YunHo wasn’t waiting for her., “It’s in like 2 weeks, right? Woohoo party!!! Karaoke!” she the exclaimed with enthusiasm.

            “Neh… I’m only inviting you and YoonKi-ah,” JeeWoon replied bluntly.

By now YunHo had enough; he rolled down the window and yelled at ChoMin to hurry up. “Yah! You can talk in the car, can’t you? I want to go home already.”

ChoMin glared at him, but pulled the handle open. “Yah, JeeWoon-ah, I got to go. My ride here is being impatient.” And with a quick goodbye from her friend, ChoMin slid her phone closed.

            “Aish,” YunHo cussed, hitting the gas petal hard, which the car forward and into the streets. He remained focus on the road, once in a while glancing at ChoMin.

            “Jung ChoMin, you shouldn’t keep me waiting when you ask for rides you know,” said YunHo sternly. "Especially since I could have been relaxing, instead of driving - "

            “Miene Oppa,” she said sweetly, looking at him with pouty eyes. “I was so caught up, I forgot. Miene.”

YunHo sighed, knowing he couldn’t scold her; besides, he was a bit too tired to scold anyone. “Just don’t do it again,” he said, “Your oppa is busy, and I don’t always have the time to come and pick you up.”

            “Araso!” ChoMin said cutely, giving YunHo a quick peck on the cheeks. “You’re so cool Oppa.”

YunHo beamed with pride. Yup, ChoMin really knew what to say to get out of trouble. Sitting back in her seat, ChoMin stared out the window, watching the buildings go by and thinking about her plan. She wanted to ask YunHo if maybe, possibly that she could tell JeeWoon and YoonKi about their relations. After knowing them for months, ChoMin completely trusted her two friends.

            “Oppa…” ChoMin began sweetly.

            “Aish,” YunHo knew that tone. It was the same tone that every woman in the Jung family used when they wanted something. And while he knew what she would ask was something crazy, he also knew he couldn’t say no when a Jung woman wanted something. It was a weakness that the males in his family suffered from. “What is it?”

            “You know how BongCha unnie knows about our secret,” YunHo knew that ChoMin had used the term ‘unnie’ mockingly, but he didn’t want to address it. He just continued to listen to her, “Well… It’s hard being the only one. I mean, I always have to lie to my friends or something and I hate doing that… so… I was wondering… could I please please please tell my friends Sohn JeeWoon and Na YoonKi?”

            “Absolutely not!” cried YunHo, utterly scandalized at the mere suggestion.

            “But Oppa!” ChoMin whined, pouting as she faced YunHo. He had to agree! There was no way she could continue lying to JeeWoon or YoonKi anymore.

            “Jung ChoMin! You just barely got by with Lee SooMan-sshi, and now you want to push it?”

            “I trust them! They are Dong Bang Shin Ki’s faithful fans, and they wouldn’t do anything to hurt Dong Bang Shin Ki. I promise.”

            “ChoMin-ah…” YunHo said carefully, hoping she would understand. “What you’re asking is really difficult.”

            “Oppa! Do you know how hard it was for me to keep this a secret?” ChoMin cried out in desperation. “I really want someone who’d understand me. I mean, they trust me, and I’m so sick of lying to them all the time. Please Oppa? It’s JeeWoonnie’s birthday in two weeks, and I wanted to tell her then…”

            “ChoMin-ah… It’s not my decision,” he sighed, but one look at her pleading face and he felt like giving in. She looked so desperate as if her very life depended on it. ‘She’s such a drama queen,’ YunHo thought.

ChoMin sat back against her seat, looking out the car window with her shoulders slumped and dejected. YunHo glanced at her every now and then, guilt gnawing at him for refusing her. She rarely asked for anything, and YunHo knew ChoMin was the type to only ask when she really really wanted something. He couldn’t just give her what she wanted though, it was impossible! He kept his eyes on the road ahead of him, thinking of what ChoMin had said. On one side, ChoMin really DID need someone she could fully talk to outside of Dong Bang Shin Ki, but on the other it was a risky thing. What if they weren’t as trustful as she had claimed? Then where would they be. But, YunHo was one to give the benefit of the doubt. YunHo sighed, hating the effect that Jung women had on him.

            “ChoMin-ah,” he called out, but she didn’t answer. “ChoMin-ah!”

Still was ignored.

            “Aish! ChoMin-ah!”

            “Muh?” she asked, the resentment in her voice was so clear. She still didn’t face him.

            “If you’re going to be like that, then I won’t talk to the guys and see what they think,” said YunHo with a growing smile. He glanced at her, waiting for her reaction. “I say you can tell your friends, but you’ll need to convince JaeJoongie and the rest.”

ChoMin’s eyes grew as large as saucers and she whipped around, surprised and in shock. Her reaction was like Christmas morning when you open the gift you so desperately wanted.

            “OMFG! Oppa!” ChoMin exclaimed, glomping YunHo as he drove. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Saranghae Oppa!”

The car swerved dangerously to the right in the dark streets of Seoul as its horn honked.

            “Yah! Jung ChoMin! You’re going to get us killed!!!”



Haneul – means Sky
Saranghae – I love you (informally)


Ahhh… that took forever to write -.- Ugh… I feel bad for promising to update, and then never doing it. Don’t believe me when I do that!!! Dx Anyway, a lot of things have happened in the DBSK world… I often find it too difficult to continue writing because of my sadness… As you all know by now, DBSK split up in to HoMin and JYJ…. And because of that, I feel so, broken? For lack of a better word.  I always keep the faith, but sometimes it wavers… So little by little, whenever I find the strength to continue to write instead of breaking down into tears knowing DBSK is separated… I write… …. Wow, I sound so obsessed and so overdramatic xD kekekeke Fortunately, DBSK doesn’t run my life, so I do get involved in other activities that detract me from writing as well. Hmmm, I don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad thing xDD hahaha well, I shall try to updae soon, but I won’t be making any promises. I’m just glad to have finished this before the new year.

Now, back to the fanfic - doesn't ChoMin seem a bit... whiny and manipulative? xD ahhh, Chominnie, guess you're not the angel I thought you were, tsk tsk. xD

Always Keep the Faith until all Five are ONE

Until Next time!

~ Asian_Innocence

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So... it's been about a year since I lasted updated. Sorry for that, I hope you can forgive me. I'm currently applying to Dental School, so I will be very busy.


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Clueless_Major #1
Thank you for updating! =D
Chapter 25: I just started reading this but I'm already addicted!
It's so addicting as first romance!
Update soon!!!
milligurf #3

I saw the trailers, they were really good!!! I can't wait to actually read it! :D
angelcry12 #4
wahhh!!! i just started to read your fanfic today up till chapter 22. I just couldn't stop. I can't wait for the next chapter :) and surprisingly I'm really excited to find out how nakmin will fit into the story

Please update soon :D
wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? i really love cho min and yunho's cute cousinly love at the end :3
I would really like to see ChoMin's and JaeJoong's relationship really start to form. lol! Their so cute! But I LOVE the bestfriend relationship between ChoMin and YooChun! It's sweet, cute, and funny! I love it! Update soon please!!:D
piggy- #7
I don't know why...but I'm a lot more interested in JeeWoon's brother rather than DBSK. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL<br />
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This whole time I've been wondering where he has gone to. XDDDD
DBSKAngel011 #8
luv this haha poor chomin has competition for jaejoong, luv yoochun, junsu, and changmin
melanarbs #9
yey!!!! an update!!!!!!!!!! ~throws confetti<br />
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i'm happy that junsu got his much needed closure. :D <br />
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i love chomin... really and her relationship with yoochun... it makes me smile. besties... ^^<br />
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aww chomin is the cutest! i can't wait for your next updates! i love this story ^_^