This is my family

Our love can overcome any obstacle


I do not recognize, you're another person

Taemin was in her favorite literary café, sipping a coffee realizes that a beautiful woman is entering, taemin sulli could not believe it was, without thinking it is about
Taemin: sulli?
Sulli? Taemin?, Are you? I can not believe Taemin!
Sulli really was not angry with taemin nevertheless he was her best friend
Taemin: I was surprised, but I never saw you, you left, you said you hated me, you know how much I suffered
Sulli, I'm sorry, you did not have primarily to blame.
Taemin then felt bad, of course that was to blame the krystal and had planned everything, suddenly sulli cell phone rings rings
Sulli: alo? If I'm in a cafe, I met a person, I hope you clear oh
Taemin: (in thought) this beautiful as always, I'm so sorry sulli ...
Sulli: sorry, it was an important call, you want to come with me to meet someone
Taemin: who?
Sulli: you'll see (laughs)
After chatting a moment sulli beckons a man with a child, taemin the stares.
Sulli: I present to go soo jin ya go, my family
Taemin: your family? You married? You have a son?
Sulli wanted to say that even he was not married but out of respect to go jin just nodded
Go yin: omma! Who is?
Go soo: taste.
The four are sitting
Sulli: he is a good friend of amma, you can tell dude! Okay taemin?
Taemin: ooh!, Of course you can tell me dude
Even taemin was in schock sulli could not believe that he had a son and was married unless
Go talk to soo sulli and taemin are watched a beautiful family, was first happy for her
Sulli: good taemin, talked mask other day, I have to go, as you know my number call me, beware!
Go soo. Go sulli jin goodbye and gives him a big hug, all 3 are literary coffee
Taemin sulli thought is no longer the same as before is now a happy woman immensely happy.
Meanwhile go soo told they were going to go see the school and school jin football
Sulli: I would be happy to go jin in school and if you do not have problems at school
Go soo: of course, if we have to we will always be happy
Sulli nodded, went to school and had seemed the most appropriate, enrolled him in school, he immediately went to the school to see how football was.
Minho was injured would be so close to five months for rehabilitation, was in the sports, I felt something strange in his heart, he sensed that something was going to happen
Go soo Sullii and had come to the city were great sports was suddenly jin goo is released from the hands of their parents runs very strong and falls, sulli immediately realizes that the child has fallen and goes in search of the one person helps a child to stand while cleaning your clothes
Gojin: thank you sir
Sulli runs up asking if you've been hurt, not realizing that nothing has happened thanks him regardless who is minho stares.
Minho: you not recognize me?
Sulli: forgiveness? You? .. minho?
In the face of a tear runs minho, which sensed his heart was true today was going to be a great day
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congratulations on your first story :) keep up the good work :)
4everus #2
MinSul!!!! <3
nana4ever #3
Chapter 2: good job....please update Bueno!!!!