Moment To Be Remembered


A story for 3 ladies who fall in love with 3 popular guys in school. Most romantic event happening in their life.


It’s Monday morning. The time is 8am. The weather is so cold due to heavy rain yesterday. It is a nice weather to snuggle under the blanket and enjoy the wonderful dream that we have. Even though the rain has stopped the only sound that u can hear is just a rain drop tapping on the window panel. Suddenly....

 “Oh my God!! Sasha! Leatrice! WAKE UP!! We are late for class!!” Janelle screamed. Grab her towel and rush to the toilet. Leatrice rubbing her eyes and cover herself with comfy blanket “Huh?? Class?? What class?? It’s Sunday.” with her half sleep voice. Janelle open the toilet door. She is in her white bathrobe with a towel on her head. “It’s Monday u lazy bum. It’s our first day college. C’mon!! We not supposed to be late on our 1st day of campus.” Heard that, Both Sasha and Leatrice rush to the toilet. The house turns chaos as the 3 girls rushing with time as it is their first day of campus. They left the house in a hurry without having any breakfast. They quickly rush to the bus-stop to catch a bus. The journey from their house to the campus takes about 20 mines. Finally they reached their destination.

The 3 girls stood outside the campus. “WOW!! This campus is too big... I bet we gonna get lost in the campus on our first day of school.” Sasha said while looking at the building of the school. Suddenly there is a loud commotion happening. As they turn around, all the girls crowded around the 3 guys. It’s as though they are popular in the campus. The girls just stood there and watch the 3 guys react to the crowded girls. Suddenly 1 guy saw the 3 girls and signalling his 2 friends. They smile and nod their head as in “Hi” to the 3 girls. Sasha wave “Hi” back to him with a big smile. Janelle nods her and smile. Leatrice try to wave at them but she drops her books on the floor. They realised they late for class. Leatrice quickly picked up her books and the 3 girls rush to the class.


It’s 12 noon. It’s time for a break. The 3 girls were starving because they didn’t have any breakfast in the morning. They head to the canteen. The canteen is so crowded. It’s impossible to find a place to seat. So they bought their food and head outside the canteen. There is a small garden where not many people hang around there. It’s a beautiful place to sit and relax. All u can hear is a bird chirping and a sound of the water fountain. The girls sit next to the water fountain and enjoy their lunch. They have a great conversation when suddenly “Hi, do u mind if we join u girls for lunch? The canteen is so crowded inside.” Janelle turns her head and tries to respond to the question but there no reaction from her. Finally Leatrice voice out “Sure u can join us. Have a sit.” The 3 boys sitted down and introduce themselves to the girls. “Hi, I’m Onew. Nice to meet u.” Said Onew. “Hi. I’m Key.” Smile Key to Leatrice. “My name is Minho. Nice to meet you girls. Are you guys a new student here?” Said Minho in his manly voice. “Yes we are... I’m Leatrice. U can call me Lea. That is Janelle and this is Sasha.” The 3 girls said hi and smile. All 6 of them having a nice chat together and exchange they contact numbers to each other. When the bell rings, they head back to class and said bye to each other. They can’t believe that they get to know the popular boys in school where all girls are crazy about. They feel so lucky.


6 months have passed. All of them are very close to each other now... They will always hang-out together during break time and after school. There are gossips spreading in the school saying that they are couples. But they don’t really care about what people said. Some of the girls jealous of Leatrice, Janelle and Sasha. Janelle and Onew are so close to each other. They don’t talk a lot when they see each other. Mostly they will send text messages. Every time when Janelle received a message, she will smile to herself. Sasha and Leatrice can see from her face that she totally in love with Onew. On Saturday night Janelle will sneak out from the house and go on a date with Onew when the 2 girl were asleep. Leatrice and Key always went out on weekends. They will go shopping every week. Till Lea wardrobe is full with clothes and stuff. They know Lea won’t spend so much money on clothes every week. When in school, both of them will sit next to each other. They look like a couple. Sasha and Minho tend to be close as a friend in front of the other guys. But the way Minho look as Sasha, the others know that he have some feeling on her. But they just keep silent. Every morning, Sasha will wake up early because at 5.30am she will receive a message from someone. She will prepare some food and brings it to school. Well, that food is for Minho of course. She did prepare some food for the rest of them but most for Minho is abit special.

“Don’t u guys have any feeling for those girls?” Asked Onew as he put on his jacket. “Why did u ask?” Minho said in a curious voice as he adjusted his collar shirt. “Well, they such a sweet girls. They not like any other girls in the campus that we know. Personally, I like Janelle. She is sweet and cute, I must say. I love to be around her.” He said as get his sneakers and he get ready to go to campus. “Ya!! I can see the love puppy eyes when u saw her everyday.” Tease Key while checking his hair in the mirror. “I need to confess. I like Leatrice. When we together, I feel like we are in our own world. I think she is the one for me. She is my princess” Said key with a smile as he pictured Leatrice sweet smile in his thoughts. He pulls a necklace which he bought yesterday. It is a custom made necklace with an engravement of K Love L on the heart shape pendant with a few diamonds on it. In that pendant, there is a photo of him and Lea.  “Ok guys! Hurry up, we are late.” Said Minho. Grab his bag and head to the door. “Wait!” Shout Onew. “It’s only 8.30am. Our class starts at 10am. Why in a hurry? Oh... u got a date with Sasha in campus is it??” Minho just smiled and looks at his phone wallpaper. It’s a photo of him and Sasha taken at the campus few days ago. “Why not we do something special for our love ones?” Suddenly that thought run through Key’s mind. All 3 of them agree and plan on do something special for the person they love.

It’s Saturday. The 3 girls already have a plan to themselves. Janelle looks happy on that day. She woke up early. She cooked breakfast for the girls and get ready go out with Onew. Leatrice wake up with a cheerful smile on her face as today she has a date with Key. Sasha doesn’t feel like going out on that day. She was tired because she has to finish her assignment till late at night. It’s already 3pm. Janelle and Leatrice busy getting ready. Sasha just watches her favourite show on TV. Simply don’t bother about the commotion between Janelle and Leatrice.

Its 5pm. Janelle reached at the destination where Onew is waiting for her. From far, Janelle can see Onew smile and wave at her with a bouquet of flower in his hand. He gave the flower to Janelle and head down for dinner. After dinner, onew plan to bring Janelle to a mini concert where every weekend there will be various bands doing a gig on stage. It was the 1st time Janelle watch a gig. She was so fascinated with all the bands. They played original song which composed by them. As she enjoyed the song suddenly she realised Onew is not by her side. She searching for Onew when suddenly she heard a familiar voice “Hi everybody. I’m Onew. I would like to dedicate this song to someone who I truly love and care. I hope she love this song.” Janelle was shocked. Onew voice is so beautiful that she almost wanted to cry. When the song ended, everybody give him around for applause. “Thank you. I have something to say. Hi Janelle.” As he waved at you. You just sit and wave back to him with a smile. “We have known for each other for several months now. I know this will sound crazy to u. Will you be my girlfriend?” Ask Onew with his shy voice. Janelle was totally shock. She can’t say anything. All she can do is nod her head constantly. And finally she said “Yes. I do.” Onew was so excited. He jumps of the stage and run towards Janelle and hug her tightly. Everybody was so happy for them. Some of the audience cry with happiness. “Thank you for accepting my love. Wow! I was so nervous when I said that to you.” Said Onew with a big smile on his face. “I’m glad u did that. It’s the 1st time someone did something special for me like that in the public. I love u Oppa.” Said Janelle as tears roll down her soft pink cheeks. Onew wipe her teas away. “Yeobo, I got something for u.” Onew pull about a bracelet with Onew & Janelle name on it. He put on the bracelet around Janelle wrist and said, “I hope u never remove this bracelet coz this bracelet represent me. I want u to wear it everyday. Whenever u wear this, it’s the same as I will always be in ur heart.” Janelle nods her head and hug Onew so tight. Everybody become the witness on that night event.

Key waited for Leatrice at the usually meeting spot. He waited for Leatrice with a pounded heart beat. He was nervous on that day. He have surprise plan for Leatrice on that day. 10 minutes later Leatrice arrive. She wears Pink dress that Key bought for her, cute black shoes and Black clutch bag. She look so sweet and adorable like a doll. “Hey! Why u look at me like that? Is there something wrong with my outfit?” Leatrice ask in a curious voice. “You look beautiful, baby. Ooops! I mean Lea.” Said Key with a cute smile on his face. “Shall we go now?” Leatrice and Key head down to the mini theme park which was held her the beach. It was an open air movie in that day. While waiting for the movie to start at 7pm, they tend to have fun on the theme park. They played games on the booth, ride a merry-go-round, playing bumper cars and more. Key check his watch and this nearly time for the show. They quickly rush to the movie venue. The beach is so crowded but they manage to find a best seat. They played 50 First Date movie. It was a beautiful place to watch that show. Under the stars and cold wind gush once a while. Key noticed that Lea shivered a little due to the cold chill wind. He took of his jacket, put it around Leatrice shoulder and hug her. They have popcorns and cotton candy as the watch the show. As the show ended, there is something appear on the screen. It was a picture of Leatrice. She was speechless when she sees that. Key, who sit next to her simply look at her cute facial expression. Finally the screen shows a message “To my one and only baby girl, Leatrice. Will u be my girlfriend?” Leatrice look at the message and turns her head at Key with disbelieve facial expression as Key pull out the necklace that he bought a few days ago. “What? Don’t look at me like that. I need an answer from you. C’mon.” In his “angry” cute tone and pouted his lips as he waits for his sweetheart to answer his question. “Hey! Is that how u talk to your girlfriend? Gee... u are so unromantic.” Giggle Leatrice. “Is that a yes?? It is?” the look at his face makes Leatrice smile. He looks like a kid when he excited. He put on the necklace around Leatrice neck. She almost cried when she saw the engravement on the necklace. It’s the most beautiful pendant she ever saw. Key give her a sweet kiss on her lips and said, “I promise I will never leave u. U are so important to me. U’re my princess and I will always be with u. I love u so much, Baby.” It was a special night for both of them. The event organisation display a fireworks specially dedicated to both of them. It’s like a dream come true for Leatrice.


Sasha feels so lonely at home as 2 of her friends already left the house 15 mins ago. She looks at the time. It was 4.15pm. She seat on the couch and watch random channel on the TV as she feel so bored. "Beep!! Beep!!" she received a message. "Hey. Watcha doin? Not going out today. I bet u slept late last night." Sasha wonder how he knows she sleep late last night. "Yes, I slept late last night. At first I don't feel like going out but when my 2 mates leave the house 15 mins ago, I feel bored." replied Sasha to Minho through texting. 2 mins later she received a text again. "Well, since u feel bored, I thought of bringing u out for a dinner. I feel bored too. Key and Onew already left. I simply don't know where they heading too. Maybe a date? hehehehe... Maybe I also need to go for a date. Will u be my date for tonight?" Sasha laughs when she read the message. She simply said yes and get ready to meet Minho at the place where Minho wants to meet her.

It's 7pm when Sasha reached the place. Minho was waiting for her near the restaurant by the river. The restaurant that Minho booked is a posh looking restaurant. It's expensive too. Sasha did not know why Minho wants to meet her at that restaurant. "Hey! Finally you are here." Hugged Minho. "I'm sorry to keep u waiting." Said Sasha in apologetic voice. Minho just smiles and said it ok to her and entered the restaurant that has been booked by him. The restaurant is so beautiful. Yellow lights, classic decor, Beautiful chandeliers and a group of orchestra playing a classic song. The waiter directs them to their seats. Sasha looks at the surrounding with speechless look. "Are u ok? U look surprised." Said Minho with his charming smile. "It's my first time to enter this kind of restaurant. It's beautiful and I feel like I’m in a castle or something." Both of them smile. The waiter gives them the menu and they start ordering the food. They have a great conversation. It's the first time they talk about their real life story to each other. Suddenly Minho excuse himself to go to the gents. She just sit, enjoy the music and food while waiting for Minho to come back. 5 mins later, the lights was turn off. She was a bit shock. Then she saw a dim light coming towards her. It's a candle with a cake. It's not even Sasha's birthday yet. The waiter place the cake on the table and passes her a letter. She opens up the letter.

"I bet u surprise by this. Well, I actually have a feelings for u. whenever I with u, all my worries and stress simply gone. I feel so happy with u are beside me. I tend to get worried when u not in the campus. I try to text u when u not around but I’m scared. Tonight is the night where I have to confess all my feelings to u.

With Love,

Choi Minho


Then Minho, stand next to Sasha and kneel down on 1 knee. Sasha was puzzled for a moment. Everybody look at them with excited looks. "Minho, what are u doing? I feel so embarrassed." Blushed Sasha as she looks at them people around her. The orchestra plays a song by Faith Hill "There u'll be". It was Sasha's favorite song. "I have feelings for u ever since I first met u. Right those moments I know that u are the one for me. Now I can't keep it to myself anymore. Will u be my Ms.Right for the rest of my life?" as he pull a small black box. It was a ring with S&M logo on it. That logo is embedded with blue sapphire diamond. It's Sasha's favorite color. Sasha look at his face as he gave her a cute smile that he always did to impress her. "Oh my god! I can't breathe for a second." as she tries not to cry. She just nods her head as a sign of yes. Everybody clapped for them. Minho took Sasha hand and slipped on the diamond ring. It fits her well. He then kiss Sasha's hand and said thank you. Sasha stands up and hugs Minho with tears roll down her cheeks. "Are u crying?" Asked Minho with his worried voice "Yes. Thank you for making me feeling like I am the luckiest girl the world. I have to say that I love u too ever since we are together." Minho is so pleased with Sasha's respond. It is the best moment for them both. It's like a fairytale to them.

It's 11pm. All of them reached home safely. The girls didn't talk much on that night. They refresh up themselves and head to bed early with a smile on their face. As for the boys, they share the moment that had on that night. They were so happy that finally they are brave enough to make those moves to the one they love. It will be a brand new day tomorrow for all 6 of them. Hey! The gossip about them which spreading like a rapid fire in the campus turns out to be true after all.



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<3 it :D its so awesome :D